Becasue sequnetial ♥♥♥♥ FAILS How do i know this becasue i have removed 13 seq setups from 3rd gen rx7s and 4 porsche 911's. they suck they never or if they do for short term work right. Its a over complicated design that fails in 90 percent of applications.
But dont listen the guy who worked at mazda for years. I have seen every seq nightmare you can think and dont blame the parts, Mazda got sued for lifting the design from the 911.
The l28 would be pretty worthless anyway in a twin setup 3 cyl driving a charger get out of town talk about never in efficiency range of the compressor map.
Or turbos so small you wouldn't care.
Let alone doing all this on carbs.
The theroy of seq twins is sound, one small to driver the large removing lag. But if youre turbo is mapped right you wont have lag. I have driven pleny of cars thst made full boost at 1,700.
I will let TonyD elaborate on why they Fail
Think outside the box lol.......i build 4 rotor and 3 rotor engines from scratch perphial port 4,000 rpm idleing 14,000 rpm redline lol