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Everything posted by jerryb

  1. haaaaaaaaaa...go to the forum that best fits your topic and then press the "New Thread" button.....away you go.
  2. Thats sucks. Its a tough car to steal and use as its so one of a kind. I hate to sugest this but my guess is the scum will part it out. I hope he finds it! I will keep an eye out in my travels and spread the word.
  3. Clive is wrecking a Z31? Ok I will give hime a call. Thanx Doug! Jerry
  4. Set up will be the riders preference and it may take some time before you find what you like. For instance Im goofy and ride duck. Just learn to ride heel & Toe and your learning curve will be much quicker. Its a great sport, 2 years ago I boarded the Alps ....an experience I will always remember! Enjoy!
  5. Hey guys!......Stock banjo/lines on mine.
  6. Taking out the stock linkage makes it smoother..IMO....
  7. My goodness! Is that a 4x4 as well?
  8. Cant wait to see your pics!
  9. Bingo...that pretty much what I did! Pics are better than my decription above.
  10. what the....you forgot the paint your tranny clip! Looks great!!!
  11. I used a pulsar cable and firewall bracket....VIVA ebay I took me forever to figure out how to install the thing and then late one night I had a epithaney..... I trimmed the bracket down and bolted the remaining part to the firewall. Then I ground the ball off the pedal assembly and drilled it out to accept a bolt I think 3/8...sorry cant remember. I drilled a hole through the bolt so that the SS cable could be threaded through and clamped tight onto the pedal with a nut. I was so easy and looks pretty clean. Works great and the pedal feels smoother.....probably because it eliminated all the stock mechanical linkage pivot points. I will try to take an under dash pic... Hope this helps.
  12. Ya I dont get it. I see people bidding like crazy a day into the auction. They just dont understand the snipe deal. Yup Ive lost a few to others that wanted the item more ..... but Ive won more than my share for near nothing. My name is JerryB and I to am an ebay sniper.
  13. I have a box of working S30 radios! Finally hit the lotto! There are a lot of crazy prices on ebay. I saw NOS armrests go for over $300! ARMRESTS!
  14. I bought a rad off ebay from this outfit. also picked up an electric fan and nice aluminum shroud....and brackets. It was less than $500 including shipping. I'm VERY happy with the setup. Great quality, performance and value. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/19-X-24-DOUBLE-PASS-ALUMINUM-RACE-RADIATOR-LH_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33602QQihZ020QQitemZ300176899553 http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Aluminum-Radiator-Side-Mounting-Brackets-Weld-On_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33602QQihZ020QQitemZ300177255367QQtcZphoto
  15. The RB20 tranny. I will start looking around for a used sensor and try. Sounds much easier.... Thanx!!
  16. Just curious what makes you choose one design for the front and another for the rear. What is the criteria for this decision?
  17. Other than increasing injector flow...why?
  18. Very cool and nicely done. I wish I could draw but I dont have an artsy bone in me!
  19. The dash should be worth a few $! Nice find but what a mess!!
  20. Is there a link to a site with more pics? Looks very interesting.
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