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Pictures of my rust progress.

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Well I wasnt sure what section to put this in, but I choose here since it had to do with stregthening the chassis. Anyway a couple months ago i posted about figureing out how to fix my rust problems lol. Well after alot more work then i thought im nearing getting done with it. Ive learned a good bit about welding amoung other things as this has been my first attempts at welding. Anyway here aresome pictures, thought yall might enjoy.


rust before






floor boards:



frame rail (this pic was taken before i was completely finsihed welding)



for more pics and info on my car you can visit:


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First attempt at welding? Jesus.... That year and a half I spent learning how to weld in the Navy now seems like wasted time :( Seriously, that looks awesome! I hope my rust repair looks half that good when its done. Looks like yet another car that will be finished before mine :)



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Hey guys,

thanks for the positive remarks.


haha I too would have not bought this car or attempted work on it if I would have know it was so bad. The people who had "fixed" the rust before jsut put aluminum flashing over the bottom and frame rails and undercoated it. I bought the car without ever opening the hood or looking inside. I jsut saw it out in a parking lot and called the guy. Once I found out how bad the rust was, I couldnt really cut my losses because I would have lost too much to get another car so I plugged away at it. Still alot of work, but getting there.


I am the second owner so I do feel like im saving something here.



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Guest cowboy6280

WOW! looks great, keep up the good work. I have planned to do the very same with my Z, although my rust isnt any wheres near as bad. I want to go ahead anyway just to help stiffin things up a bit and have new metal in the floors. My biggest slow down now is "time". If we lived closer I would try and talk you into doing the same with my car... Again, looks like you have a done a great job, keep it going!

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I too would have junked that car long ago, almost makes me regret having to cut up that early 70's chassis........well.......nahhhhh it doesn't


your doing excellent work and its most impressive for some first time welding. kudos to you Austin, hope to see your project on the road very soon......

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Wow, fantastic job! It all looks familiar. Although, your '71 had a bit more rust than mine. I learned to weld on the exact same projects (battery tray area, firewall, pans, sf connectores) and can really appreciate how much work goes into what you've done. It's looking great.

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Hey guys,


thanks once again for all the positive comments.


ON the t/c mount and the sway bar mount. I have a little write up about what i did on the site that explains the sway bar mounts. I went up to 3/8" bolts and welded nuts onto the original spacer plate and then welded the plate to the frame rail -- might sound confusing but i've got pictures on the site that should clarify it.


About those t/c mounts..... wellllll..... I took a few measurements before i cut everythign out and then got them welded back on as best i could. To be honest im fairly confident they will be off a little bit lol. But Hopefully not anything more then i can fix with some shims or, if i have to, adjustable pieces which i want anyway :)


xmem was the same way, I did this one side at a time, and took measurementrs, I made exactly sure that the xmem was right, this wasnt a hard task as it is pretty easy to measure out.



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im useing a hobart 220v 180w with gas. And yes i did have some trouble with the warping on the flat pieces between the tunnel and the s/f connectors. I am going to blame it more on my skils then the welder though. Like i said this is really my first go aroudn at everything. IT really isnt too bad defintly not notciable with carpet and honestly prolly not notciable to any degree jsut painted homefully.


Perhaps a better nchoise would be to stich weld it and then seal it im not sure, I thought welding everything would make it the most stiff. But maybe somebody with more expirience could chime in on this


Im hoping to finish the project at the begining of summer. BUt we will see how everyhting goes lol. More like when i run out of money. Im in HS now so im not currently working, trying to get through with the insurance money i got. But i think thats gonna have ot change if i wanna finish and follow through with my goals.



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