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It's so cool to have a Z...


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Got a nice ego boost tonite; I drove by a parking lot in a hurry (wound to 6 grand in 1st.. hee hee got a chirp into 2nd..) and caught the attention of two guys sitting in their cars; 90's Chev baretta;red underglow, loud stereo, and a 95+ 200sx; nice rims/body kit/rice wing, ect. I look in the rear view and see that they pulled out to try to catch me, but I got through a light and got to the highway before them. (probly cause I had a case of lead foot goin on.. and was eeee 30k over the limet.. :oops: )

About 4 k's up the road (into the next town) I roll up to a red light, and the Baretta goes by; the guy smiles and nods. :) Then the kid in the 200sx rolls up and stops beside me. He looks over, gives me the thumbs up, and looks over at his girlfriend.. (yah, she was cute too.. hmm..) I figure. meh, at least he aknowleged the car.. :lol:

Next thing I know, his stereo goes quiet, and the window rolls right down.. He looks over and yells "That's AWSOME man! Datsuns F'n ROCK!!! SWEET RIDE!!!" :lol: I nod 'Thanks man.' :-D Got to say I was a bit impressed, as my Z has NO markings saying 'Z' or 'Datsun' anywhere, and I've had people ask if its a Porsche, a cobra, a Jag, ect.. Heh heh.. I love driving an old Z... It just feels good.. :D

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Guest goldraven

yeah, i get the nods all of the time. From people ranging in all areas. But its quite interesting, i make bets regularly with friends on rides with them that i will get a comment about my Z by the time we get to our destination. I never knew that so many people appreciated the Z cars until i owned one.



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I always get a smile from the 40-ish women at the gas stations. Then the other day an older guy, with his wife and minivan, says he reallylikes my 77. How the hell did he know it was a 77? I still don't know, must have been a lucky guess. Anyway, there was also a nice brand-new white 350Z with a flare kit at the station and apparently he didn't even notice it, so that one made me feel good. Thirdly, it seems that a few people here on campus (U of I = 36,000 people) don't know me, but know that I'm the redhead with the only Datsun.


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Guest bastaad525

I want some middle-aged-woman attention!! :cry::oops: Actually *I* do tend to get a lot of compliments from the darn rice kids, 50% of which do actually know what it is (blame video games), either that or compliments from other people who own/have owned Z's, and that's about it. 350z owners (minus one very cool silver convertible owner) are oblivious, for that matter so are the Z32 owners. Z31 owners mostly don't even know what a Z is including the car their own car. Just another car to them.

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I came out of a sub shop and found a guy laying on the road underneath my Z once. He had to see how I did the install. Turns out he had a convertible Z at home he was working on.


I have to move. I have yet to find a girl, woman or old lady that is in the least at all interested in my car. Must be the creep behind the wheel.


Enjoy the Z Mat... the cold is coming.

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Er.. hmm.. yah. the 6K thing.. weeeell.. it's getting a freshened up head this winter, and thats getting bolted to a zx block w/flat tops.. almost 10:1 CR, open exhast and the zx 5 gear.. weee!!! So if the trans/clutch lets go, or the motor FINALLY gives up, (although it looks like it'd keep on going for a while! :? ) it doesnt matter too much.. seeing as the snow is comming soon.. thanks for the reminder Glen :evil: .. and it's all getting ripped out anyway. I don't know what it is though.. I get in the Z and drive..well, like a nut! :oops: Get in my truck, and I'm like an old lady.. go figure..


P.S. Glen; you should bring the Z up here some day.. heh heh.. I bet we could get quite a bit of attention just cruising through town in two white Z's!

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At one of the car shows I was at this year, a middle aged woman told me she lost her virginity in a Z. All I could think was, she must have been a lot smaller then or she was one heck of a contortionist.



Ha Ha Ha HA Ha HA Ha ,,,LMAO!!!! :lol::lol::lol:


Good One Bill....



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My Z was complimented for the first time the other day by... you guessed it, a middle aged lady at a gas station. :lol: "I love you're little red car." I had just replaced the gas tank vents, so I was feeling proud for two reasons: no gas dripping out the back onto the pavement, and the little red dude has still got it.


Come to think of it, a couple of bikers threw me a thumbs up at a stoplight the night I bought the car. weird...

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I was surprised how many thumb ups I got from guys in SL 500's and like cars (I lived in newport beach) but the funniest was when I stopped at an atm, and 30 yr old woman comes up to me and says "OH MY GOD IS THAT A 240 Z? CAN I SMELL IT? Then goes on ranting about how she loved these cars as a younger girl. Damn I wish my car was running again.

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