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Poll: How Old Are You Guys?


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31 here. Only 2 years older then my Z and It's now finally getting in better shape then me.

I once had a Monte Carlo in highschool that was made the same month and year I was born. I kept thinking I would die in that car. I almost did, but likely it was only an S-10 I T-boned doing 60.

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Guest comeandzpa

Z-Gad- I'm sorry to hear about your being a Steelers fan.....theyre doing absolutely awful this year. I go to the University of Pittsburgh, AKA the college team that is comprised of our star wide receiver (Larry Fitzgerald, you may have heard of him :wink: ) and nothing else. Unless you count that defense that has given up a 200+ yard rusher THREE times this year. Must be something in the water this year, because neither team can get the job done. What game are you attending?

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It is tough times for all the Pittsburgh teams... :(

I am going to see the San Diego game. I am very excited to go none-the-less as I haven't been to Pittsburcgh in 10 years and haven't seen a Steelers game in person.

Fitzgerald for Heisman!

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Guest 240hybrid

Momma popped me out in may of 83 making me 20 so far. Loving every bit of it too...if it wasn't for my youth, I probabely woundn't have the energy to go to work and then come home and work on my '73. Also not having a wife/kids helps too and I respect you fathers and mothers out there raising a family and such and still finding time to have hobbies.


I think it's cool that the younger crowd is into the timeless Z too, and have as much dedication to them as the older generations that grew up with them. I get 40 and 50 y/o's saying they always wanted a Z when they were young and remember them as "the poor man's corvette". I'm glad that my hardwork makes their day a bit brighter, and mine too. Keep em on the road.


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Ah, yuou young whipper snappers. When I was your age I had to walk to school through 4' snow drifts, 45 miles up hill both ways. And don't even get me started on what a PITA it was trying to work on a hobby car in an unheated cave. ( of course it got slightly better when somebody discovered fire) :D:roll:

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Old enough to be your grandfather Zguy... Chapparal2f has me beat on the walk to school story. For me it was only 3 miles, and there were a couple of corner grocery stores I could drop into on the way if it was too far below zero. In high school I was lucky a few times and got a ride home in a friend's 53 Studebaker Starlight Coupe. 8)

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