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Thanks Giving and What it should mean...


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On Thanksgiving Day 1998 My wife lost her mother in a traggic auto accident. Her father was driving his wife to the family gathering when he had a mild heart attack, blacked out, and struck a tree. The impact was on the passenger side of the car and Donna's mother was mortally injured.


These days Thanksgiving for my wife is a rollercoaster of emotions for obvious reasons. We sometimes fill the holiday with visiting family and friends, and sometimes just use it as a day to be alone together so she can reflect on her loss, be thankful for what she has, and just "decompress". This year is one of those.


We often take things like family, friends, and those who matter most in our lives for granted, living life and assuming traggedy won't seep into our lives and snatch someone so close from us... NOT US.


Don't be so sure...


On this holiday, if they are nearby and close, give them a hug and tell them how much they mean. If they are far away and unreachable, my guess is they would LOVE to hear your voice... Tell them what they mean to you. Life in our country is full of many things to be thankful for. Let today be a reflection on that which should matter most... Family, friends, and life.


I'd like to personally thank Dan Porter for making this board available to me, so I have a venue for communicating with all of you... For each of you are in the group I tend to take for granted every day. Every morning I rise (normally way before sun up) and drive into work, and one of the first things I do is log into the site, and checkup on the previous nights thoughts and conversations... For that I thank Dan for making this happen, and I thank all of you for contributing. It makes my world a better place, for sure!


This is the most travelled holiday of the year, so please, Each and every one of you, be safe, and watch out for the other guy... arrive alive, and get home safe!


God Bless you all and Happy Thanksgiving!

Mike Kelly

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I had the privilege of witnessing true love and thankfulness this past Monday night. A man who was the once the preacher (he’s is now retired) at the congregation I attend is loosing his wife. Each day for him is one step closer to her departure and must be torment. But while we were there visiting we saw a side of him that was simply amazing. He was by her side at all times assisting her when she needed a drink talking to her with his hand gently on her arm full of love. I wish that I could convey it fully in words. He knows that she has a place prepared for her and thus does not fear her leaving. However we could see that it has taken it’s toll on him, and rightly so, but will that stop him…not a chance.


And as a show of the strength he has passed on to his children, his son lead the prayer last night. It was a prayer full of thanks giving, heartfelt and sincere. He knows his mother does not have long but is thankful and happy for the time she did have.


I am thankful for these kinds of influences and role models that still exist today. Everybody makes the world out to be a hellhole, and to some extent it is but there is always a ray on light from somewhere we just have to know where to look.


Be thankful for what you have, what you each have been blessed with.

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Yes, indeed, Thanksgiving....


Yesterday afternoon my wife was involved in a car accident; car spun out on a highway interchange ramp, in a light drizzle. Rear wheels locked up (strange for a FWD car), and the car essentially oversteered into a Jersey barrier. Arina’s more or less OK, with minor sprains and bruises. But emotionally she’s still in shock.


I suppose that in any circumstance one can find the perspective to be thankful. Minor injuries could have been severe. Severe injuries could have been mortal. What we should really be thankful for, is luck. It’s mostly luck that got us where we are, and it’s luck that keeps us safe. Hard work, talent, skill – they are merely the tools by which one can take advantage of luck. But take away the latter, and all our efforts are useless.

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You all couldn't say it any better. It's amazing to see how holidays can bring people together.


Unfortunately for me, I'm spending the first holiday without my love of 3 & 1/2 years who ended our relationship very abruptly a few weeks ago. It's so hard adjusting to this new life and not sharing Thanksgiving dinner with her and her family, but I'm doing my best to embrace what I have left. My family, a few great friends, hope and trust in God for a better tomorrow, and most of all.. my Z. :)


I always heard how tough it is for people to get through Holidays alone, and I myself had started to feel that, but everyone should realize that you are never alone in this world. Someone will always be there for you, no matter how loose your affiliation with that person. It's what makes this world so great to live in. Even with all the crime, abuse, pain and anger, people still find a way to be compassionate when others need them most.


For that, I am grateful. I am grateful that I still have a small part of me that is pushing me inside to move on to bigger and better things. I am grateful for having a place like this site to share my passions, ideals and accomplishments. My heart has a piece missing where someone very close to me used to reside, but through the powers of trust, faith, family and friends I will overcome this obstacle just like every one of us can overcome any mishaps in our lives. The bigger picture is there, and it takes a big person to see it all... I'm glad I'm a part of a community that embraces the good in life and lends insight on seeing that big picture.


May all of your Thanksgiving memories be blessed and true this year of 2004, and I thank all of you for making this site such a wonderful place to reside online.


Thank you members of HybridZ, for everything.


Happy Turkey Day,



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Today is better for some than others:

Today will produce the following in America:


2000 deaths from heart disease

1500 deaths from Cancer

340 deaths from respitory disease

300 from medical mistakes

268 from accidents (home, auto, etc)

187 from diabetes

150 from suicide

145 from homocide


A small tidbit on what will happened today.....

Any day that involves breathing is good in my book! This getting all sentimental one day out of the year.... :roll:


Just IMHO.... :wink:



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Thanksgiving is a day set aside for all of us to remember the things we should be thankful for rather than complaining, as usual, about all the other "stuff" that, in many cases really doesn't count.

I lost my mother a few weeks ago but I am thankful that her passing was relatively swift, painless, and that the family could be there with her as she passed over.

Today I am thankful for a loving wife of 32 years, two wonderful sons, a loving daughter-in-law and a grandson on the way. I'm thankful that I'm debt free (house, cars, the whole works) and that I've enough room in the garage for two Z cars.

The fact that I'm working today when I'd rather be off - really pales in light of the former.

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The thing I am most thankful for is that I still have both of my loving parents in my life.

Not just one day a year but everyday.

I can`t say I was always the best son, there were some rough times.

I am 42 and have for many years now tryed to make my relationship with my parents the best it can be. It`s hard sometimes!

I owe them alot!


I also am very thankful for the new friends I have met and have had the pleasure of spending time with. (you know who you are) :DThank you!


Never take a day, or the people close to you for granted!

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