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Request for prayers


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I would appreciate Lisa and I being added to your prayer list for the next 30 days. We are requesting prayers so that we may become pregnant.


For the past two years Lisa and I have been trying to become pregnant via the most evasive method of invetro fertilization, out side the body embryo creation. She has endured several surgeries, received quarts of IV administered drugs and I’ve stuck her with so many needles I’ve lost count. She has been pushed into premature/artificial menopause (part of the procedures) experiencing hot flashes, and all the symptoms of menopause. This has truly tested our marriage however we have remained strong even during our weakest most challenging times. Lisa is a strong woman to have the courage to have been subjected to all the treatments she has and I love her so much for trying so hard for us to have a family at the expense of her health.


Currently we travel between Rogers, AR and St. Louis MO to see our fertility doctor which has not been the easiest trips to make. Five hours each way, we usually leave one evening, to see the doctor the next morning, and then travel straight home arriving home close to the time we left the day before.


I feel strongly that through the power of prayer miracles do happen. We are, and have been praying for a miracle. I ask that you mention our names to your congregation this Sunday morning to keep us in your churches thoughts and prayers that we may be blessed to become pregnant and experience the joy of having our own family.

Thank you and God Bless you.




David and Lisa Sommer

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My folks went through that back in the 50's and 60's before they had the technology that they have now. Finally they went to an orphanage and adopted me and my sis. Sis first, me second.


My dad passed away almost 3 years ago coming in June and I can tell you that there is/was no greater love than that of my folks. Thank god my mom is still with me. Unlike my sister I had been severely abused as a baby and didn't talk until I was 4, they got me at 18 months. I completed high school, BS and MS in engineering and I am a registered professional engineer. I hold a federal explosives license and am president of 3 small companies.


Make no mistake about it, I have a natural son, and I couldn't love him more than my folks love/loved me! I have never ever wanted to disgrace my folks with the unwanted desire to find my "biological" parents. Parents are those who raise you not who make you and if you were in my shoes I'm sure you'd feel the same way I do. Having been in 8 foster homes in 18 months I was destined to be a product of my upbringing that had no chance of being a productive member of society.


Trust in God, and ask the right prayer. I pray that he will send you the gift of life in the form of a child that you can call your own, however it shows up. Even your name is holy, you will be blessed.


Best wishes


David Dotson


PS. Oh, my dad was from Greenwood AR, I have alot of kinfolk in AR,MO, KS.

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I'm with you. Both of my children are miracle babies. We went through 3 years of uncertainty before getting pregnant via drugs and inseminations. Just don't lose faith. It can be hard at times but even in the darkest times I knew it would work out. There was just something inside that made me know we were destined to have children, some how some way.


And now that my youngest is 4, my wife has agreed to be a surrogate for another couple. She goes in next week to be examined by the other couple’s fertility doctors. From a feeling of hopelessness to providing the greatest hope imaginable. Truly a remarkable world we live in.

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Guest Aaron

Brother, I am there with you. My wife and I have one more round of Inutero before our only real option is Invetro. We are lucky that the clinic is only a little over an hour away. It has tested us and or faith; it has been a long 4 years. My wife is in the midst of losing some weight based on some new research, and then we will try again in June or July. Prayers are going up. I don't know if you have friends in similar circumstances, but feel free to email or pm me if you need someone with an ear.

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My wife and I too have been trying to conceive for the last couple of years, undergoing many tests, fertility drugs, etc. Last month my wife conceived, only to miscarry a couple of werks later. It was a blow to us, but we are not giving up, just as you are not. Just wanted to let you know that you two are not alone. Keep the faith.


Mike and Shani Gadwaw

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