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How Many of You are Engineers?


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Guest livewire23

Im hoping to study AE as an undergrad in college in under a year. Right now I've finished all the basic calculus (vector calc, multivariable calc), and Im moving on to the physics stuff. Wish me luck!

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Originally posted by livewire23:

[QB]Im hoping to study AE as an undergrad in college in under a year.

AE as Aerospace Engineering? How's the job market for it now? I have a BS in AE but couldn't find a job after graduation in '94-'95. That was when the cold war ended. My senior projet was a Weather Rocket that took temperature and pressure readings as it parachuted down while we used theodolites for tracking. Went back to school and changed my major with a MS in Computer Science. Now working as a QA in Documentum, Inc. Best of luck to you!



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Guest livewire23

Actually Im hoping to use the AE degree to push me towards a land based career. I want to specialize in flow dynamics and aerodynamics, and work on high-speed vehicles. I guess I'll be a quasi-ME. I really want to work on those new levitating trains that they've been designing recently.

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M.S., B.S. Aerospace Eng. (structures emphasis)

Currently doing design/anaylsis/testing for an aluminum-framed electric motorscooter/motorcycle (~28hp, 65mph top speed).


Formerly worked for Lockheed Martin in Atlanta (F22, C130J, C141, C5), and as a student (co-op) for Martin Marietta in New Orleans (Space Shuttle External Tank).

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I'm an EE - I work for Ford Motor Co. Research and Advanced Engineering on Advanced Safety Systems. I previously was a development engineer for the Active Yaw Control system that was implemented on the Lincoln LS and Jaguar S-Type.


Before that, I designed Avionics Test Systems at McDonnell Douglas (F15E, F18E/F).

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