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Everything posted by bubbleguinea

  1. david...like ive told everyone....give me some time...ive got to order a couple, and get them in my possession first.
  2. dont know...but i thought those holes were for some specific pullers???? they are deep within the pulley... ill post pictures tomorrow!
  3. one more thing, im going to post this here as well as zcar.com: ok guys!!! jeeze!!! first off...got to put out a disclaimer!!! im not trying to make any profit on this what-so-ever...just a little FYI i called up american today...and talked to a rep...a few interesting things happened a. they are "out again" on the 80055 dampner....they will be in stock shorty b. they have PLEANTY of the 90055 dampners, which are the 10k + high RPM dampners.... now...once again, my STORE'S prices are as follows: $56 PER PULLEY (80055) $8 to ship to my store $154 PER PULLEY (90055) $8 to ship to my store the more pulleys ordered, the less it would cost to ship to store per pulley... sooo...... ive got to figure out how to do this...i can't order 20 pulleys at a time....so just try to stay in contact with me via email, facebook, AIM and i will get done what i can get done....ive got 100 other things im doing at the same time...to start off, im going to go ahead and order 5 or the 80055 pulleys and 2 90055 pulleys tomorrow at work. Once again, i am making NO profit off of these pulleys, and i have no intention to. thanks
  4. yeah, the powerforce plus is SFI rated at 10K rpm or more...
  5. see that would be awesome, but what if they did it, and it poped the plug out and saved the block, like my friends L28 i think it mostly has to do with luck....and not freezeing completely all the way through....
  6. i dont think im getting picked on at all!!! im just relaying information from my co-workers...thats all in ALL of our automotive books, they are listed, from the factory, as FREEZE plugs and EXPANSION plugs....companies such as Doorman, and motomite.... once again: to clarify: i agree with yall completely.... im just trying to convice these guys...but its not working.... some information they have found, is that "plug holes" in block are used for the casting process AS WELL AS for "freeze plugs" i.e. some are from the cast molding....... their reasoning is that why would you need 6 holes on one side, 6 on the other, and two up front, and two and back, if they were all for these "casting holes"???? once again, just relaying information long live core plug
  7. yeah...its a single groove...exact same one MSA sells...
  8. john..ive done everything...my rear brakes lock up fine (gravel road check) the shoes are as close as they can be to the drums...and my adjustment is all the way.... i guess these cables just wear out after 30 years of service??? teamnissan...GREAT point!!!! im going to do just that...put my adjustment back in the middle, and cut the cable!!! thanks!
  9. So for those who had Nissan's comp dampner, the euro one...i think we all know there was some guy selling ones on ebay a while back...powerforce was it??? well they went on backorder for a long time, now low and behold MSA is selling them for $120..... well..... where i work, we deal with American Performance and look what just came in the door from the UPS guy!!!! now, how much did it cost me??? $55 + shipping to the store with my discount. how much do we sell them to walkins?? $85 now---i can order as many as i want, this is the exact same part MSA sells...part numbers match and everything... IF INTERESTED....contact me via PM or email....ive had such a hard time recently finding these, and i cant believe we deal with this company, i had no idea till i was going through some paperwork!!! im not trying to sell or anything, im just letting people know i can (and will) give my discount to those if they need this pulley... cant wait to mount it...the brochure that comes with it says its good to 7500 RPM....they spun it at that for 1 hour...so it passed.... cant wait to install!
  10. so does anyone have any upgrades for their ebrake??? seems mine is adjusted as tight as it will go, but it : a. wont lock wheels at speed (lets say 30mph) b. takes a lot of clicks to "engage" c. doesnt engage fully- i.e. i can be on a steep hill, have it maxed out, and it barely holds the car.... does the cable wear out? theres no replacement anywhere for cheap...i was thinking about getting a solid steel cable and replacing it...but i havent figured out how i would do that yet... hmmmmmmmm
  11. i think that specific blue 2+2 looks awesome... to me...i think window tinting also plays a part... i mean look below at mine...black wheels, black hood, black windows, and orange car...from any angle, my car looks really good.... but before when my windows werent tinted, it looked gay
  12. wait----water injector on an NA??? whats your setup???
  13. i agree with scottie... i drive my car at least 50-70 miles per day to get to school and back... not to mention trips to florida, savannah, helen....blah blah. its my only car, and my only source of driving!!!! so far, the past two years, ive put 26k miles on the new odometer!!!! and its pretty fast too.....low 13's on an NA l28
  14. no- they just had sex a lot more
  15. "I measured before hand and figured the 53inch width with the plastic 'chute folded up would get me where I need to be... I was wrong by half an inch..." thats awesome....sounds like something i'd do... when i read that last line i laughed out loud... at least you have a nice new mower!!! i still jump on the mowers and mess with them when i get to home depot with my father
  16. ohhhh opps.... i richened up my HIGH map values and it gurgled...so i gave up... tomorrow, im just going to set that sucker on ZERO for fuel from like -24mm/hg and upwards...that should give me some flames heheh...this is going to be fun. ohhh and lower timing, equals hotter combustion tempatures GJC5000...
  17. yeah, but retarding timing= less power
  18. so for us SDS owners...since we only have an accell value, i guess that means we rich out the upper MAP sensor settings, since it goes to like -26mm/hg when we let off the gas in high RPM???
  19. omg---- beautiful smokes a little bit though...
  20. its really wierd...just like you guys have been saying... 2+2's only look good in certain colors....dark blue not being one of them.... seems like brighter colors dont accent the back of the car so much, so they looks "better"
  21. how about NA powered L28 cars that get 13k+ miles per year
  22. so heres another question........i do not understand---- the way water expansion will work, is it will freeze and take the easiest way out...this way is the freeze plug....not cracking iron........ if you drill a safe with a 2 inch hole at the top, fill it to the brim with water, and freeze the safe, the water will expand and dribble out the top, and freeze....the safe wont crack!!! so if you put a press fit plug in that same hole, freeze it , the frozen water will take the path of least resistance!!! is that not correct???? ive got people at work (Main Auto Parts) who will argue left and right saying the CORRECT term is FREEZE PLUGS...and im realying all this information to them, but they still insist about the physical properties of water when it freezes.....
  23. why is there tape on the car in the race shots???? stop paint chipping???
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