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Who wants a HybridZ calendar?


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I'm down. All the ideas are great. Big pic with some progress ones and a BIO with members voting. What would be a good time of member ship before you can vote, 3 months 6?


Oh you know what else would be cool!? Z car trivia. You know like on the this day in 1969 the first 240z rolled off the production line. Up coming Z events for the year would be cool too, if they are planned out that far anyway.



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I've been giving this a spot o' thought.


I can do the layouts, composition and correction.


When selected cars are in the SoCal region my wife can take the pictures (we have several high-res digital cameras, 35mm's...etc. and she is HUGE into photography)


We can set up a 'panel' of selected Admins, Mods (whoever) that can 'approve' the layouts. Pre-production layout's (with several versions of each) can be submitted for general recommendations and then returned to me (assuming I'm selected for that role :wink: ). If the 'panel' is in my area we can meet in person to go over the final proofs.


I think this is an awesome and very realistic idea and I would love to be able to be a part... to contribute back to a wonderful community.


I think a good spread size (not including the calender section) would be around 16"w X 11-12"h. That would allow a nice sized main shot and ample room for smaller, amplifying, photos (detail shots, WIP shots...etc) and text.

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Wonderfull idea, I'd be up for a calender. I really like the idea of voteing for the cars, but at this point in time we would have to vote for two a month. To give these guys a good amount of time to pull everything together. I really like the idea of a short bio w/description. That's what's missing in car calenders now, especialy when it's not a "stock" showcase. Pictures alone can't describe the cars that are going to be in this.

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This what I had in mind for the picture. Like I mentioned above, a picture of the whole car, a pic of the engine bay, and one other part of the car (interior, underside, rear lights, FMIC etc etc) and a short text piece with specs and interesting stuff......what say y'all?

I just slapped the picture below together quickly...time would need to be spent sizing the smaller pics better etc.....



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That's what I was thinking. I have a Japanese Skyline magazine (Club Tuning & Modify Skyline no. 20) in front of me now that's laid out very similar. Better than just one large shot.


Hey, if someone wants to send me some hi-res pics of thier car and a small bio I'll put together a sample tonight and post it back up tomorrow? Anyone down? keith.hadley@hap.com

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I would love a calender! I just noticed the same thing on an SRT-4 site(I was cruising the site for some info on performance parts for the SRT-4's since the owner of the car that I will be installing the parts wont do it!)


So when and where is the contest going to be held? New post or still in this one?



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I can take care of the printing and shipping but I'm almost as artistic as a rock so design will be left up to others.


I like the 1 big, 2-3 little + short bio idea. 2006 is the way to go... I guess a mod/admin could sticky a new thread for submissions and later one for the poll itself. We do need to vote ahead of time to ship the calendars by december.

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We need to generate a list of candidates (with pics). Hopefully there are more than 12 ;)

Then we could have a poll to determine the 'top 12'


Assuming the selected 12 are willing to participate and have pictures taken (or can provide them) the graphics layout process should take no longer than 3 months.


There is then plenty of time for pre-production approvals and editing.

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I like the idea of a 2006 callender as well, and I would be more than happy to work on the design of the callenders as well, or give a hend where it is needed. I am a full time freelance graphic designer and comercial artist, and can usualy find plenty of free time. plus I have alot of calenders that I have done for clients so I usualy have templates and such for each month done by the november or december before the calender year starts.

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Ok lets do it. How about Tim takes care of getting people to submit pics and decides who and how the voting will take place and other lajistics of getting the cars for the calander. He then informs the people who have been choosen and they are responsible for getting pics and bio to ZHADMAN or sbc 400 to do the layout, he turns it over to JKDgabe for printing. Everyone down with that? I think we may need 2 extra cars selected in case people who get voted for don't come through with final hi res pics. Lets get it going soon or it will be tuff to complete by 06. Sorry I don't have anything but motivation to offer this project. Well I got some cash if that would help!

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I'd like one too. Let me know when they're ready. Thanks. Another good idea from a member of the best website bar none.



Hey, JDKGabe, I finally got a bike! It's an 02 kawi ninja zx6e. Pretty cool. It'll have to hold me over for speed until I can afford another zx since my brother has my last one.

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