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Hanoi Jane finally admits her trip to Vietnam was a mistake


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So, are we supposed to forgive the witch? She's now making money off that stunt and she's a lying, worthless waste of skin and a disgrace to this nation and all that it stands for. I guess her dirty laundry is supposed to be the latest "shock" reading..... I say it's more lies, and more lies in an attempt to make money, she will stoop to new lows and knows no shame.


You can be for this country or against it, but if your against it then you shouldn't have the privaledge of living here having all the good and none of the bad.

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DR. Hunt, Tell us how you really feel! HahahahA!


Careful, because the hand wringers will come out of the wood work and tell us WHY it was the just thing for her to do.


I say she is a living case study of "the quintisential manipulative bitch". Bad things will happen to her in time... Bet on it...


You can have a "Voice" and protest an American policy as a citizen of this country. But once we have progressed down a path (As in this latest WAR), I think it best that we SHUT our COLLECTIVE mouths and finish the task at hand... Then promtly vote OUT of office the policy we disagreed with before the course of action that took place... But rather than DO something constructive to aid in completing the course of action once it has begun, Our left leaning, hand wringing citizens would rather create more caos, and deflect more attention from true and real facts, and towards agendas better left for when our troops are back home safe and sound... It's the liberal way... their version of "the american way". It defines just how devided this nation currently is and was during the vietnam war.


No, Hanoi Jane and her buddy John Kerry can both rott in hell, on a slow turning spit...



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She the typical Hollywood liberal! She is and will always be a traitor and to think in some Countries she would have been executed for treason.


There is nothing wrong with disagreeing with your politicians stance and even your Countries but never do what she did. My uncle and cousin were in Nam. Just like today you might not agree with OUR Countries stance but you and I and our friends have loved ones over there.


Support them not the enemy!



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DR. Hunt' date=' Tell us how you really feel! HahahahA!


Careful, because the hand wringers will come out of the wood work and tell us WHY it was the just thing for her to do.


I say she is a living case study of "the quintisential manipulative bitch". Bad things will happen to her in time... Bet on it...


You can have a "Voice" and protest an American policy as a citizen of this country. But once we have progressed down a path (As in this latest WAR), I think it best that we SHUT our COLLECTIVE mouths and finish the task at hand... Then promtly vote OUT of office the policy we disagreed with before the course of action that took place... But rather than DO something constructive to aid in completing the course of action once it has begun, Our left leaning, hand wringing citizens would rather create more caos, and deflect more attention from true and real facts, and towards agendas better left for when our troops are back home safe and sound... It's the liberal way... their version of "the american way". It defines just how devided this nation currently is and was during the vietnam war.


No, Hanoi Jane and her buddy John Kerry can both rott in hell, on a slow turning spit...




I don't get into politics too much, and being a Canadian, I'm not usually posting replys to topics such as this.. but Mike's got a point I agree with. Don't now if you guys read my post a while back about all the crap going on with my engine builder/his ex, but I had to make a choice last week; He went to get evrything out of the garage, but she would not let him have personal tools/equipment. Customers stuff only. I could have loaded ONLY my engine/parts in my truck, and drove away. Instead, We loaded around 3000 pounds of engine blocks, heads, cranks, ect in my truck. I also helped load his truck, and another one AND drove across town to his new shop to help unload. It will be next week before he can get organised, borrow tools/equipment and get my motor together. But I figured if I just f$%#ed off with only my stuff, (some of shich I couldn't find.. 10 guys loading stuff.. moving fast.. you know) I might be just making things worse in the end. I don't like the situation, but here I am in it. Not that I want to wait another week, but it's better than an indefinate wait AND a pissed off engine builder. All this is because of the way his ex is behaving, and I take comfort in the fact that she WILL pay, sooner or later.

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As a Viet Nam veteran, for the last ~40 years I've been wondering how that traitorous bitch has avoided being prosecuted for giving aid to the enemy.


Forgive her with a firing squad.


Give me an excuse and I'll tell you how I really feel.

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Her sudden vision of a mistake is another mistake in my opinion. In `72 supporting the troops and the war in Veitnam was not all that popular so she felt free to make a publicity stunt and go to Hanio. Now in 2005 supporting the troops and the war is fairly popular so she is renouncing the Hanoi trip and moving toward what is popular today. Remember the world series when the tomohawk chop became contraversial (can't remember the year). Jane still made the motion of the chop only held her hand flat instead of inline like a tomohawk blade. She was tring to not upset the Native Americans but still support her Billionare Husband's baseball team. In the end she pissed off both the Native Americans and the baseball fans and probably her husband too. She acts as though she has compassion for those people in distress but in reality she is helping herself not those around her. To me her flipflop aditude involving current and past events and her fince riding nature on things like the tomohawk chop show a lack of constitution and a self serving nature, not the type of person I admire at all. I must say though, I enjoyed watching her in "Barberella," she was definatly a hottie back in the day.


At our local VFW bar there are pictures of Jane Fonda's face in the toilets that say "piss on Hanoi Jane." It is pretty funny, they are positioned in the urinals so you can stand there and piss all over Hanoi Jane.

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I had family and friends that didn't come back, except in a box. Whether it was right or wrong doesn't matter. Take an oath to serve this country in the armed forces buddy and you'd better step up to the plate and go down swinging. I don't agree with alot of government policy, but I do vote, so I can bitch.


Mikelly has it in the right context and well said.


I miss my family members and my friends, something Hanoi Jane doesn't have, real friends that is.


What kind of a friends do you all have? Mine will meet me on the street corner with arms, if asked, with no questions in thier minds, will yours?


Datsunlover, your getting close to a real friend to your mechanic. Being right sometimes won't buy you a cup of coffee and some people who are right are in prison and some are dead. Got to know when to fold them for another day of play.


In the end, when your days are almost done and you are on your deathbed, what will each of us have? You'll have your family and whatever "friends" come by to pay their respects before you leave this world. So, in the end it can all be summed up as "What you did with the "time" you had here"!! So, thanks for you alls time and words.

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Slightly off topic but still associated :


Here in the UK we have recently had some "unproven terrorists" returned to us from Guantanamo bay and the cheeky f***ers have claimed police protection and all the cost that goes with it AND THEY HAVE GOT IT !


Hanoi Jane, Moazim Beg ...... same **** different skin.

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Now in 2005 supporting the troops and the war is fairly popular so she is renouncing the Hanoi trip and moving toward what is popular today.


That didn't occur to me until you mentioned it. At first I was hoping she was genuinely sorry. But now I wonder if she was looking at what happened to her partner in crime John Kerry and all that anti-war rehtoric causing the silent masses to stand up and be counted. One has to wonder if she is once again prostituting herself and looking no farther than book sales.

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