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Guest Tht1KSguy

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Guest Tht1KSguy

Well, just when you think everything is starting to calm down and go your way for once you get the kind of news that doesn't even seem humanly possible. For those of you who remember, my girlfriend was hit by a car as a pedestrian and almost killed back in Dec. Luckily she fought her way through that with a broken jaw, bumps & bruises and a brain anyurism that was leaking blood into her brain... All of that we made it through (just barely). Well a couple of weeks ago we get the news that we're going to have a baby. Which was a surprise since she had 2 kids from a previous marriage and her tubes had been tied (but not cut because of her age) Turns out the swelling and from her accident caused one to loosen and come undone... tada baby. Then last weekend we were in a fairly minor accident in her Saturn (some idiot decides to make a u-turn out of a parallel parking place an t-bones us) so we took her to the emergency room just to make sure all was well with her and the baby. They ran a blood test for a positive pregnancy test and turns out she has some levels majorly out of whack w/ her blood. She survived 3 rounds of chemo almost 4yrs ago to fight off a rare form of leukemia. It's back w/ a vengence and after some catscans we know she has 5 small tumors in her brain, 3 inoperable. At this point we don't know whether either of them will survive the pregnancy. She's pretty much decided she's not going to do chemo again so she can live the rest of her life (somewhat) normally. She's 28yrs old. Please pray for our strength.


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Guest Anonymous

Deepest regards Man, I'm sorry to hear that, 2002 hasn't been a stellar year for quite a few lately. Heres hoping for a ray of sunshine from all this anguish. frown.gif





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Wow, your girlfriend has had a very tough life - I've never heard of someone with so many challenges presented to them in life. I can't even imagine what you two must be going through. Very sorry to hear about all this.


My families best wishes and prayers go out to you and your family.


Best Regards,


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I'm so sorry to hear that. You're wife is one amazing individual to have fended out so much in her life. My prayers go to you and your family.

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Guest Tht1KSguy

UPDATE for everyone... well, where to start. As you can imagine these last few weeks have been pretty hectic. The doctor was worried about the pregnancy from the start b/c the baby was "too low" well i don't really know what that means but he was right and we lost the baby about a week & a half ago. I guess some good news is the leukemia isn't out of remission but instead she has an extremely high white blood cell count (which isn't really good either) but at least that won't kill her. What's not so good is the brain tumors. They haven't gone anyplace and it doesn't look like they will be anytime soon. Basically they've given her about 18 (good) months and the rest is unknown. I'm guessing when he says that he means the rest will be bad... We're checking out new chemo options, surgury is still out of the question b/c it would probably kill her. But she still thinks she doesn't want to be sick if she's just going to die anyway, i partially agree with her but i figure maybe 6wks of being sick adding maybe a year to your life isn't a bad tradeoff but, it's still her decision. In her quest to live the rest of her life to the fullest we got her a new car... ready for this... '99 Cobra Convertible red w/ a black top. Her first car was a Mustang and she's always wanted a really nice one. Stupid me, when she asked which were the really nice Mustangs i didn't think she'd run out and buy one smile.gif Which i've barely got to drive (something about i scared her powersliding up the onramp during the test drive) :confused: you should have heard the saleswoman scream :D I'm so glad you can turn off the traction control. She had her first street race 2 nights ago (she beat a Camaro SS 3 times) he kept wanting to race b/c he couldn't stand getting beat by a girl... She already thinks we need to make it faster. I'm thinking she needs a rollbar. Anyway, thanks for all of your well wishes. This is where i come to read about everyone's projects when i need to get my mind off of things.

Thanks again,


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Ryan, sorry I missed this post earlier, but I hope the very best for you and your girlfriend--my prayers and best wishes go out to you. Do right by her and you will never feel guilty! The new car was a nice touch BTW smile.gif


Take care,


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Ryan, thanks for the update. It seems things have turned around a bit for her and you.


Just wondering if she's talked to specialists at the Mayo clinic or Johns Hopkins about the brain tumors. It's pretty amazing what can be done these days, with treatments and surgery, if the experts are involved.


I wish you all the best of luck, and tell her to keep the shiny side up :D - glad she's out enjoying herself in the new machine! Is a supercharger in her future? 2thumbs.gif

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Guest Tht1KSguy

Yeah Pete i've thought about the supercharger... she'd pile it up for sure then. I'm thinking maybe a shot of nitrous wouldn't be so bad (maybe i'll put in a key switch that only i can turn on) 2thumbs.gif and i can always take out the bottle. :D First things first i'm going to pull out that stock shifter and throw it in the trash. I'm going to pull out the air silencer this weekend. Then maybe cat back exh. and/or headers would be next on the agenda. It needs to go in to the dealer before the warranty is up, the cruise sucks and we have some sort of small pop/clunk sound in the rear end seems to be suspension related and not drive related but i can't figure out what it is. I don't really trust that IRS anyway since i've heard of ppl breaking parts. (i think we'll avoid the strip) In the meantime we'll continue to abuse the new Comp ZR TA's.

John thanks for the link. Any other ideas are welcome from anyone. Oh yeah another hiccup... her 3months of Cobra health insurance ran out 2wks before her diagnosis and i only have major medical since i'm an independent contractor. joy joy... any ideas there??? It just keeps getting better. We got the summons today for court on Tues. Her ex is fighting for residential custody of the girls. Nice guy.

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In my own world of turmoil and health concerns I missed this one as well... 1st off, I'm sorry to hear about all of the misfortune you and your girlfriend have experienced. 2nd... Get the book by Lance Armstong called "It's not about the Bike". The University of Indiana at Indionapolis (I believe, been a year since I read it) has some of the best Dr.s in the world. She could make it past this... Don't give up hope all together. Get the book, read it, then make the phone calls... The two of you have nothing to lose, and you have nothing if you lose hope.




For those who don't know, there is this crazy texan known in the cycling world as Lance Armstrong. He came down with a particularly violent strain of testicular cancer at what was expected to be the height of his career. Didn't work out that way, as the cancer hit hard in his head (Tumors) and lungs (More tumors) and he lost a testicle... During all of this he was cut from his contract with Cofidus, one of the largest bicycle racing teams in the world, lost his health insurance, and almost lost everything due to the mounting bills.


He has since won the tour De'france THREE times and is probably the strongest cyclist this country has ever seen.... he had Tumors in his LUNGS and BRAIN....Lungs and legs are are two of the key ingrediants to being a winning cyclist... the third is your brain.... He beat the odds, because he had hope, and was a fighter... Never give up, never lay down for the count.


Mike Kelly nono.gif

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...One more thing... Don't settle on one Dr's opinion... Get more, and more and more... Don't give up... Read that book and you will understand... They almost Killed Lance Armstrong with the first group of Drs... Hunt out the best, and make sure she keeps a fighters mentality...


Mike 2thumbs.gif

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Sorry to hear about your girlfriend. I hope everything works out for you guys. My father was given 6-8 months to live in ’90. He went to Duke U. to talk to the Dr’s because in SC he did not like what they had to say. He basically was trying to get into an experimental program that only 10-12 people (in the world!) were in at the time that had inoperable cancer. They told him the program was full. He stayed in Duke for months and would literally wait at the doorstep for these Dr’s day and night when they came and left from their office. To make a very long story shorter, they finally put him in the program to shut him up. His persistence really paid off. At the time the Dr’s that were doing this program told him that they were basically going to poison him and he was going to have to try and stay alive. The procedure was called interlukin 2 (sp). Its not chemo, it is applied with shots. Some patients died from the procedure. Most of the patients that did not die during treatment about (85%) are in total remission and are doing ok. This procedure is a lot more common now and all that were in this program had inoperable cancer. This was basically their last chance. My father is doing great now. He has to drive (or fly) to Duke every 6 months for his check-ups. Even know he bitches and moans about it, he knows how lucky he is. The best thing about this is that we are pretty tight now. Before we barely had a relationship after my parents got divorced.


Please don’t give up. Explore every avenue. They are making discoveries and finding cures everyday. I have a lot of info on his treatment if you would like copies, just email me offline. (t_dabney@yahoo.com)


Hang in there and give her everything she wants.



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Sorry I didn't open this post sooner, and sorry about the baby.


We've had our share of problems too - leukemia (my brother didn't make it) and another brother gone.


Appears as though she's a fighter - attitude counts!


I will be thinking about ya'll...



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