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3 weeks early, but still healthy


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Our latest edition has arrived. Her name is Jessica Marie, She is 7lbs 12oz. and 19.25" long.


She`s kind of a RUNT compared to our other two. :D Thomas who was 21.25 long @ 9lb 1oz, and Hannah who was 21.75 @ 9lbs


I think she will get her height from her Mom who is only 5'2". :roll: I guess we can`t all be tall. :D

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Thanks Guys. :wink: You know, Originally I was hoping not to have any girls. I really didn`t want to go through the whole"protective Dad" thing. :roll:


Once we had the first, I thought well... if she`s real tall I won`t have to worry as much since most guys have aprehensions about dating girls that are taller than them. :roll:


I guess now I`ll have to rely on their big brother(3-4yrs older) to keep the wolves at bay. :twak:

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Congratulations!! :2thumbs: Way cool!


I thought the first couple of years with my daughter were tough (diapers, no sleep, etc). She's 16 now and I would gladly trade these 'protective dad' years and go back to changing diapers. :D Nah, not really. I would like to pop a couple of the boys up side the head that keep sniffing around, though.


Get your sleep where/when you can. Your gonna need it. :D

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We found out just after we left alabama last spring. That`s two of our kids that were conceived in Oxford,Alabama. Must be something in the water. :P


Arron, I know how much trouble you and your wife have had in your attemps to have children, and I truely wish you the best of luck.


It`s sad to think of how many really good couples there are that have trouble getting pregnant. :cry:

Especially when so many teenagers and singles that don`t want/need kids seem to get pregnant everytime they take off their pants. :roll:

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i agree completely..... here my sister tries for years before she finds out she can't, yet i'm blessed with my little pride and joy as a completely unplanned surprise. but i'm a firm believer in the theory that everything happens for a reason, even though that reason might not be readily apparent at first.


but i digress..... congrats denny!!!!!! :D fun part#2 about a daughter... the look that can manipulate daddy so fast your head spins. learn to resist, for the sake of all mankind!!!!!

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