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I've done some pretty stupid things in my life. ADD YOURS!


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I really have. :oops: Fortunately this one won't cost me that much.


Here it goes. Well, I took the car to an exhaust shop to get some pipes on the car. I was pleased with the way things were turning out. The guys finished welding up the pipes, and lowered the lift. I started the car to give it a listen. I have mufflers with built-in through pipes that can run opened or closed. The car sounded awesome closed. I wanted to hear it opened, so I turn off the car, put it in first so it won't roll and reach under the car to turn the knobs. This is where everything went wrong. Mind you, I haven't had a manual daily driver in about 6 years. So, I was half-in, half-out of the car, which was still on the lift. I reach over and crank it without taking it out of gear. Well, you can guess what happens next.


VROOM! The car fires right up an lurches forward. The lurch pulled my hand away from the key as I was thrown back. The front tires hit the 6" tall stops at the end of the lift and go right over, cathing a little air. Meanwhile, I am frantically yanking the car out of gear and trying to get my foot on the brake. I succeeded, but only after the damage was done. The car sat with the front wheels on the ground and the rear on the lift. It had also moved forward enough to push a milk crate into the corrugated tin of the shop's rear wall and pushed it out about 2". The car was still running. I shook my head in disbelief at my blunder. I sheepishly shut it down to survey the damage. I thought for sure the whole front end would be crushed (its all fiberglass). I was lucky. Drivers side=no damage. Passangers side. Small 4" chunk of my fiberglass cheek panel is toast and the rocker panel has a 6" dent where it hit the lift. Everything else appears to be all right.


Talk about STUPID! I wonder how long it will be before I forgive myself for this one. We had shot a little video of the of the first run of the exhaust, but didn't get the incident on tape. Too bad because I would like to know how the car survived a 1' foot fall. If I had any ego before, it is gone now. I'll tell you this much, I will never turn the ingnition again without thinking of the horror and embarrasment that this caused.


Have you ever done anything so stupid?

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that was good. i won't top it but....


my first car was a 78 280, "blessed" with nissan's finest 3 spd automatic. my insuance company requested a copy of something i forgot so i park, reach into the glove box, and....WHAM!!!!


seems a certain 18- year old dumbass forgot to put his z in park. it rolled right into the concrete support of the parking garage. :cuss::cuss:


moment of silence for yet another formerly perfect s30 hood.... :cry:

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Oh! Oh! I've got a good one.


MY first car was a 1987 Thunderbird Turbocoupe. Passed down to me by my father. So of course the first day it's offically mine I drive on down to a friends apartment to show off. As we get in the car to leave and I'm backing out of the stall I pull the wheel left to back out and WHAM! Front passenger fender right into one of the concrete support columns for the parking structure, crumpled into the wheel well :roll: I just sat there thinking to myself, 'wow, it's a good thing this is mine now, or my father would kill me'. I still got a long hard stare when I got home though :oops:

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Have you ever done anything so stupid?


Nope. Never. :roll:


O.k. I can think of a couple. One ocurred when I was a young car stereo installer in the '80s. I sold a cassette deck to an older gentleman for his old Ford Courier. His truck had a rats nest of wiring where he had added extra lights for his canopy and other crap. I installed the deck, carefully (I thought) checking all of the wiring and making sure the radio was well grounded. The guy picks up his truck and is backing out of his parking place as I watch, turns on his headlights and... the cab of his truck suddenly fills with smoke. :shock: The truck lurches to a halt and he stumles out coughing.


Turns out I didn't check the wiring well enough. Somehow I tapped into the headlight circuit. Fried some of his wiring, fried the tape deck. He was cool about it, but I ended up spending A LOT of time fixing everything and ate my commission on the whole deal.




Once, when installing a small amp under the dash of a car I drilled some holes in the firewall to mount it. Stupidly, I didn't check what was on the other side and drilled a hole perfectly through the center of a hard brake line. :shock: (what an idiot... :oops: )

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Well I didn't 'totaly' wreck anything, but I hurt the tranny in my 93 King cab a bit.. 2nd day I had it. Pulled in to a parking lot to show a friend my 'new to me' truck. I pull up as he's walking away from his car... he didnt see me right away, cause he didn't recognize the truck (I used to drive an 85 Audi 5000t before this one) Anyway, I back up a few feet and yell "Hey! :D " at my friend. He stops and stares.. :shock: So I stop, (I was movin pretty good in reverse) and thought I hit drive.. :oops: nope, nutral. Truck revs, and goes nowhere. So I look down and go "Oh.. oops" and click it into drive.. with my foot still WAY into the throttle... BANG!!! SCREEEEEE..... Yup.. it didnt like that.. ever since then, it takes a few seconds to 'drop' into drive now..

Oh yah.. I lowered a lift the other day with the front right tire NOT bolted on a vehicle (as in, it was lying on the floor beside the truck!).. :oops: I noticed in time to bring it back up, but it was close! Kinda weird to see the back tire starting to go back UP as I'm lowering the lift.. :roll:

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My very first job as a mechanic AND my first day at a Toyota dealership.

I was servicing (valve adjustment) a customers Toyota p/u.

I hooked my bump switch to the starter.

Hit the swich and the truck ran right into the wall. :oops:

Foregot to take the truck out of gear AND still had the key on.

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Maichor you and Terry have inspired me to tell my Buster Keaton-esque story:


My first car was a '79 Mustang 4 cylinder, smurf blue with smurf blue interior and all of about 70 hp. I bought it from the high school auto shop. Someone had donated it to the school as a tax break I guess. It was that bad off. Man I hated that thing. Anyhow my buddies and I used to go to this little lookout and drink and talk and hang out. It was basically like driving up a fire break to get there, it wasn't really even a dirt road, just a firebreak. I really had to work the get the old Mousetang up there.


So this one Saturday me and a friend were the last ones to leave (about 3:30 AM), and he says that instead of going back down the way we normally do, we should try going up the hill farther and see if there is another viewpoint. So we did. We kept on going up the hill til we got to the top, and then the headlights just pointed out into blackness. My friend gets out and looks, and says "Oh yeah, there's a trail there... go ahead." I start to inch forward very slowly, and no matter how far over the crest I go, I can't see any trail yet. I stop. I roll down the window and I say to him "Dude, how steep is this frickin trail?" He says "It doesn't look that bad, just keep going." "OK....." I say. Finally I see the "trail" when my nose is pointed down at what memory says has to be a 45* or 50* angle. The car is just on the verge of sliding even with the wheels locked. I'm about to shit myself.


There is no way to back up, it is way too steep. So down we go. I'm trying to go as slow as possible without having the car get way sideways and possibly roll. As soon as the car starts to roll it just wants to pickup speed, and when I step on the brakes they just lock and the car starts sliding. Off the trail. I am completely out in the weeds as I continue down. We go down the hill probably about a couple hundred feet, and then it starts to level out a bit. Not even close to level, but now I can use the brakes and I'm regaining some measure of control. Whew!!! Glad that is over. But now the trail is GONE and there is no way we can get back to it.


We grab a flashlight and jump out to take a look. Looking down this hill we see a road. We are at the back of a new development, and directly below us is a plot being leveled to start construction on a big house. Unfortunately, about 1/2 way down the hill there is a big concrete drainage ditch. We are not out of the woods yet...


Looking around we find a piece of 3/8" plywood. So we take this back up the hill and lay it over the drainage ditch. I jump back in the car, and my buddy directs me to the plywood "bridge" we've just made. The hill is still pretty steep where the drainage ditch is, so it's not what you'd call a smooth transition. My buddy advises that I should "Go fast because you don't want to high center." Jesus... OK, here goes....


I hit the plywood and CRACK!!! it immediately snaps in half. My front wheels make it over then the bottom of the Stang SLAMS into the concrete wall of the drainage ditch. Momentum drags the bottom of the car over the concrete and I make it past the ditch!!! Now I'm in the clear. I make past the ditch and I'm almost down the last part of the hill. There is absolutely nothing stopping me from getting down to that nicely leveled lot! Wait a minute, I'm 17 and driving in a NICELY LEVELED LOT AT 4 AM AND I JUST CONQUERED THE MIGHTY DRAINAGE DITCH! IT'S TIME FOR SOME DONUTS!!!


I get down to the lot and immediately start a wide celebratory donut at about 25 mph. About 1/2 way through the first donut I hit a big mound of dirt about 3 feet tall! I never even saw it. Just countersteering along in my big victorious slide when WHAM!!! Instantly the left side of the car is airborn! Out of pure luck the car didn't roll. I skid to a stop and my friend comes running!!! And he says, "Dude! What are you f#cking stupid!" I just looked at him like "Did you really just ask me that?" Another disaster narrowly avoided. But the ordeal is not over...


We go to the driveway and realize they've put a fence around the lot and a chain across the the driveway. What to do? Simple! Find a sign post that has been pulled out of the ground and beat the chain down. Duh! So we find this piece of pipe with about a 20 lb hunk of cement and proceed to beat on the pipe clamps that the chain is attached to. Surprisingly, the clamps do start moving down the pipe, and our nemesis the chain slowly begins to inch down the pipe. About 1/2 hour on each side, and we've beaten the chain down to about 4 inches above the ground. We're going to get out of this!!! We're going to make it!!!


It's just starting to get light out by this time. We're both tired and dirty. We've beaten the hill. We've beaten the drainage ditch. I almost rolled the car in the construction lot. We've defeated the chain. It's time to get the hell out of Dodge. We jump into Stang, and it's 4 banger springs to life in the way that only a '79 4 cylinder Stang running on 3 cylinders with a huge vacuum leak can. I give it a couple revs, and drop the clutch. A nice big satisfying burnout ensues. We cross the lot and hit the chain at ~20 mph. As soon as the front tires roll over the chain, it springs up and smacks the bottom of the car, and catches the rear axle. BAM!!! I look in the rearview and see hellacious sparks flying out from the back of the car. The car kept going though, and we made it home that night. I can only assume that we broke the chain and that's what caused the sparks.


I miss my young and dumb adventures with that guy. There was the time we went to the lake and almost knocked the floating outhouse thing off it's mooring.... :lol::shock:


That stupid 'PoonTang kept going for another year or so until I broke the transmission racing that same friend, who was driving his VW Diesel Rabbit. Those cars were a dead heat.... :lol:


Anyway, sorry the story is long but I still laugh every time I think of it...

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Back in 1976 my jr yr in High school, VWs were very popular on my island home of Hawaii. On the island of Oahu, downtown Waikiki Kuhio Ave, 3am Dec 24th, I was smoking while driving when glowing embers jumped out of the pipe-bowl (as a result of me gagging) and found there way into the leg-opening of my trunks at my inner thigh!!


We locals live in shorts and, we surfers are usually in shorts only (if you know what I mean) In an attempt to save my namesake storage areas from further scorching, I stood on the floor to get the angle of my shorts pointing down twoards the floor so gravity could kick in hoping to shake out the hot coals, only to stomp down on the throttle!


Taking my bloodshot eyes (momentarilly) off the road while doing this version of the Island fire-dance, I failed to notice the coconut tree making its way to the front of the car untill hopping the curb brought it to my/our attention. With not much time to react, I thought I turned away from that tree. Nope, we smacked that thing dead center. Windshield popped out in one piece and that VW bug's front end crunched up like an empty can.


Back in the 70's seat belts were not yet manditory and my friend Karl got launched out the windshield head first (beer in hand) I thought for sure he was going to kiss that tree. He missed it by inches, did a forward roll, ended up in a sitting position (overflowing beer in his hand, held high above his unscathed head) yelling, "Wooohooo I only spiled 1/2"


Meanwhile my other friend Darren who was sitting behind me, smacks the back of my head open with his face. He broke a front tooth in 1/2. My Uncle who was a Captian on the force HPD Pearl City precinct (who happened to be on duty at the time) Got his yard mowed, cars washed and boathull scraped clean from all three of us juvanile deliquents, for the next year in exchange for him not telling our parents.

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Here's one (of MANY!) for ya...


It was wintertime in West Virginia, so I decided to do a little indoor (in the garage) work on my old beater Jeep. I sanded down most of the worst of the rust spots, and started to prime it so that it didn't just rust again with the salty roads and such.


All was going well till I was getting the bottom of the rocker panel and dropped the almost full can of primer. It landed straight down on the nozzle, which broke off clean and wedged the little tube down in the can, locking it open and spraying primer directly out the top of the can. The pressure, by the way, was sending the can spinning wildly in all directions...


Where it happpened to come near my LP gas space heater.


So, I now have an out of control flamethrower spinning wildly in my garage, mostly underneath my jeep where I can't reach it. So I grab a rake and smack the can to get it out from under the Jeep where I can safely put it out or something.


The whirling flame thrower of death then proceeds to bounce off the far wall and head straight up in the air, near the rafters of the garage. Which is where the propellant from the previous 5 cans of primer is residing. Did I mention it was wintertime? I had the garage all closed up....



BOOM! No more windows in garage. No more lit space heater. No more burning paint can (never did find it), no more eyelashes, and no more hearing in my left ear. Wow, was that fun.


I did eventually regain my hearing (I think), my eyelashes grew back, and I got most of the smoke and soot stains off the inside of the garage, but I will never paint indoors again.



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Guest Paul Felker

Well I suppose I could tell the "floating Subaru"


I have this friend we named goofy mike, and the name fits him perfectly! Well about 2 years ago, goofy mike got a subaru wagon for 100.00 bucks and it was all wheel drive, He thought it was the coolest thing since sliced bread, saying you cant get them stuck!


Anyways I go out with him one night for cocktails and a few games of pool, and he has the Subaru and he keeps going on and on about how you cant get these cars stuck, so I tell him to prove it, so he takes us to some trails along the Milwaukee river(we live in Mliwaukee)on the east side of town.


We find a few nice mountain bike trails that I used to ride a few years ago, and he"s raming this car along these trails catching air a few times, hitting my head on the inside of the roof a few times, it was a total blast, that car took every bit of punishement he could throw at it. so its like 3:00 am and we decide it was time to head back to the road and go home, so we turn the car around and we start to head back hitting jumps, mud, rocks, everything else in his path.


Now this is where the story gets crazy, we're bashing along this trail and it spilts into a fork, Goffy Mike stops the car and goes to the left closer to the river. We get down by the waters edge and there are a bunch of rocks along the edge about the size of basket balls no big deal just don't hit any rocks. well we decide we should turn around and go the other way so he tries to turn the car around but these isnt enough room to turn around, so we back it up and we get to the bottom of a hill that diddent seem so steep when we came down it.


So we are sitting at the bottom of this rather large hill next to the river.it's 3am i.m hammered, and the car can't make it up the hill, it's slippery the tires wernt that great and it was a little bit muddy. I get out of the car and I direct him to back it up to the rocks along the river, he backs up stops. I tell him to floor it and give her hell and try to get it to the top. So he lets her rip up the hill and he gets half way up stops and slides back down the hill backwards, after trying this a dozen or so times we realize this isn't going to work. Goffy Mike shuts the car off and gets out and we're looking around and this is the ONLY way up the hill.


we realize were not gettin this car out without help, but its 4am now, we're tresspassing for sure, we dont know what to do. well we decied that if we moved the rocks from behind the car he would have more room to back up and MAYBE he would get up the hill. He decides that we don't really have much choice, so we move all the rocks from behind the car and there is a clear path to the river. He backs into the river pretty far stops gives me this look and floors it, water,mud, and all sorts of stuff starts to fly, fingers crossed I pray he gets to the top, of course he dosn't. Great this isnt going to happen.


Goffy mike gets out of the car looking beat, dosnt say a word turns around gets back in the car and starts it up. I'm looking at him and asking what he thought we was going to do, he says watch, gets the car turned around and DRIVES THE CAR TNTO THE RIVER!!!!!!!! So I'm standing there in dismay and Goffy mike is driving his car down the river and we gets about 100yards down and the car finally quits and stinks to the bottom of the windows, the head lights still on, he climbes out the drivers window and swims back to shore laughing his ass off!!! I'm still standing their speechless and he's laughing still, and i ask him if he has completly lost his mind! he says no I just figured that we wernt getting it out, it was only a 100.00 dollar car and decided F#ck it im going to see how far it would go :shock: The story STILL is'nt finished, i'll tell the rest on monday!!!

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Heh, 4 wheeling can you you in serious trouble if you don't know what you're doing....


About 2 years ago when I was first starting college at Cal Poly (SLO) one of my roommates procured a 1993 Mazda B2600i 4x4. Now, you might think that little import trucks are crap, but this thing was a TANK :shock: all steel body, 2.6L 4cyl (man that thing had torque), close ratio gearbox for crawling, automatic locking hubs, and about a good 7inches of ground clearance on stock tires! On top of that you could cram 3 passengers into it, though I pitied the ones in the 'back seat' (extended cab) AND it came with a skid plate :D (all stock).


Well, he got this thing at a public auction, I went with him to provide him with minor techical knowledge. Well, he got this thing for about $300 and I was astounded. Body was in great shape, fired right up.


He has the thing 2 days and decides that he's going to make it into a killer 4x4 :roll: so he goes and gets some 30" Bigfoot XT tires on the thing and says to me "Rob, we're going to Lopez Lake!". Now, for those of who have never been there, there are 2 ways to lopez lake.


1. The normal way, take hwy 101 for a bit then turn off and follow the signs.


2. The crazed way, go directly over mountain via 4x4 (must have special permit to attempt this because of difficulty).


Guess which one we took? :roll: (pass shmass, we don't need no stinking pass :D )


So we get to the base of the mountain and he throws the sucker into 4 wheel high and we start up. Now, I had never driven or even ridden in a 4 wheel drive vehicle before so I didn't know what to expect, but it seemed to move along just fine over small rocks, loose dirt, whatever, and all was well.....


We reached the top of the mountain about 40 minutes later, it was a killer ride to the top, but I couldn't figure out for the life of me why anyone would need a special pass to take the trail, is way pretty tame, I could have made the same climb in my mustang without bottoming out or getting high centered, what gives? :?:


So we start down the opposite side toward the lake and things start to get.......hairy....


We begin to encounter logs in the trail.... Now, when some people here the word 'log' they picture a 1 1/2 foot thick section of wood used in a fire, but me, I'm talking about freaking FALLEN REDWOODS, like 5-6ft diameter :eek2: . So we are forced to detour around them, off the trail through dry pine needles.... This is where we learned that "Pine needles ≠ traction :shock: " and we start sliding down the mountain towards more of these behemoth trees, so we both start freaking out, just waiting to go sideways and roll, when Dave (my roommate) gets the brilliant inspiration to get back onto the trail, so he drops it into first and floors it, amazingly we DID make it back to the trail, but during the event I noticed something I thought was a bit odd in a 4 wheel drive.... the rear tires were both spinning freely and the front tires did not seem to be pulling :? hmmmmm.


After we made it back to the trail I felt the need to investigate this phenomenon, which is when I discovered.... The 4wd system was non-functioning! :shock::shock::shock: So here we are, halfway down a trail that we've never explored, with no room to turn around, with no choice but to continue down because without 4wd, no way we were going to make it back up those pine needles :roll: So we continue, this time with me driving (much better on a clutch then Dave) so we make it to the bottom of the mountain without much further incident, and THIS is where we discover the true volume of shit we are in. There's a river there..... A river FULL of water, and 5ft boulders :ugg: But we have no choice.....


Now, the tires Dave put on this thing, plus the lift he did gave us around 2 1/2 ft of ground clearance, so we got out to scout for a place to ford the damn thing. We decided that just a little upstream looked good, the water appeared to have turbulace all across it near the surface, which is a good sign.... right? :wink:


So with Dave back in the driver seat (no way, I was doing this :) ) we start across the river..... All goes well! UNTIL WE DISCOVER THE 8-9foot deep chasm by driving into it! Truck goes over and sinks, with us IN the truck! The cab was amazingly water tight however, with the exception of a small leak from the read sliding window. So with the truck completely underwater at this point, with the nose pointed down, we are sitting there in out seatbelts freaking out (much warranted at this point I think). So we decide after about 40 seconds we've got no choice but to roll the windows down (manual, not power thank god :roll: ) wait for the cab to flood and swim up. So we gather our meager belongings (non functioning cell phones, wallets, and a 6pack of coke we brought plus some subway sandwiches :-D and proceed to roll the windows down and claw our way to the surface.


Luckily it's a pretty slow moving river and we made it to the other side without much difficulty, except the water was snow runoff and we were both freezing our asses off. Luck was with us however, because what we had failed to note was that on the other side of the river UPSTREAM were the lake campsites, where several of the campers witnessed our lunacy firsthand and were kind enough to give us a few towels :D And call the ranger of course :roll:


So here's the kicker. Dave got fined $6,000 for this adventure :shock: $1000 for gross pollution of a public drinking water supply (lake), $4000 for having a crane come in and drag that POS out of there, and $1000 for various tickets plus we both got about 30 hours community service. :?


Amazingly enough, after it was fished out and left to dry for about a week, the truck fired right up and ran without a hitch for about a year (we also discovered why the 4wd system didn't work, all the vacuum lines were disconnected :roll: ) when we then learned what exactly a harmonic balancer is for.... The previous owner had fitted billet aluminum pullys and ditched the balancer... So guess what happens if you don't run a balancer and you need one? Harmoic vibrations eventually let the crankshaft bore it's way straight through the block :wink: Which is another story, since it happened on our way back to SLO, from the bay area... at 2:17am 8)


The moral of the story....

Well, I dunno, it was pretty fun until the river part :D

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  • 4 years later...

I got one but it's not as bad a some of the previous ones. My first car was a 97 grand prix gtp, but it had some rust on the lip of the rear right wheel well. So I spent 500 bucks to get it fixed to get the car perfect. Well one year later I was pulling into my garage at my apartment (which only had about one foot of total clearance on the sides) and it was dark so I had my girlfriend get out to guide me in (mistake)because there wasn't enough swing room to pull the car strait in. Well I'm almost completely pulled in when I hear a high pitched screeching sound followed by my girlfriend saying, "ohhh your gonna be pissed". Needless to say I hit the side of the garage and dented and scratched the crap out of the same quarter panel I just painted a year before. Not one of my finer moments

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wow. I don't have any stories as good/bad as those. The worst I have happened on March 13th 2009 (Friday the 13th). I was bored and had the need to take the ZX for a drive around the neighborhood. I came to one of my favorite round-a-bouts and did a quick lap around it to make sure there wasn't anybody around. All clear. I flick the wheel and give her a little gas. The rear breaks loose and smoke starts to fill the air. I have a good drift going for not having much practice. I get around the first time and think "One more time". I get about half way around the second time and I let off the gas just a tad too much and my tires suddenly grab. The next thing I know I am now sitting on top of the round-a-bout. My right rear tire is still on the road but the left rear is contacting about a 1" patch on the edge of the round-a-bout. I, at the time, though my right wheel was the drive wheel so I put her in reverse and think I'll be fine. I give her some gas and smoke fills the air again. I realised at that moment which wheel really had the power. I shut the car off and put it in nuetral in hopes I can push it down. Not a chance. Just then a truck drives up and the driver says he will help me down for $5. I wanted my car down so I agreed. He asks if I have rope and I say no, so him and his friend help me push the car down. Popped right down with the 3 of us. But they decided they had done their part and let the car roll into the curb across the street with me trying to stop if by myself. I stop the car and put it in park. No sooner is the car in park that the guy asks for the money. I give them the $5 and then they ask me if I smoke pot. :icon56: I should have guessed that they wanted drug money. Luckily my car came out with only a cracked front turn signal lens from my knee slipping while pushing the car. I deffinatly learned my lesson. Dont drift on Friday the 13th and dont use the street tires. Too much grip. lol.

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I traded bikes with a buddy of mine for a pass through Deals Gap (318 curves in 11 miles = absolute heaven) . He has an 06 GSXR 750 that was in the process of becoming a track bike, hence the lack of plastics. I have an 07 DRZ400SM.




The pictures explain it pretty well....

Not a lot of damage, just a hurt ego. Picked up the bike and we kept riding. Poor guy felt so bad. Paid me in cash the next day to fix it. Still a good friend, I would let him ride it again any day.

This demonstrates exactly why I bought this bike. It is indestructible!

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I've got one (alot actually) this was early this year, brand new to ft bliss, had a parking lot covered in about half and inch of sand, being my R1 already has traction issues i figured i would try some motor GP style drifting. So i suit up get on the bike and using my knee to hold myself proceed to do some formula D stuff on my basically new R1 and while i am doing this my battalion commander and brigade CSM happen to stop by to see the atraction, well once the back tire died and i called it quits i had a little talk with my chain-o-command well needless to say i did 45 days of extra duty and i am personally in charge of motorcycle affairs and safety for the brigade until further notice. gotta love life.

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