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Urge to Merge

Guest greimann

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Guest greimann

Is it me, or does no one in this counrty know how to merge into a freeway, or from two lanes into one? I drive the Los Angeles freeways everyday for work, and everyday there inattentive people, who I shall refer to as "morons", that believe that entering the flow of traffic means stare straight ahead, set speed at something other than what the traffic is moving, and ride the white line until they eventually crab over into traffic, regardless of what or who may already be occupying the lane at the time. Turn signal? HA! These "morons" also use this technique when number of lanes decrease due to construction, practically plowing over the orange cones or the hapless road worker holding the stop sign. Am I the only one who looks far enough down the road for merges and construction and takes action before the crunch? Did I miss something in drivers ed that gave "morons" the right of way? Thanks for letting me vent! ugg.gif


(I wish I had a "laser".)

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As a former Southern Californian all I can say is count your blessings.


Since moving to the other coast I have learned the joys of the "Maryland Merge". In Maryland, people drive all the way to the end of the merge lane, come to a complete stop, then turn their head to look for an opening. I mean they don't even make an attempt to look for an opening until they have come to a complete stop with no merge lane left. This is the only place I have seen this. It happened to me once in California, and myself and everyone else trying to merge had the good sense to pass the idiot with horns blaring.

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You got it to a Tee!!!!!

Let me just add one more point:

These same "Morons" feel is absolutely necessary to drive right at the speed limit in the 'fast' lane, even though the other lanes are empty. Pisses me off no end!!! :mad:malebitchslap.gifmalebitchslap.gifmalebitchslap.gif

Unfortunately, I am usually in the Company car with Logos on it, so I can't get too agressive, but when I'm in the Z, or even better, in my 71 truck....Whooh Baby....Look out!!!!


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I can`t speak for L.A, but I`m pretty sure that most metropolitan areas are similiar when I comes to the "MORON twak.gif FACTOR". I`ve driven quite alot over the eastern U.S, and these IDIOTS can be found everywhere. ie. D.C,Birmingham, Atlanta, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, N.Y.C, and Knoxville, just to name a few. Not to mention most of the little towns in between. There must be some kind of syndrome that causes peoples I,Q to drop 25% when they get behind the wheel. cuss.gif

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As a very general statement there are two types of drivers idiots and morons.


Morons - people who are driving slower than you are ie as you pass them you say "look at that moron".


Idiots - people who drive faster than you ie as they pass you you say "did you just see that idiot".


Yes I am an idiot and I am forced to share the roads with morons.


BTW I agree with all the previos post whole heartedly.



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My plan is to mount a CO2 powered BB gun behind the grill and just plink a few "dings" into rear fascias and tail lights of offending vehicle whenever they crowd in in front of me. Will make me feel much better and the "moron" will never know what happened thereby avoiding the possiblity of road rage on either parties part.

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Dallas Tx. Drivers suck!! I just try to stay the heck out of their way!! Cell phone in one hand curling iron in the other! Oh and all at 80 mph!



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I don't know if those people are any match for the foreign tourists here in 0rlando. I just wish the mass transportation system here was better, so maybe they wouldn't feel like they have to clog up the higher traffic areas :mad:

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Guest Anonymous

Lets just say people suck driving all over. Here in Tempe the freeways are as you describe them.


The surface streets are 1 mile blocks of three lanes. The right lane is basically the bus lane, or "I think I'll ride over here until I get behind a bus and then surprise the person in the 2nd lane by jumping out in front of them lane".


The center lane is meant for cruising and being surprised by the person jumping out from the right lane to avoid a bus.


The left lane is for getting surprised by people that are using a center turn lane (if there is one :mad: ) as an 'accelleration lane' to merge into the 3rd lane.


The left turn lanes are rare but they do have one that has a left turn light, but if you miss it, you can still turn left provided theres a opening.


If your approaching and are within 100 feet of the light when it goes red, no problem, people here just run them, unless your in Mesa or Scottsdale and then smile pretty you just got your picture taken.


Bicyclist from the university wrongly assume they don't need to obey any traffic laws and just today I saw a girl flip a guy off because she came screaming across the street (and we were on a green) only to scare the crap out of him because he thought she was going to keep coming across and he must have gotten a bit irritated with her, but I swear I thought she was going to be rolling over his car onto mine the way she was coming across the street.


As much as we complain though, try italy, or france or japan you think we have traffic issues. There its a free for all, drive wherever and don't worry about bumping someone. :D





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Phantom, you may not want to mount the BB. Been there done that, mine was spring type choke cable triggered. I just didnt take into account deflection! :eek: Oh yeah sure it makes nice little cracks on the tailights and dings on the rear but ive also had it deflect back and hit my windshield! can you say cracked and pitted windshield? Doh! :eek: Good thing it was only a 73 Duster. I agree with Zfan about cellphones, dont forget about people using PDA's on the freeway. You know how you guys have morons in your state? Well in Texas everything is big..... including our Morons! :D

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Guest Anonymous

Maybe like a sheridan rifle with / headed pellets, no deflection, penetration! :D Maybe use a air pump to air it up, but then you'd only get one shot before having to load it again. A nice billet custom gun with a air pump and large chamber to reload might be cool. For serious offenders a potato gun might just do the trick.. It'll take a window OUT. ;)

Kids don't try any of this at home, the 'man' (police in 60's speak) won't dig it at all. :D





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All the cities mentioned are tame compared to....


Athens Greece!


1. Car to car contact is common and expected when merging.

2. Two lanes of travel in one direction will easily accomodate 4 cars side-to-side at speed and 6 if there are no broken down vehicles on the shoulders.

3. Bump drafting starts when the light turns green.

4. Red lights are ingored until enough cross traffic has filled the intersection to physically stop any further running of the light.

5. At intersections, sidewalks are used as the right turn lane.

6. Driving the wrong way is OK as long as you're only going a block or two.

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Originally posted by Sumo:

Phantom, you may not want to mount the BB. Been there done that, mine was spring type choke cable triggered. I just didnt take into account deflection! :eek: Oh yeah sure it makes nice little cracks on the tailights and dings on the rear but ive also had it deflect back and hit my windshield! can you say cracked and pitted windshield? Doh! :eek: Good thing it was only a 73 Duster. I agree with Zfan about cellphones, dont forget about people using PDA's on the freeway. You know how you guys have morons in your state? Well in Texas everything is big..... including our Morons! :D

Easy solution:

Nailgun under the fender. Pull up next to them and give 'em a flat.

Although that is a bit extreme, but damn it would feel good!!! :mad:

SF Bay Area is full of 'em too....

Oh well.... used to be fun to drive!

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Guest greimann

In reference to the "laser" (ala Dr. Evil) I was hoping for one in the megawatt range, not milliwatt range. I am guessing that one could take a boom-boom car stereo setup and modify it for this purpose. Several batteries and a bank of capacitors could yield a few milliseconds of YAG laser output, yes?

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Guest potterma

A few ms of Nd:YAG, yes, but what could you do with it? Blind somebody? Not enough power to do any mechanical damage (except bubble some paint if you've got a good focus and spot-on range).

Used to work for an industrial laser mfg in Livermore, CA. At the Lab (LLNL), too, by the way.

I get pissed at the Blue Hairs and gerneral Moron's as much as anyone, trust me. Bang-for-buck, though, laser ain't the way to go. I've always wanted to mount a laser sighted 50 cal for those frustrating commutes!

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