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Russian brides?? (for a friend I swear!)


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Okay, I have a friend in Chattanooga (where I recently moved from) who was going through a dry spell in the lady department. About five months ago I had some friends over at my house and as a joke we signed him up for some information on Russian brides. We figured he would get some cheesy pamphlet and call us giving us hell! Turns out they sent him a hour long video and a bunch of other crap. He has been talking to this one girl for the last four months. He was talking to me yesterday about flying over there to see her. He is even thinking about taking a RING with him "just in case"!


Me and my other friends (who all feel like crap heads for signing him up) tried to talk some sense into him. We told him that she would be gone the second the plane touched down if he brought her back with him.


Dont get me wrong. My friend has went out with some pretty women and I have no problem thinking that two people can start a long distance relationship. Its just that he showed us some pictures and this girl makes Anna K. look plain!! I mean honestly she looks like she could be a supermodel.


What should I do in this situation. I feel really responsible? I thought I remembered seeing a thread on here about russian brides but I cant find it now. Can anyone give me any information to either give to him or make me feel better?


I am a turd of a friend! cry2.gif

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I agree with Tim on this. My former employer married a "Russian Bride" who he met through a service. She is very attractive and very smart (just finished her law degree at UT law.)and they seem happy. Like anything else, somethimes you can get lucky while other times... malebitchslap.gif Probably won't be anyworse off than he would be with women he met here...

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I guess you guys are right, it just seem obvious to me that these girls are only out to get their green card. I mean, if coming to America was not the point Im sure there are a lot of great russian guys they could hook up with... He is just very impulsive and I feel he needs to really think about this.

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Yup, what Tim said. Guy is an adult and should know better... He needs to have the love goggles stripped off him and fast...


Brings up another good topic... The SERIOUSNESS of marriage. When two people marry it is not only a union, but also a BUSINESS arrangment. The two of you now are partners in a financial liability known as marriage. What is yours is their's and vise versa. This, if no other reason, should be enough for ANYONE to really think HARD about who they are marrying and what each party brings to the table. I had a friend who had fallen into the trappings of quickie romance and he ended up losing his house and his car, not top mention the hottie bride he married... Love and romance take time... And time is one thing that won't hurt a relationship...



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Mike, we have already talked to him about that. He just said that he would work out a good prenupt in advance. Im not even sure how good those things are. Im pretty sure they can be beat in a divorce?


Denny, that would be a good idea but according to him they have talked about that as an option. Im not sure how real of an option but who knows.

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Saw a lot of this in the Navy with Phillipine women. Some of them worked out, some didn't, but most never got through all the paperwork.


The travel channel has a show that follows some guy on his trip to meet Russian brides. It wasn't quite like people imagine. The girls were all pretty, but they were also smart and most of them seemed to be looking for something serious.


About all you can do is tell your bud what your concerns are and make sure he is going into it eyes open. Beyond that just be a friend.

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Guest BadKarmaCreepin

wouldn't you think that there's just as many hot chicks in some part of the world as here? i mean, everywhere has it's concentration of hot chicks and not-so-hot chicks, right? unless there is just an abnormal amount of tail wandering around eastern europe, then i'm planning a vacation!


off-topic: in these largely populated areas where eastern european chicks might be found, is it possible to travel there and not know a lick of the local tongue?

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Yes, you can go to eastern europe and not know the language, most people speak a little english at least, be prepared to get ripped off on some business transactions.


According to a russian girl I once heard, they don't like russian guys because they're a bunch of drunks! That said, I'm still VERY skeptical.

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Guest Anonymous

I also would let him do what he wants. If he has made his mind up your not going to change it. Especially if she's hot :D


Its going to be hard for him now with the new immigration laws that went into effect after 9/11.


Let us know how it turns out.



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Prenups... Yup, Got one. SHE made me do it. I had all the assets and she had the liabilities. After two years dating, she wanted to make sure I was protected. So I went to a lawyer, drew everything up, and they supposedly do hold water, but who knows... You can get a lawyer to contest anything these days... Hope I never find out.


Love my wife.



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There`s a lot of scaming out there! She might not even be a she. There`s a flower service he could use. Very professional!!!! flowers Have him send her flowers and get her picture reciving them THEN he will know she`s real. Better to lose $50 than to lose $450. He can also check this site russian scams chances are if she`s a scam he`ll find her picture and SAME letters on there. And if she says she dosen`t have a phone and her address isn`t complete with zipcodes than it`s a scam. This web site can also lead you to an honest service.


Im just saying be careful!!! and think (with your head...er brain) I know two Russian women I met last year. (I wrote a post about them at the time)And still keep in contact with them Email and calling Russia. And I agree with everyone Russain women are very very intriging ..Cute and very smart making it easy for us to stop thinking! ...Mark

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Guest Anonymous

Ive actually met a couple of russain brides from when I was in the air force of all things. they were all beautiful and intelligent. If its legit then he probably will be a lucky guy, if not then he is about to get scamed. If my GF leaves me I was actually contemplating doing just that.... actually I have eveytime the lady department gets a bit slow tongue.gif


here is one that if nothing else is fun to look at ;)www.meetabride.com

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