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Everything posted by Confused

  1. You guys that are saying that you want to do the 20B swap, is this for street/ track or simply drag only? I take it, you dont realize how bad the gas mileage is with a 20B.
  2. Or you can just run the exhaust straight out, no mufflers, no resonators, no nothing.
  3. I remember reading that somewhere else as well. Basically he said, there is no need for a break in point.
  4. If you know how to weld, you could try and order some pipes from Jegs or something similar. Then you can do it yourself.
  5. Perfect example of what to do. Props to you. So, do you think they will give in?
  6. Its never a bad time for Foreigner, Styx, or Frampton. In fact, if Im not listening to any of the above music, its probably 70s rock.
  7. I definatly need to keep updated on this one. Hope it all works.
  8. Talk to Alex (SR240Z) at Vildini.
  9. What is done to your car!? It sounds great and handles ever so smoothly.
  10. Confused


    13 Jeebus thats terrible. Id rather have a 396 Nova.
  11. Confused


    All I know from my friend Sean, is that he hasnt seen boost in a week in his WRX. He drives like a grandma and shifts as 2500 all the time now. I think he said something in the range of 18-22 MPG. I dont remember correctly.
  12. Scary. I can just imagen what all that would look like polished.
  13. Unless I had the hookup on an SR, I would build the L28.
  14. Exactly as he stated above. For all you know, a thrashing could have been given to the motor, and you would never know.
  15. It is our fault. Without the mighty Mississippi River, the sediment had no time to replentish, as you stated earlier. As far as you being wrong or not for thinking about donor car parts and the like, as you put it, I wouldnt think so. But then again, I dont want to say to much, and lose respect or get flamed from the people on here.
  16. Might as well just get a "new" head. They arent all that expensive.
  17. I just listened to the song on their Myspace page and I think Im in love.
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