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Z >=< ZX windows...

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Ok, For the first time in my... 3 years of Z obesession I JUST realised that the S30 Z's have window tracks. This really pisses me off. Why didn't they use window tracks on the ZX cars? It's the No. 1 source of road noise in my car. I've made sure they fit 110% better than factory and still I get wind noise at freeway speed. I may as well not have any windows at all!


Why did nissan do this! I don't understand the logic.

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S130 quiet? Hmm the S30 must be DANG loud people. My S130 seems LOUD. I hear the tranny with ease, I hear vibrations in my brake pads, I head my diff howl at certain speeds, I hear my small exhast leak click, I could even hear my swap bar bouce due to dead bushings, but I removed it.


If all the factory S30s are that bad then I feel sorry for you guys.


I still can't fathom why you couldn't use a window frame with the factory t-tops... I plead ignorance. I'm an idiot. Someone explain.

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Ok, i get it now. Either the top rail of the frame would have to be a detachable part of the t-top (wich would make the point of having a frame moot) or you'd have a bar just hanging out there with the window down and the top off.


I'd gladly give up my t-tops for window track/frames.

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