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Who'd be interested if we made a L28ET trigger wheel?

Matt Cramer

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I've attached a drawing of what I think I need to do. Can someone let me know if this should work?





I dont know what pin 32 does on an ms3 but im assuming its a secondary tach input. im also assuming that tach on the relay board is pin 24. if so then it looks good to me. I cant wait to do it with ms2

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Thanks. That's good info.

I'm also looking for the best way to wire the Nissan optical pickup: provide power and connect to the MS3 / MS3X.


I shouldn't have to do anything to the MS3 or MS3X internally, right?






Just set it up like the diyautotune.com - same as Mobi's and it works great.


The 1K pullup resistor is just giving you a reference to Vcc (+12V, +5v, etc) and the value limits the current draw through the resistor. A 330 ohm would work as well on the +12V but it would draw three times as much current....

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Matt, I'm sure you're aware, but the L28ET wheel doesn't have a longer slot to indicate TDC, so there's no chance of ever using that with MS3 for seq or COP.


Right, that's why we made a new one in the first place. The RB guys are likely to get native MS3 support for their CAS, plus, that wheel is a bigger pain to swap out.

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Arrived and installed in the new distributor. Cut the original round connector off

and waiting on a weatherpack kit to replace it.


Matt- The write up instructions are great, but what about a microsquirt? Would

a pull-up be required on the OPTOIN? Would it be better to use VR1 and VR2

with a pull-up on each input

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