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Active Duty Serviceman Defrauded By Mustang Shop in Arizona


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All Mustang is where I got my 2001 LS1 engine & trans. For the price of the engine, they threw in the complete car wiring harness, the steering column, the driveshaft, the cats and Y pipe, the torque shaft, and the complete gas tank. The engine has less than 8k miles, and the whole load was only $3700 bucks. BUT, alot of the guys around here have had problems with them. As long as things go smooth they are cool guys, but any hiccups and they turn into werewolves. This was the second engine/trans I got from them with no problems. I do believe the guys complaint is valid, and it amazes me that AMP is willing to loose a million potential customers for $1500 dollars. I think the fireworks aren't over yet!

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Guest 2slo4u

I wasn't there to see that $hit going on, so I don't actually know what really happened, but there are a lot of dumba$$e$ out there that lack the actual skill to do the job correctly so they try to cover it up with intimidation. It always helps to have as many witnesses as possible. My brother is overseas right now in that sand trap and I pray for him regularly to come back ok. That retard at "AMP" should have had a little extra respect for you being in the military and maintaining your dignity. Heck, maybe he got more pissed off because you weren't acting stupid like he was, ha ha!

Maybe we should all send this moron emails and show our support. Anyone know their email address? Good luck bro, much respect.




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O.K. so I had nothing better to do and I emailed those guys. I was nice about it (just in my nature) and was like that really sucks that you would let something so little escalate into something so big and that the word is spreading etc. I signed it someone who cares. Right, so I wasn't expecting anything in return from them cause I figured they had better things to do etc. Here is what they emailed me. I thought I had to share, it's kind of funny:


Hi, please don't tell me you believe everything you hear?

Everything you see on the internet, TV, news, newspaper? Sorry, but me & my

Dad have never said "internet fag", you are mistaken.

Why don't you have Mr. Hollien provide you proof of our fraud of him?

How do we owe him $1500?? Our paperwork show us that he still "AMP" money.

I have proof of this and will love to prove that for you. I could go on

internet tomorrow and claim that Microsoft ripped me for $250,000. How

would you know if this was true or not? If I was going to claim my story on

the internet I would think I would detail or itemize my list of how they

took me for money. Where is the itemized list of how we ripped him off?

Dave Hollein also forgot to tell us of him money woes. He dropped off

his Mustang on March 13, 2004, said he would have a $2000 cash deposit to

get the ball rolling. Sorry, but he didn't have any money for us. After

promising several weeks that he would bring the money he finally called and

put a $1000 on his credit card (April 2,2004). As we get into the project

we tell Dave we need some more money, but he tells us that he has none. We

ask him why didn't you tell us that. He told us that he is getting a loan

from the credit union to pay us off. He reinsures us that he credit is good

and he'll be able to get the loan no problem. So we fax over a estimate of

the total charges to the credit union.

On the assault that occurred here with the 18 year kid (6'5" 250lb) with my

67 year old Dad. Dad steps out of his office into the shop area to hand

Dave H. his sunglasses that he had forgotten on his last visit. My Dad

hands Dave his glasses, he thanks my Dad then my Dad asks him who all these

people are with him? My Dad asks the other 4 people with Dave to step into

the showroom where customers belong then the 6'5" 250lb kit leans over,

crosses his arms, nudges my Dad, tells him that he is not moving and no one

is making him move. Then I shoved him out of my Dads face. What would you

have done? Then he goes on the internet, claims he has chest pains and

shoulder pains. If he was in such much pain why didn't he go to urgent care

or the hospital? If an assault took place then why didn't he file a police

report? Where is the police report number???? Why don't you find out

these answers before you start sending e-mails out. I have the proof that

this kid still owes our company money. Please provide a fax and I'll fax it

over. Please call if you would like to discuss more 1-800-454-8387. Your're right life is a b####.

Thanks, tom

----- Original Message -----


----- Original Message -----

From: Kyle Wolfe

To: tom@ampperformance.com

Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 1:09 PM

Subject: Mustang woes



Sorry to hear all the bad press about you guys. Guess you should have better customer relations...... Not really worth a few thousand dollars is it. I think by now everyone has heard. Oh well, karma is a bitch.



someone who cares

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He sure knows how to use the "copy and paste" feature, because I got the exact same, word for word, responce back from them, after sending them my take on how they treated the young service member....


They, no doubt have received thousands of emails just like the one I sent them.... :roll:

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Guest gtmattz

Think about all the threads like this one started on other boards as well.....


If any internet car people dont know about this situation now, i would say another week and EVERYONE will know... hopefull this will put those sleazy characters out of business. I work in a computer shop and if any of the crew here treated even one customer in a manner such as the guys at AMP, they would be looking for a new job.. I cant belive they are still operating. :cry:

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It's not the "power of the internet" those guys have to worry about. It's the "power of bored car enthusiasts who browse automotive forums all day instead of doing their work." hehe


This is not the first time this has happened...anyone remember that dealership that tried to screw the kid that won the auction for the Lancer Evo 8 ? They lost so much business to people calling and yelling at them that they finally took a loss (which they agreed to do in the first place) and sold him the car at the closing price. I bet they thought that there was "nothing he could do about it," same as these bastards no doubt believe.


Mobs of angry people rock! Keep up the good work.

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A few years ago my younger brother takes his nissan into the local Tune&Lube for service. He requests the tires be rotaited. Unknown to the fellow at the garage my bro marks the front tire with an inkpen. When he returns to pick up the car he asks if the tires got rotaited? Kind-a anoied the guy said yea they did. My bro ain't no wrench turner (I think he maybe mechinacaly chalenged) but he's no dummy. He asks the guy again, are you sure they rotaited the tires? The guy insists "Yea I did it myself!" he snaps at my little bro. He then asks to see the manager. The guy still don't know about the pen mark on the front tire. When the truth was revealed the manager was real apologetic and offered my bro some free-bies. He declined and took his car else where. Morale of the story... It pays to d it yourself and or buyer beware!

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