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People are cheap (just a little rant)


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Now... not all people are cheap. Let me get that out of the way. LOL


I'm constantly amazed by the 'cheapness' of individuals in the car-loving-community. I've had two fairly large ticket (over $1500) items that I have put up for sale recently.


The first was a blacktop S13 motorset. Pristine condition, excellent compression, good leakdown. Cleaned, polished and meticulously prepared to install into my Z. Got an RB instead and put the SR up for sale. I paid close to $2000 for this bad boy and all I wanted out of it was $1500. Fairly reasonable I think. There were some serious individuals interested in the motor, but I was absolutely dumbfounded by some of the offers (and questions) I recieved.


I had one guy offer me $700 (and could I pay for shipping to NY?), another one $800, and was told by one gentleman that the motor was not worth more than $1000 (He'll do me a favor and offer me $1200). I eventually pulled the ad and traded the motor for a GTS-T tranny and some RB parts.


The second were my 18x8, zero offset, Gram Light 57-Pro's. I paid darn near $2000 for these bad boys and they had to be custom ordered from Japan (due to the offset). Well... switched to CCW's... put the GL's up for sale.


8 million questions about wheel offset and bolt pattern (hey, good practice)...2 offers for $500 ($750 after I explained that they had only been out of the box twice and were in supremely excellent condition). One offer to trade for a GSR (I think) motor, two requests for monthly payments (but they wanted the wheels delivered after a small deposit), and one wanting to know my minimum price (which they then undercut by $200). Oh, yeah... 1 email telling me my wheels were fake because of the shade of gold on the rims and another because Volk Racing never made a zero offset wheel like this.




I realize (acutely) that this hastle comes with the territory (selling items on the internet)... so I try to laugh some of this stuff off. But sometimes it makes me wary of selling things. The wheels never sold... perhaps I'll hang them on the wall... so they can be admired. Too bad they're the wrong bolt pattern for my Sube.


SO... I'm sure we've all had some sort of issue peoples audacity. If you've got a funny, or outrageous experience... post a reply.

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Welcome to the world.


I wouldn't say that people are cheap, just that:


some just have no money

some are crooks

some are clueless

some are still children

some are liars

some feel they deserve everything

some are used to have things given to them

some must have it their own way


and the most common:


some always, everywhere, all the time, in every situation MUST GET A "DEAL".


For these deal people, you just have to be smart enough to structure the transaction and your behavior to make them feel like they are getting the deal they so desperately crave.

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:lmao: "Have I got a deal for you!" :lmao:


From the other side of the fence... I should have been in logistics, or maybe a buyer for some large corporation... The most favorite part of a project is searching for and getting the "DEAL"... To me, that is the funnest part... Just me, but you feel good when you find that "deal" that is unheard of...


I'm searching for a car trailer right this very moment and I may have found that "DEAL" in a trailer with a minorly damaged frame for $1200. Deal or dog? Who knows... but it has been fun and exciting...


Besides, how many times have you purchased something and then found out you paid WAY MORE than something was worth? :lmao:



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I'm about to the point where I run away screaming when someone tries to give me a deal. I'm a penny pincher to be sure (the doesn't have the money kind), but every time I've gotten a "deal" on parts for my car it's ended up taking 4 to 27 times longer to get them than it would have to just bend over and pay, and it has also been my experience that the parts usually aren't quite what I wanted. No more deals for me...


As to the stuff you were selling, it might help to take a look at who's buying RB20's and 18 inch wheels. Not a cut at you Zhadman, but the majority of the guys I know who dream about those parts have a $1000 240SX and a job at Wal Mart or equivalent. No wonder they're trying to nickel and dime you. I bet you wouldn't get as much haggling if those wheels had Porsche lug patterns...

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In all my years from selling avacados on a table in front of my home when I was five to $1M software implementations, I've run across people who don't really care what they are buying. Their biggest concern was the deal itself - the process of negotiation. Once you've identified that kind person in the transaction, do everything you can to make them feel that they are in control of the process. Put up a few roadblocks that they have to overcome (they like the challenge) but make sure they feel they are the winners at the end. Most of the time they will happily fork over the money and then gloat about how they "won". Let 'em. That's their whole reason for existence, to be the "winner" in the deal process.


Don't let your ego or pride get in the way by trying to overtly control the process or obviously come out on top. Remember, your goal is to get the most out of the deal at the end while letting the "deal" person win the process.

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a buddy of mine from another board posted up this story:


So I'm at the swap meet selling shiz about 10 years ago and I have this little kids bike. Russian dude and his family posse roll up...


Him: How much?


Me: seven dollars.


Him: five dollars.


Me: seven dollars


Him: 5 dollars.


Me: seven


So he looks at it, spins the crank, ect, ect for literally FIVE minutes...


Him: five dollars?


Me (holding up VII fingers): SEVEN DOLLARS. Ask me again and it will be ten.


Him: five dollars?


Me: it's ten now.


They step back, trying to figure out what the **** just happened...


New dude that just walked up: How much for the little bike?


Me: five dollars.


Him: sold!


look on russian dude's face: PRICELESS!


The guy selling **** next to me walked over and gave me two bucks and said "thanks for making me laugh my *** off!"

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Welcome to the world.


I'm with ya. I was anticipating this stuff... I just find some of it humorous.


As to the stuff you were selling' date=' it might help to take a look at who's buying RB20's and 18 inch wheels.[/quote']


You're right... and I understand that.


The 'deal' is one thing... lowballing is another.


For the most part... I laugh this stuff off. My pride (or ego) doesn't preclude me from selling anything... that's why I try and set a realistic minimum.

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Not totally on topic, but I am with MKelly. You can't get a deal all of the time, need or WANT may push you to spent a bit much. BUT, when the mother of all deals are to be had, they are, dumb luck. You happen to run across a person trying to offload whatever and you happen to have an insurance check, or you just got your tax refund and it worked out perfectly.


It's the best! :)

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A friend of mine just bought a body kit for his mustang. The best "DEAL" he could find was from a company in Canada. A month after he ordered it he still hadn't received it so he call about it and finds out that the paper work for shipping was not complete - they need every blank on the form filled out to get it through customs and into the US.

He provides the information and then finds out that they can not deliver it to our town. They can ship it to Sacramento, Las Vegas or Salt Lake City.

My friend ends up driving 300 mile to Salt Lake to pick it up.

After test fitting it on the car he finds that the "primed and ready to paint" kit is going to take major work to fill in voids and get it to fit properly. (the side skirts are 1 1/2" too short).

He now thinks that the kit is a knock off and not the name brand kit he thought it was.

Would have been cheaper to buy almost anywhere but from the best "Deal".

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