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Top Ten Newbie Questions


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Guest comeandzpa
how much would it cost to put sr20det/rb20/25/26det[t'] into my 240/260/280/280zx/300zx?


....and who makes a bolt-in kit for it?


has anybody seen that VQ45TT swap?


can I take an RB20 block, use the RB25 head, RB26 turbos, and the first RWD transmission I find in the junkyard, slap it together, get 600+ horsepower and 25+ MPG for under $3000?

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We should do something about this problem to make it easier for newbies. I know what it's like, 'cause I was there not to long ago asking some of same questions. The search feature can work wonderfully if you input the right key words and wade through all the data, but it's not an optimal solution. What helped me was a FAQ that was once used here at HybridZ (or was it an idea that was never implemented). We should resurrect or complete implementation of the FAQ and keep it updated with the "Top Ten Newbie" questions and answers.


Check out this link:


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Question: "Are the moderators and admins really Pricks, or are they just having a bad millenium?"


Oh, and Bartman, Hell of a Job on that FAQ... You convinced me... You got the job of creating one for the site... Everyone send their tech articles over to bartman and he'll Pu them into the proper catagory... (Everyone else steps back two GIANT steps!)




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*steps back three, just to be safe*


:-D You know, I was thinking about this today while working on a project.. I'm in school for apprentiship training (general machinest 2nd level) and in the shop clases, we were told "Work like you were working in your own shop" Ok.. so I had to cut a woodruf key seat (little half moon shape) in a part, and had no idea how to figure out the procedure. I'd never done it before, and was a little confused... All the other guys are buisy on their projects (this is the last week, pretty intense) and the teacher is buisy marking parts/tests. What was I to do?!?! :lol: Well, I got out the books/papers and started fliping pages. Between a text book, a chart, and a previous classroom hand out, I figured it all out. Took about 1/2 hour. I cut the key, cleaned up the part and handed it in. Managed a 98% too.. This way of working through things is ussualy how I find info on here, and other web sites and seams to work well...


Oh BTW, has anyone ever put round tail lights in a Z? I think it'd look cool...

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Questions are always a good thing, I believe, and wouldn't it be all too boring if no questions were asked. But, I always get a chuckle when someone asks a question that's so basic, you are almost assured the person asking the question has little to no knowledge about anything mechanical in nature and even if you politely provide this person with an answer you have to wonder if they understand the answer or if they could actually exicute it by themselves. We've all seen many of these questions posted over the years. The devil in me always fights to though out some sarcastic answer, but I reframe and remember that once upon a time I was not as knowledgable as I have become (believe me, its taken over 50+ yrs and it aint over yet)....so I just write it off as free entertainment. Gotta love this site and it's members!!!

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