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Everything posted by bubbleguinea

  1. sumitro...however, A1 cardone, wagner, airtex, and many other remanfauctures reman them... the a1 cardone number is 19-823 and 19-824 i believe...
  2. i used to drive my 40miles round trip to work everyday....plus school....plus 400+miles vacation.... ive put 25000 miles on her since she was rebuilt in three years
  3. isnt that what the 00's model sentra SE-R spec V had??? two sets of butterflies?
  4. ever heard of an IMRCV? intake manifold runner control valve???? i think its the 3.8 for windstar motor....mid 90's??? we sell the part to a lot of warehouses...
  5. they are accurate-within like 15 yards or something...but the older ones speed refresh rate is pretty slow.... never tried a new one.....hmmmmmm
  6. seeing a Z spedo hit 140mph is fun, isnt it??? im 100% its not really 140-but still...to see it hit that high-makes me feel reaaaaallll good. this was on a deserted interstate, right? GO PHIL!
  7. throw out bearing going bad? did you replace it?
  8. soooo- i did the swap, mounted upside down, did some mods to the upper bracket, and it works. it works real good. the only thing is, at idle, it will only put out like 12.2 volts. constant. Its a reman one, an 80amp, made by Worldwide (remy) whats up? you think its just a bad one? im going to switch to the 100amp (thd different looking fan) and try that. i cant figure it out. ive got good wiring...hmmmm i left the smaller pulley on the new alternator, so that should help it spin faster, right?
  9. thanks for mentioning me---loser. this thread made me cry.
  10. hahahah - you wish. IF the thing fires up i will be impressed...actually, i wont, because i know it WILL fire up. the thing is, IF it runs for more than 14 minutes, THEN, and only then i'll be impressed.... then its just a matter of time, or miles, untill the thing breaks apart....engines arent legos. im not jealous at all. funny though, it was "supposed" to be running over a year ago, and it still isnt running....i would be doing the same thing-taking my sweet time-if i didnt have 100% confidence in the machine. like i said- brilliant engineering. brilliant craftsmanship. good looks. but the functionality is NOT going to be present in that engine. period. i'd like to see it run for more than 10000k miles, or even 1000miles, at FULL BOOST, the 17lbs that i believe he is claiming. but back to the point. congradualations. you just WEAKENED your internal rotating mass, and for the weight you saved, you could have just gotten a lightweight allumnium pulley. :- 10hours of work. 2 pounds taken off rotating mass. completely killing the integrity of the forged piston. realizing you could have done that in 30minutes eleminating the mechanical fan, or getting a single groove pulley??? PRICELESS. hugh- people have seen my car run a 13sec 1/4et....at SEZ....at 105 something mph....with a 2.5 60ft time.... if i could drive, and had better tires, it would have been a low 13 sec car...maybe even a high 12- but it didnt, it ran a high 13. with a port matched N42 head. i shutter to think what my new shaved P90, ported, stainless undercut valve head can do...not to mention, its a stock cam- and its just as fast, if not faster, than it used to be.... once i get time to get in contact with Ron isky- im going to throw a cam in it, retune, then easily run low 13's high 12's.... ON AN L28 in at 2700lb 2+2 for God's sake!!!! its funny, people that have seen this car run that fast dont say a damn word about it, because they know---but all the non believers, make sure to go to the DNI this up coming spring!!!
  11. i got my first speeding ticket in the Z about three weeks ago 96 in a 55 (interstate) i was about 100yards away from a GA state patrol in the new SS black dodge chargers...no radar dector went off, and my speedo said like 115mph...i slamed on the brakes when i first saw him when i came around the turn. no radar dector went off (ive got a really nice one) i pulled over, he gave me a ticket, then i asked to see the laser. he said wait a minute, then about 2 mintues, he called me to his car. showed me the laser, said 96mph at 780ft. HAHA! i didnt even come into his line-of-sight till like 350ft!!! plus, i wasnt going 96, more like 105-110 (speedo innacturacy) sooooo, i got the ticket, then wrote a letter to the Marietta solictor...told him i was leaving for basic trainging soon, this was a car my dad and I built, and explained the situation... he dropped it to 10 over, and i pay$75 , no points! then my karma kicked in, i got a ticket last week for going 8mph over, and the cop thought i was "eluding him". it was a young cobb county cop---got the letter in the mail the other day...$150 fine....but i say f*ck that, im going to court October 11th!!!! cant wait for that one!
  12. its loud...and gets really annoying real fast...trust me
  13. Lt1will on this forum just finished up his requirements to get is liscence for hot-air ballooning...they just went up the other week---i had to work it looks like a lot of fun though...
  14. completely agree....but a stock pistons doesnt weigh 50lbs..... at that weight, yeah- its going to make a difference... but when you get talking about taking grams off the pistons, its HARDLY the same thing as taking pounds off the piston.... all you did was work a LOT doing this, and "mabye" added 5k more miles to your bottom end.....congrats. how long did this take you again? something tells me the input time to do this isnt worth the output of doing it.
  15. "People often wonder why my engine revs like it does, and has the power output it does" at a 12.9 second 1/4mile with a car weighing at 2700lbs with driver with a 3.1 i wouldnt be caught dead wondering. i would wonder however why it isnt running a low 12 second one with all these "super mods" like i said before---my NA L28 was right on par with your NA L28 ITB setup with my stock cam... i shutter to think with some "better" headwork and a larger camshaft would do to my L28...probbaly low 13's soooooo l28 low 13'2....L31 high 12's.....something doesnt make sense, or is my math wrong?
  16. i had an old 1987 740tubo with a b24 engine in it i think... im going to either do that, or swap an SR into my 1970 Volvo 1800E why put diseal in a sports car?
  17. the easiest way i have found is line the dots up with the drive in the oil pump outside the car insert JUST THE SPINDLE into the front cover, and grab with needle nose pliars throught the dizzy hole, then pull it up into the right position. then insert oil pump! easy as cake, works every time. easier with two people though....
  18. well thats no good...time get get a 280Z radiator...
  19. i think it looks kinda cool if it works it works, right? he posted a video of him driving it allready.....
  20. $800 for my 2+2 $2500 for my 300ZXT in PERFECT condition
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