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Everything posted by Confused

  1. I am currently polishing up an old Valve cover for a "friend". Its coming along quite well though I know it will take a while. I started with 220 Grit and am still using it. After this I will move to 400 then 800. My camera suck, but if you look you can see where Ive been going at it. If not, its between the first and second bolts.
  2. The HKS Bovs arent to terribly expensive. When it comes to something like that, I wouldnt cheap out.
  3. Sounds awesome. Good luck to the fellow Houston guys on getting everything done. When I get my Z, you guys can help me build it. Ill let you.
  4. Sweetness! You lucked out. The car looks to be in great condition.
  5. Haha Mike. You and your JDM poses. Car looks good. What side of Houston do you live in?
  6. How about something purple-ish or more of a burgundy?
  7. Maybe he meant that he is pro everything but V8 swaps. Lets not bash the kid, after all he is new. Just go ahead and read the rules if you havent. If you have any questions, search and you will definatly find the answer(s). Welcome to the community, and I hope you enjoy your stay.
  8. Wow. I love the sound of this thing. Edit: I just saw the second video. Why is it almost stalling? Is the clutch that wierd or is because of the power? Im thoroughly impressed.
  9. Holy crap! I dont think Ive seen anything that funny in a long time.
  10. First try. Looks like Im the smarter one.
  11. I say BMW Steel Grey would be just what youre looking for. It looks dark, but as soon as the sun hits it, BAM! Edit: Here are some pictures...
  12. It ran an 11 in your F-body?! I cant imagen what its going to do in the Z. And with a smaller cam!
  13. Do you prefer something that looks clean and simple, or something that just POPS and catches everyones attention?
  14. Now thats a good father. Building a car for his son. Brings a tear to my eye.
  15. I seriously want to buy this shirt now.
  16. I would go with the 327. I dont know for sure, but I think people do 350 swaps, because its a motor that is not uncommon to find for "cheap".
  17. Nice numbers. So I take it your motor is an E? Anyway, I like the setup you have there. I would love to see what kind of numbers you get with an upgraded Turbo.
  18. Looks great so far. Its going to be all the sweeter when its done.
  19. Sounds good. Im really diggin' that setup you got there.
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