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Alex Costa???


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Hey All,


I made a post about not receiving my pistons a while ago from Alex Costa. I thought he had a good reputation as he seemed to advertise alot on the boards and mike personally knows him.


I sent im 758 dollars for a set of pistons. The day my check cleared he dissapeared and I have heard aboslutly nothing from him. Wont respond to emails, or telephone calls, and he never gets online.


Now Mike told me a nice story about what happened but to me this explains nothing. Unless he is on his death bed he should be able to at least contact people and try and set his buisness dealing right. As somebody said his reputation is worth more then a set of pistons, well i guess this isnt so.


I filed a dispute with paypal, he didnt respond to them for 10 days so they tried to collect my money, they were able to get 48 dollars.


NOW I hope in a few days to be able to delete this post and apoligize with a happy ending


-Austin Hoke

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i told ya the pistons are being sent to you.

the pistons he tried to get for ya were pre-sold so he had some made up for ya.

those were being sent to him and then you.

as of last time i posted about this, the pistons havent even gotten to him yet.

his computer is still down, he still doesnt have a car to drive, and i dunno whats up with his phone.. i tried to call him yesterday with no answer.


i still havent gotten my stuff from him either and there worth way more then 700 bucks. but he said he will send it and i trust him.


ill try and get in touch with him for ya again.



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Every Mc Donalds in my town has computers to use for free. I used them many times to log on to HybridZ when my computer was down....


Joel has a point, even when I have been in the middle of nowhere for work (Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Mississippi) I have always found a public access computer somewhere.

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Although I agree that no contact is terrible maybe there is an explanation...not necessarily an excuse, but an explanation.....I will withhold any judgement until we hear from Alex......things have to be really bad for him. If his health is very poor due to injuries.....that will be his primary focus now.....as it should be.....



hopefully we will hear from him soon

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Well good communication goes a long way... This should be a lesson to all of us... If you're doing a deal with someone and they have pre-paid for something, you need to keep them in the loop when "life" happens.


Not to hammer Alex specifically, but the BS meter gets pegged when you hear things like "computer is down and phone doesn't work..."! :shock: Bottom line is communicate, and NOT thru a 3rd party. :toetap05:


Mike :cool:

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OKay to give everyone an update. I just talked to Alex Costa tonight. He apoligized for not being able toget in touch with me and said that he was very busy with his new shop so much so he hasnt been able to get online.


The set of pistons he promised me were at the machine shop still and they used them for a different motor without his knowledge. He says that he has ordered 2 new sets of pistons -- on for himself and one for me and they should be too him shortly.


I havent recieved the pistons yet but I have talked with him which gives me a better feeling. So as of now hopefully everything has been straightened out.

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Not trying to continue with bashing but, for 800 bucks and a promised time of delivery. I would think he could have taken the 10 minuites it takes to log on find your e-mail and let you know whats up. I put some pics up on here years ago for Alex and through e-mail contact seemed like a cool guy but, hey, no money was involved. You've lost time to get your project done which sounds to me like is more important than the money for you. I'd still be :fmad: But, it's not me in this situation.

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I'm real interested on how this all ends up. Please keep us posted Hoke. I've delt with Alex once a few years back. I have not posted my opinion of how he handles business because i do not believe in bashing anyone over the internet but, that was, and will be, the only time i do business with him. And Mike, please don't take offence. I know you two are friends. I hope it all works out.

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