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77 l28e turbo?

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You exaggerated and got caught.  Just live with it, don't try to defend it.  If your car ran perfectly like you said, you wouldn't be messing with it.


Forgot to say - the reason your post is worth poking fun at is because there are people out there who read posts like yours and think that things like swapping in the Z31 ECU are easy.  Then they waste a lot of money and time, like you're doing now, until they realize that the advice they believed was BS.  The worst part is that you're passing on the same bad advice that probably got you started.  Stop the madness, tell the truth.

Edited by NewZed
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  On 9/30/2013 at 6:30 PM, NewZed said:

You exaggerated and got caught.  Just live with it, don't try to defend it.  If your car ran perfectly like you said, you wouldn't be messing with it.


I admitted to everyone what was the current status of my drivability was. No one caught me but myself scooter. I never said it ran perfect so don't put words in my mouth. You drive a slightly modified 260z so why are you even in this thread? Take your mid life crisis elsewhere pal.

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  On 9/30/2013 at 6:35 PM, ~KnuckleDuster~ said:

I admitted to everyone what was the current status of my drivability was. No one caught me but myself scooter. I never said it ran perfect so don't put words in my mouth. You drive a slightly modified 260z so why are you even in this thread? Take your mid life crisis elsewhere pal.

Nine days later, after Tony D called you on it.


It's a 280Z.  Not a good sign if you have to go to my profile to dig for something to use.  You're on a bad path, best to focus on getting your engine running right.   I gave you some good advice, but you're getting distracted.

Edited by NewZed
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  On 9/30/2013 at 6:36 PM, NewZed said:

Nine days later, after Tony D called you on it.


It's a 280Z.


Ok apparently I need to break this down barney style for you to comprehend.


I said my car ran good at the time. It did.


During the course of 9 days I changed my set-up and began to ask questions, Tony D make a good humored joke about it running good. I admitted it and laughed it off and moved on. You act like I'm saying my cars the best, and I'm not, I'm just trying to learn and your crapping all over everything. Way to help out the community.

Edited by ~KnuckleDuster~
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  On 9/30/2013 at 6:30 PM, NewZed said:



Forgot to say - the reason your post is worth poking fun at is because there are people out there who read posts like yours and think that things like swapping in the Z31 ECU are easy.  Then they waste a lot of money and time, like you're doing now, until they realize that the advice they believed was BS.  The worst part is that you're passing on the same bad advice that probably got you started.  Stop the madness, tell the truth.

Your attitude is amazing. You have no clue what my financial situation is with my car. I said my car ran good and you say that's bad advice? Your really reaching here buddy.


I can't help but notice when a knowledgeable guy like Tony D posts their seems to be some crony that rides in on his coat tails and starts being a jerk. Hey lets pick on the newbe! Tony will have my back! Their must be something going on in your life where you feel the need to be an internet bully. Maybe we could take this conversation elsewhere and we can try and get you some help.

Edited by ~KnuckleDuster~
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  On 9/30/2013 at 6:36 PM, NewZed said:



  Not a good sign if you have to go to my profile to dig for something to use.  You're on a bad path, best to focus on getting your engine running right.   I gave you some good advice, but you're getting distracted.

Not a good sign for you friend, you just expect people to take your jerk attitude and move on don't you? I like to know my enemy. I know now that you drive a stock car and make posts like check the sensor via the FSM. Just because you can recite the factory service manual doesn't make you gods gift to the Z community.  I'm looking for personal experiences from people who have actually done modifications to their cars not some angry old timer on a tangent. Your making yourself look bad at this point, but if you persist that's fine, I have all day.

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I doubt that Tony D's going to have my back, we're not "cronies".   And I don't troll for newbies, I just troll for interesting conversations.


You are right though, I read too much in to your posts.  You had a stock L28ET, probably swapped straight over from a ZX,maybe by a PO, that ran good.  Now it doesn't, maybe because you've deviated from stock.  The OP is starting from "not stock" with an N42 head and a mystery ECU.  So really, we're all off-topic here, the OP is not working with a stock 280ZX turbo setup.


Sorry for the harsh word, "dud".  I got carried away with criticizing your over-simplification of the OP's project.  The threads are full of people saying "it's easy" then confessing that they still have problems and things are not as they implied.


Good luck with your modifications.  It's still unclear what happened between good-running and Post #31.  Why are you dinking with the CTS if it ran good?  A coolant leak?

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  On 9/30/2013 at 8:21 PM, NewZed said:

I doubt that Tony D's going to have my back, we're not "cronies".   And I don't troll for newbies, I just troll for interesting conversations.


You are right though, I read too much in to your posts.  You had a stock L28ET, probably swapped straight over from a ZX,maybe by a PO, that ran good.  Now it doesn't, maybe because you've deviated from stock.  The OP is starting from "not stock" with an N42 head and a mystery ECU.  So really, we're all off-topic here, the OP is not working with a stock 280ZX turbo setup.


Sorry for the harsh word, "dud".  I got carried away with criticizing your over-simplification of the OP's project.  The threads are full of people saying "it's easy" then confessing that they still have problems and things are not as they implied.


Good luck with your modifications.  It's still unclear what happened between good-running and Post #31.  Why are you dinking with the CTS if it ran good?  A coolant leak?

I don't have a stock L28ET. My set up is exactly what the OP is asking about. So really I'm not off topic at all.


I never once said it was "easy" I said my car runs good with the factory EMS. I didn't say it ran great, perfect, or otherwise. My car starts right up and drives, once I do some minor tweaking it will be just fine. To me that's "good". Your definition of a good running car must be different since you don't do any modifications and don't experience the trials and tribulations when working with a highly modified vehicle.


I'm not going to waste my time explaining to you what happened between good running and post #31. Your just fishing for something to further argue about. Injectors were changed as were sensors. I've had to fix what the previous owner has done to my car because they really did a half ass job. Before making any more assumptions go to my build thread and take a little look see, try not to crap in it while your there.

Edited by ~KnuckleDuster~
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  On 9/30/2013 at 6:30 PM, NewZed said:

Forgot to say - the reason your post is worth poking fun at is because there are people out there who read posts like yours and think that things like swapping in the Z31 ECU are easy.  Then they waste a lot of money and time

When I first did the Z31 ECU swap wiring was a thing that I really couldn't wrap my head around and it was a big ordeal to me, but it seemed simple compared to having to rip the whole harness out and build an MS harness from scratch and then tune it too! I would say the Z31 swap is a viable alternative if you have everything around or access to it for fairly cheap. I feel confident enough to say that I could do the Z31 ECU/MAF conversion in an afternoon. If anything for the original poster I'd almost say work on say swapping everything over to MS. Get that all running and you can probably pull a little bit more performance out of your existing N/A engine. Then work on going to a Turbo motor, or turboing the N/A motor. This way you'll have everything ready to go. The biggest problem I ran into with my Turbo swap was that I pulled the motor and rather than a straight swap, I put a rebuilt solid lifter P90 head, N/A cam, N42 EGR-less intake manifold, swapped fuel rail, new oil pump, chain, etc. So I dealt with having to re-drop the oil pump to get the timing right, finding all kinds of vacuum leaks that were just stupid things, along with swapping the harness over and then finding wiring issues with that. Too many issues with motor and wiring all at once, which more than a couple times had me convinced something was wrong with the motor and I was ready to scrap the whole thing, or at the very least pull the motor back out and have it completely rebuilt.

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Cost is a good point.  I wanted to boost power on my stock L28ET, and I was on a tight budget.  I got 370cc injectors, Z31 ECU, MAF and distributor wheel from a U-Pull-It yard and spliced the whole thing into the factory 280ZXT harness and my 280Z with L28ET.  I modified the MAF element by installing it in a larger diameter housing, proportional to the increased flow of the fuel injectors, and it worked as well, better in some ways, than the original EFI.  I was able to dyno 313hp to the wheels and drag raced it for two years that way.


But it was a PITA.  I had messed with the idle air circuit, and the engine would die if I closed the throttle too fast, it made staging inconvenient.  Then I installed a turbo cam, and the fuel cut became annoying.  It was worth it for the money, but now that I have MegaSquirt I do not miss the Z31 at all.  It's so nice to be able to just have it work with whatever mods I decide to do.  Bigger injectors, no problem.  Vent the BOV to atmosphere, easy.  Change turbos or cams, simple.  It's a whole new dimension, and after the cost of all the compromises to accommodate the Z31 ECU, Megasquirt is only marginally more expensive and so much easier.

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Recirculating the blowoff valve from right in front of the throttle plate to the turbo inlet got rid of that "rich dip" in idle speed that happens when I closed the throttle.


If you're venting to the atmosphere, your MAF doesn't know that air it just metered didn't go through the engine so you end up with a rich condition at drop throttle that stalls the car.

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  On 9/30/2013 at 6:30 PM, NewZed said:

You exaggerated and got caught.  Just live with it, don't try to defend it.  If your car ran perfectly like you said, you wouldn't be messing with it.


Forgot to say - the reason your post is worth poking fun at is because there are people out there who read posts like yours and think that things like swapping in the Z31 ECU are easy.  Then they waste a lot of money and time, like you're doing now, until they realize that the advice they believed was BS.  The worst part is that you're passing on the same bad advice that probably got you started.  Stop the madness, tell the truth.


AMEN, BROTHER! Shooting your  mouth off with a donkey-screwing frame of reference doesn't work well...

I meant what I said, anybody with a "good running stock L28 ECCS" doesn't know what "GOOD RUNNING" is...other than my example of doing sheep and donkeys. It's a limited frame of reference and really not valid in the world today. It's 30 year old technology, it runs terribly compared to anything produced today in the same way a 55 Chevy ran compared to an 85...


You THOUGHT your 55 'ran great' and you accepted the following:

1) Stalling when cold. Three and four more times leaving the driveway and heading to the roadway on a cold morning.

2) Inability to start when cold at all. And a good chance trying to will kill the battery, dead....and likely have a cel freeze overnight.

3) Vapor Lock when hot.

4) Intermittent stalling turning corners left, or right...

5) Intermittent stalling when coming off the freeway to a stop sign.

6) A heater that took forever when cold to heat the interior. And a defroster that left a "V" in the windscreen to look through when driving to work freezing.

7) Airconditioning? What's that?

8) Tyres that blew out so regularly it was covered in driver's training.

9) The 'tune up' of points and plugs every 3,000 miles.

10) and on and on and on....


Same goes for an 83 anything compared to a 2013 anything.


Why use 30 year old technology when current technology sacrifices nothing? The AFM or even MAF systems all have response delays inherent in the system which you will not be able to 'tune' out due to limitations of what you can hack using Nistune.


That's just a fact. Quit whining that you made a stupid comment from limited experience or from exuberance. I have to admit that indeed some poor bastard will likely find that statement and it will, sadly, draw weight with them in decisionmaking.


I was wondering how long it would take before this became yet another "Knuckle Duster It's about Me" threadjack...sadly it didn't take as long as I hoped it would. 


How sad.There's no cronies here, in fact.....he's on my blocked list!

So much for your bigoted comment. Drop it.

Edited by Tony D
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I love you Tony :hail:


I just got heated since I finally got my car running after a year and after tons of searching & trial and error  decide to ask a couple questions only to be confronted with the usual stuff that keeps me from posting on forums in general. Sorry for my jerky attitude. Tony your posts have helped me out big time in the past year. Cronie was the wrong term, suck up or kiss as was more of what I was after. I digress..

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You got

1) A short memory

2) an inability to read.


NewZed is not my suck up, as I said, he's on my blocked list.


Which makes his point quite valid in my mind. That we agree you're being a douche on this thread is indeed a strange cosmic alignment not seen since Sigourney Weaver got it on with Rick Moranis. Dogs and cats, living together...that kind of crap.


To the user control panel, it's long overdue.

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  On 10/10/2013 at 1:20 PM, Tony D said:

You got

1) A short memory

2) an inability to read.

NewZed is not my suck up, as I said, he's on my blocked list.

Which makes his point quite valid in my mind. That we agree you're being a douche on this thread is indeed a strange cosmic alignment not seen since Sigourney Weaver got it on with Rick Moranis. Dogs and cats, living together...that kind of crap.

To the user control panel, it's long overdue.

Haha wow look whos pissy now! I'm really supprised your still going on about this. I only have 200 some odd posts I would remember if I thread jacked any of them, and I havn't. How long do you want to keep talking about me Tony? You know it's my favorite subject and all.

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  On 10/10/2013 at 7:10 PM, HowlerMonkey said:

You got too close to the douche index number that determines #1 douche with a few of your posts so he decided to put it out of reach.


I liked your post more before you edited it :lmao: . I figured my apology and a little ass kissing would put this charade to rest but it seems I've made it worse. All I ever said was my car ran good with the factory EMS. In some way that made ol' Tony feel as if I was challenging his knowledge and we got the whole animal sex short story and so on. He had to prove that his wiener was much bigger than mine, and he's still doing it, and I don't think he will stop until it's literally inside me..

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It's really sad that this thread went from promising to toolshed worthy in so few posts.  I only hope the OP gleaned enough information to help him make an informed decision before the spooge started flying.  I feel literally dumber for having read the last 25 or so posts. It is almost to the point that I'm finding difficulty piecing together enough words to form a cohesive sentence, much less attempt to steer this thread back on track.  As I understood the posts; the EMS systems these cars were designed with were great for the day, but now 30 years later, we understand so much more and our technology allows us to take advantage of this. Even Megasquirt has improved much in the 15 years or so that it's been around.  So yes a 30 year old engine sounded great and ran great new, but that exact same engine would run better using modern EMS technology than it did on the original Bosch system.  I know I've seen some L28's on MS+S and have always been amazed at how smoothly they run.

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