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Cal Poly Zmanaustin

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Everything posted by Cal Poly Zmanaustin

  1. I have an R200 3.54 with mustache bar $150 and I am in Socal.
  2. Heads up, I have a 200ZR Pan in Southern California for sale in the classifieds too.
  3. No. I was not aware of that. Nice add to the post. Thanks.
  4. Only the RB26 has the two patterns as the outer pattern is for the all-wheel drive.
  5. I put back in my heater and fan and need the cables that go behind the center and activate the servos. Shoot me a price to Socal 92673. Thanks. If anyone has ordered these or knows who can make them or had a solution to replacing the entire unit that would help.
  6. ah...that's right. Would it have killed him to tell you?
  7. You realize Garrett makes the Turbine and Compressor wheels to spec for HKS for the GT2530's? Garrett makes a slightly different spec for the GT2860's. This is like automakers like Honda with VTEC and a Toyota with VVTL. Call it what you want its still variable valve technology and its doing the same things without having to pay the other for its technology. Same holds true for the turbo comparison. It's vice versa from what I have read. Check out Garretts website and look at the map. You could probably find the equivalent for the HKS. I think you are going to have better luck finding Wonder Woman's invisible jet.
  8. That will look very similar to Rob Fuller's car. http://www.zcargarage.com/photo-gallery/zcg-1970-datsun-240z.htm
  9. I have sectioned for illuminas and powdercoated 240Z housing with 280Z stub axles and all new Nissan bearings..less than 10K miles. If you give me a reasonable offer they are yours. You can PM me. If you just want stubs axles JSM's offer is a great deal.
  10. Yes, the motor mounts are the same, but tranny mounts are different from RB20/25
  11. Just think 50 RB30's just waiting...to eventually be unleashed.
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