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Everything posted by jerryb

  1. I run a Aluminum cross flow I picked up on ebay with a puller fan. All in all a real good deal and nice piece. my RB20 NEVER gets hot with this rad, in fact the only time the fan ever turn in is if Im sitting in traffic. The temp is always stable. To make sure there was no interference with the fan housing I cut the top puly way off the crank pully. It was just extruded out from the crank anway and wasnt a part of the dampener.
  2. congrats...I know what it feels like....... when my RB20 ran on the first turn of the key! ENJOY!
  3. :):grin::grin:Well after pulling an all day and nighter to complete my install once and for all....I got the car going and went to Z Fest. It was a great day for all BUT I had a heck of a time!!!...winning best in class and then Peoples Choice Award for BEST OF SHOW. This was a special award considering I was chosen by my peers from all the other super cars. Anyway...thanks to all! www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=20060&l=8afc0&id=749331404 Oh ya ...I took it up to 7500rpm in third. The tune is far from perfect but WOW....when it starts to pull at that RPM it just doesnt seem to want to quit. I chickened out before the 8500 redline due to lack of road ..............Hey I just had my FC boost controller delivered so in no time the PSI will have to grow........... bacK to the garage!
  4. I just did the same thing with my cover....installed the igniter on the firewall and ground down the old bolt bosses. It looks much cleaner!...and moves the igniter to a cooler spot.
  5. The big single throttle body on the manifold. Not the individual throttle plates....
  6. Can someone confirm if the RB20 and RB25 throttle bodies are the same ID and have the same mounting bracket. Thanx
  7. Good luck...Im in the same boat......trying to clean up the wiring!!!
  8. How many of the RB and Hybridz members will be at this weekends Z fest? It would be great if we had a strong turn-out and had a chance to compare notes! http://ontariozcar.com/eventz/EventCalendar/Z-FEST2007%20Flyer.pdf
  9. just a side thought .....will the RB25/Z32 speed sensor fit into a RB20 tranny??
  10. Cool you can remove the heavy rust and create a thin layer of flash rust??
  11. I took solid mount off and replaced it with a new rubber mount. I didnt like the noise....everything seemed to vibrate through the car.
  12. those S2000 seats are real nice!!
  13. G20 leather seats in mine....little wide but OK....you also sit a bit higher ...but very fitting.
  14. I just installed a Stewart Warner Tach into my dash. After about an hour worth of work it fit perfectly even using the stock plastic bezel and lens...just like stock..well, pretty darn close. I may be a bit biased but its this most "original" aftermarket install I have seen from an off the shelf unit. The only thing I need to do is paint the needle white. I will post a pic or two shortly. The tach is working but reading 1/3 the actual RPM. It has pins to adjust the reading and per the SW instructions I need to obtain a 9PPR (9 pulses per revolution) Currently it is set on 3 PPR but I cant figure out how to set the pins for 3x the reading...... Anyone have luck with this .....or should I go with that Gizmo off summit racing
  15. Good to hear another RBZ hits the road in Ontario! I know how it feels!!! Congrats Jerry ...hey Scott!
  16. Hey John You hit the nail on the head.....I had the calipers on the wrong side. Its not nearly as obvious as the Toyota caliper but obvious nevertheless. I guess I just wasnt paying attention....but if I remember correctly I was paying more attention to the parking brake connection that the caliper side....learn again! Thank for everyone's help! Jerry
  17. Im OK as I did bleed the master (on the car)....not a bubble in sight. And yes the threaded rod is OK. I will check the caliper install as soon as I get home...as I recollect thinking the bleeder screw was low......!!!!! I will know soon enough!
  18. I will also check my calipers the minute I get home just to make sure. I have Toyota calipers up front and understand the importance of this...perhaps I screwed up!!
  19. But ......doesnt the master Vac make it easier to push the pedal down. So wouldnt the pressure go up if it was a reaction disc? Instead the problem persists if I disconnect the the master vac hose from the brake system.altogether...always mushy....what am I misunderstanding!
  20. I dont have the size handy but here is a pic......no cutting of anything, Off ebay and it was intended for a mustang up to 400hp?? No cutting of the car whatsoever! The electric fan sucks air through the rad as well as the intercooler.
  21. srgunz who makes that from spoiler? I love it!
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