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Bush WINS!!!!


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Well I think Bush is the lessser of two evils. He is not perfect but at least he is not a two faced, limozine democrate and his wife isn't crazy. Plus it is not a good time to change leadership in the USA.


At least Bush is trying to thin down the herd of lawyers out there which will save money on EVERYTHING we buy (including medical care).


And he knows that other countries also have there own sercet agendas (just like us). So, only ask them a few times for help then move on.


And it seems that he is aware that Social Security was NEVER intended to be a retirement plan for america. It is a political death sentence to say that but he is trying to say it by making plans for SS to invest in the private sector. Not sure that is a good idea either but it is better than doing nothing or adding even more money as kerry planned. I don't know how SS turned into a retirment plan. When it first started, it was intend for people over 55, which was the average life span for a man at that time. Therefore, was intended for old women after their husbands died. Now look at the monster it has grow into. Kill it now and everyone plan to work as long as they can. And retire if you can.

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There were more than 2 candidates. I always find it funny how people will use completely contradictory logic to tell you how important it is to vote and then that a 3rd party candidate vote is a waste. Can't have it both ways.


<-- voted for the good guy instead of the any of the "evils"



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Guest Phil1934

Bill Clinton connected with the black population. Democrats need to reclaim the southern states. Republicans have kept them sewed up with their smoke screens of flag burning, gay marriage, the NRA, and partial birth abortion, but for the big issues they should be Democrats. It may take an economic meltdown, a draft, or a major scandal to wake them up, but any of these is a real possibility.

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Phil, Thanks for the laugh. :D


Bottom line is the democratic party put forth another BAD CANDIDATE and L-O-S-T! :lol:


They'd have HAD MY VOTE, had it not been for Kerry... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


Biggest Myth of the whole election? "Get out the Vote"! :lol: Less than 10% of people 18-24 voted... :lol:


Man I'm loving it today!

Mike :lol:

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Now all we need to do is wait for McCain to win by a landslide in 2008. Anybody who votes for Hitlery Clinton is out of their mind and should be deported to France where they belong :)


I am still upset that my 2 votes for John Coffey and Mike Kelly for US Senate did not show up on Fox News's election coverage :(

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Biggest Myth of the whole election? "Get out the Vote"! Less than 10% of people 18-24 voted...


Sure, they got the age group registered to vote by hanging out in front of Wal-Mart and the mall but when it came time to show up and vote guess what (office consensus here) they wouldn't put down the X-box game controller long enought to get out to the polls and vote.


Now this is scary again:




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Now you're thinking in the right direction $$$.

Spoken like a true Republican... Money uber alles!!!


Why is it so red and blue?

It is the reality of our two party system... the only function a 3rd party candidate can have is as a spoiler, and the two parties we are stuck with are controlled by polar opposites. The poor voters in the middle can only vote for the one they hate the least, and pray that neither party controls everything (thus gaining the ability to railroad special intrerest legislation by the trainload).


Well, I just saw the news... The worst has come to pass; one party owns it all. If you are of a religious nature, pray hard for the nation, we're gonna need it.

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Now you're thinking in the right direction $$$.


Spoken like a true Republican... Money uber alles!!!


Sieg Hiel (sp) Ok just kidding. Or not?


Let me tell you about myself. Both of my parents emigrated in the early 50's to the US from Germany. Do I speak with a German accent? NO. I was born in Chicago grew up in (ahem) Arkansas. I am the first person in my family to obtain a college degree. (it took me 10 years to get a 4 year degree WORKING FUL TIME). I am proud of my heritage. My father grew up in "der ost" or east Germany when it was the “Great Empireâ€. He even saw Hitler himself in the flesh. What was instilled in me was NOT a reliance upon government by my parents but the realization that I am responsible for my own future. My father throws nothing away, makes the most of what little he has and accepts NO charity although he lives on the poverty line. He’s way too proud, period.


Me on the other hand. I’ve got a little, I know I cannot take ANYTHING out of this world and I can share with the less fortunate. Coming from an immigrant family I understand the plight of the people coming to the US. They have little yet they have everything to lose.


The U.S. provides for most an education that is not available in their county and opportunity to excel (my father worked 3 jobs when he got here) The problem is that “some†immigrants coming here are looking for a “hand out†from us. This is unacceptable. Why should I as a working man support a person that is either here illegally? Especially after my parents busted their asses and only receive minimal social security benefits?


Gelt (money) uber allas … No I don’t think so OPPORTUNITY, that’s where it lies.




BTW, I am a 17 year military veteran that just told my unit that “I QUIT.†Yep, 3 more year of service and I could collect a retirement…at age 65 how’s that for MONEY UBER ALLAS?

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David, my post was not meant as an ethnic slight or slur... I've not studied surnames, and had no idea that you are of germanic extraction. My apologies for that.


I quoted that sentence only because it jibes totally with what I've come to expect of Republicans: Aything is OK as long as it makes a quick buck. Nothing else seems to count (especially not the environment) if it stands in the way of profits. Same general outlook as tobacco companies.


As to personal histories... I'm 3rd generation American on my mother's side; she learned English as a second language (in first grade in a one room school). I, too, worked my way through school. Unlike you, I got out of the Army of the United States as quickly as I could. (Note that is wasn't the United States Army-- they are the volunteers).

I think if I had 17 years though, that last hitch would have seemed Mandatory.


I agree with you on illegal aliens, which is another reason I dislike 'W'.: His plan to reward those illegals already here by allowing them to stay. I'd rather that those coming legally get that offer.


Sorry about the personal foul. It was wholly unintentional.


Ben, AKA A. G. Olphart

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Guest bastaad525

Maybe I'm crazy, stupid or both.... maybe too much X-files and conspiracy theories have screwed up my brain...




But I personally believe, very strongly, that Bush will lead us to WWIII, or at least, something much much bigger than just the conflict in Iraq.



I've never been one to really keep up with politics too closely... every time I've tried I find I dont' like what I see and hear, but it seems to me that Bush has succeeded in pissing off most of the rest of the world on a grand scale, and may continue to doing just that.



Also, he's trying a little bit too hard to mix church and state, and that CAN'T be a good thing. He's letting some of his beliefs influence some of his decisions just a little too much. Not to mention some of the religious EXTREME-ists standing beside him who seem to be just as much involved in calling the shots as W himself.



I didnt like Kerry either... and whoever would have won of the two, I don't think it bodes well for any of us. It's not about raising taxes or changing health care anymore.

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Guest bastaad525

Anyone here who has a TRULY open mind, would actually read and digest the information before just writing it off, should read this page:




Very scary stuff... If ANY of it is right (I suspect much of it is), the future is going to be a very scary place to be. It's not about UFO's or secret government conspiracies, either, just some very plain observations from a LOT of different people about just why Bush is doing what he's doing and what's really going on in the Middle East. Oil ain't even the half of it.....

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AG Olphart,


No harm no foul. I'll admit I had a few before I got on line last night. Sorry if I came across as a jerk :( waving my big American flag in one hand and my German flag in the other.


Again no hard feelings. Now back to Z cars...


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