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Everything posted by yetterben

  1. People are always having issues with trip's. I have never had a issue with tuning carbs or understanding how they work so i guess i dunno what all the hub bub is about. I tuned my triples in two tries and never ad the FLAT SPOT issue or anything. Throw them on there jet accordingly and off you go.
  2. ugh.....f body tails i think i am gonna barf.......
  3. what did you end up running for plugs i was gonna jump up to 8's
  4. looking for a drain pipe for the stock t3 setup.
  5. Heat soak is the issue with no return line
  6. *sigh* bump gotta be one out there
  7. wow junk ass flat tops even the euro flat tops are the suck
  8. detonation gremlins on 4 5 6 there is a thread at the top of the l series section. I am not gonna lock my dizzy this time around i am actually gonna slot the plate so it retards under pos pressure or just set max timing to 20 and go from there.
  9. wire wrap is avl from lots of locations, mostly used in computers to wrap power supply, at least thats what i use it for. search and you shall find it on google.
  10. 8 miles to the gallon sound about right. drop your afr and bump the timing. 2-4 degrees. Might wanna start thinking about the external cooling mod for 456 on the head. turboHLS30 i am throwing my setup together youre not alone. HKs for the win.
  11. VEry nice but you need to fatten up under boost man i would feel safer in the low 11's for sure.
  12. Those full doors available for purchase right now?
  13. Bump gotta be some turbos out there in good shape.
  14. Any options out there besides the msa one? Anyone hac the stock flange from the msa and weld a v band on to it. I had a msa header and 2.5 from the header back. Looking for something i can attach to my existing exhaust.
  15. yeah its what i am after all right. I thought some one had one for sale here 6 months ago for 500 bucks.
  16. i am after a one piece tilt front end
  17. look for a paxton. 5,500 on your motor will be about 10,12,000 rpms on that little blower. That thing will be out out of breath at 3 grand in your car.
  18. Thought i saw one before on here can anyone confirm.
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