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Everything posted by Confused

  1. Haha no problem man. Next time they come Ill give my friend Alex a call and see if he can hook us up. Alex: Nice choice in music. Some other bands I jam to: Rancid, NOFX, Operation Ivy, Children of Bodom, Cradle of Filth, Opeth, Devildriver, etc.
  2. Haha. Its never a bad time for Bone Thugs or Montell Jordan.
  3. No, I missed the Chimaira show. Its all good though, because my friend Alex knows the guys. So whenever they come back, I can get back stage.
  4. Confused


    What kind of music do you like to listen to while driving if any at all? For me, its either Metal or Hardcore. Some of the bands I listen to on a daily basis: Amon Amarth, Slayer, Chimaira, Terror, American Nightmare, etc.
  5. If I can ever locate my exhaust leak, I will definatly be using some of that stuff.
  6. I know. I used to drive a 1993 Civic Hatch DX. I loved getting 30+mpg.
  7. Haha! That picture had me laughing to hard. I understand though. I daily drive a Honda Accord, and it takes over 35$ for me to fill it up. Talk about fuel efficient my ***. I only get 25mpg. So much for Honda.
  8. Wow. So beautiful, its a shame that it hasnt been given time to get finished. I know where you are coming from, with your friend not helping you. If I could, I would take the car off of your hands and treat it like it should be treated. But I cant, so all I can say, is good luck. Im sure which ever decision you make, will be the right one (the best one).
  9. True. I understand where youre coming from. Its hot as hell here and I wouldnt want to work in it either. As far as the job thing, I also know where you are coming from. I used to work 60+ hours a week in a warehouse unloading freight. Keep in mind I was only 18 years old at the time. But anyway, back to the Epoxy, if it works, that great. Until a problem arises with it, I say keep on truckin'. Itsa great quick fix. Come to think of it, I dont think I would have thought of that.
  10. Wow. I was filled with so many emotions while reading this. All in all, thats some pretty quick work.
  11. Haha, when I saw this, I thought: Turbo real BIG Intercooler real BIG Hes rich *****, hes a real big tyma! Anyway, back on topic, looks amazing.
  12. At first I thought your car got scrathed or something, then I realized that its the sheen!
  13. So you used Epoxy to fix it? I would have rather fixed it the right way.
  14. Looks great. On a side note, I clicked the link :-
  15. You can get gas mileage by tuning your car. Ive seen a 400+HP MR2 that got 30+MPG.
  16. Beautiful. I think I might have saw them already in the photo album, but I cant remember. Either way, you cant go wrong with those. Congrats.
  17. Can someone say burn!? Only kidding, but he is right.... about everything.
  18. Poor guys. I feel sorry for eveyone that worked their a$$3$ off for this thing.
  19. Confused


    My mom just sent this to me:
  20. Indeed. Back on topic... I dont understand why some guys have 500hp and can only cut 12s. Is it because of driving only or are there other factors.
  21. Well it is to be expected. Seeing how the car scene exploded, along with street racing (A while back), what do you expect. They arent just picking on you because of your car, they are doing their job. If they see a car that looks suspicious, of course they are going to hastle you. As far as the Intake, he is just stupid for not being able to read.
  22. Hey man, why are you always ripping on me? What have I done to you. And as far as you trying to insult my intelligence, I can assure you, I am not as dimwitted as you might think.
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