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Well imagine that... I may end up keeping my 240zt yet AGAIN!!

Guest bastaad525

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Guest bastaad525

never around here, I think. I think only like 10% of people on the road in SoCal actually stick to the speed limit. My wife got pulled over for being 10 over, but never heard anyone get it for 5 over.



But back on subject, how much lower am I gonna have to drop the price on this Z to get someone to buy her??? It's breakin my heart seeing it parked every day gathering dust, the weather has been kind sucky lately and I haven't driven it in about two weeks :(

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Guest bastaad525

I dunno dude at this point a Mopar Stage 3 setup is looking MIGHTY good, 300hp, even more torque, roughly the same price as I'm trying to sell my Z. All of the Z's speed with a factory reliable, daily drivable setup and none of the Z's quirks.


right about now that's the only reason I still even have the ads up.

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My brother got pulled over doing 23 in a 25 zone. Cop said he clocked him going 32. He had radared a different car so my brother faught it and one since the cop didn't have a shred of evidence. Other than that I've never heard of getting pulled over for anything less than 10 over.


I'll drive way over speed limit, but I won't weave throught traffic or drive exessivly fast at night or in neighborhoods. I try to be sensible about my speed. I don't find myself going faster than traffic very often. But you're right bastaad, maybe 10% of people in CA go anything close to speed limit. And the people that do 65 on the freeway get honked at. As long as they're not in the fast lane they don't bother me ;)



Back on thred topic


Still no buyer? Hey, I've got a job now but it's for a friends small 2 person partnership. They needed someone to handle clients to grow the biz since they both have full time jobs. So I might have some money once things get rolling but that could still be a while.


Now the bad news..........


I don't think I'm gonna buy a S30 anytime soon. I want to be one of the few people with a really awsome S130. Too many people look down on them. I see lots of potential for them. If I get a S30 I'd end up putting a motor in it that would have me paranoid all the time. Plus I'm gonna build a street friendly weekend autox'er, so I think starting with a slightly bigger car with more luxury options to begin with will help. I'm still planning out alot, but my mind is pretty set.


So in light of this bad news... I hope you can find a buyer man. It seems like a great car, and I hope one day to see you in a 400hp street driven SRT4 8) :rockon:

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Guest bastaad525

my first and second Z's were '81 280zx's and I loved them. I hated that rear end sag during hard launches and never was able to get rid of it (wish I'd known of these forums back then)... but other than that my last ZX especially was a great car. I had it for 5 years and some 70,000 miles, and it only broke down once, because the fuel pump went bad, which I KNEW it was going bad, I could hear it acting up, but was just procrastinating about fixing it. I built up a high compression 2.9 L with all the goodies, to see it put down 'only' 145 whp, and realized that that hp in a 3000lb car did not equal fast so wend 240 hunting. But I loved that car, and have always thought about getting another one. I'd LOVE to do a high powered turbo S130.


No problem about you not wanting the car anymore :D I wasn't counting on it anyways... no offense but I'm not counting on ANYTHING from ANYONE until I have some money in my hands.



my own little ticket story... go pulled over for speeding in a 40 zone.


Cop tells me verbally I was doing 75. Writes on the ticket that I was doing 62 in a 35 zone. On another spot on the ticket he wrote 60 in a 40 zone. His partner who was also writing up a ticket for my wife for no seatbelt, also writes 60 in a 40 (in both applicable spots). I went back and checked and the whole street as far as I could tell is a 40 zone. But because this jackass wrote 62 in a 35 in that one spot, that puts me at more than 25 over the limit and means I cant take traffic school to clear my record and keep it from upping my insurance.


So I'm fighting it, court date is Dec 6th. If the cop doesn't show I'm clear, if he shows at least I'll have photos (and the ticket his partner wrote) to prove it's a 40 zone and they'll have to reduce the charge and let me take traffic school.

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PLead not guilty... That document is an article of evidence for the record and is inaccurate. The judge will most likely throw the charge OUT... Just plead not guilty and show the tickets with conflicting info, and then show the pics of the sign and other supporting data... Do not ask to have it reduced... Plead not guilty... The judge will throw it out in most cases because the cop obviously didn't do his job in reporting the info accurately. The whole stop and charges become suspect at that point.



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Guest bastaad525

yeah already plead not guilty. I was planning on showing the judge all the stuff even if the cop shows up.


We have two officers, writing two tickets with all kinds of different info. Somethings not right there.


Hey if it comes down to it I at least can prove w/o any doubt that I was doing less than 25mph over the speed limit and can take traffic school. Not so worried about the fine but I just dont' want my insurance to go up and no points on my record. But yeah... since I'm gonna be there you can bet Im' gonna TRY to fight it and get my money back that'd be great.

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Its sort of funny you have a court date for dec 6th. I also have a court date then because I was pulled over for doing 47 in a 45(wtf?!) on my way home from work, and couldn't find my insurance card.


I've been told to plea no contest so it'll either get reduced or thrown out completely.

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speaking of, has anyone gotten pulled over for doing 5 over the limit?


When they switched from 55 speed limit to 65, the police were very sensitive and people were getting tickets for 1 over. I stayed 63 just to be sure I wouldn't get nabbed. Now? If you are going 65 you're likely to get rear-ended. 70 minimum, I usually go about 70-75 and many times people are passing me (on both sides) at least 25 over the limit. I have seen someone pulled over for going 55 in the fast lane, he was causing a traffic jam in his wake and many people were honking at him, then the cop pulled behind him and pulled him over and of course it took him several minutes to blink all the way over to the slow lane shoulder.

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Its sort of funny you have a court date for dec 6th. I also have a court date then because I was pulled over for doing 47 in a 45(wtf?!) on my way home from work' date=' and couldn't find my insurance card.


I've been told to plea no contest so it'll either get reduced or thrown out completely.[/quote']


Were you driving eratically? Weaving? Recklessly? And that sucks. I don't know why you were looking for your insurance card I don't think that is required.... Or is insurance card the same as registration? Also read up on the post about no contest before you do that, unless you know sufficently about it, from what people have been saying it seems like it isn't a good way to go about things.

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Were you driving eratically? Weaving? Recklessly? And that sucks. I don't know why you were looking for your insurance card I don't think that is required.... Or is insurance card the same as registration? Also read up on the post about no contest before you do that, unless you know sufficently about it, from what people have been saying it seems like it isn't a good way to go about things.

I've always understood that it is illegal to drive without proof of insurance. You also need to have registration and drivers license. I've been pulled over and harassed for driving a red BMW. Literally driving the speed limit, blinker turn everything. Course I was driving the day after a big street racing reck and I guess a red BMW is rice here... I've had a friend plead not guilty on all 4 of his tickets, officer didn't show on any except one.



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I've always understood that it is illegal to drive without proof of insurance. You also need to have registration and drivers license. I've been pulled over and harassed for driving a red BMW. Literally driving the speed limit' date=' blinker turn everything. Course I was driving the day after a big street racing reck and I guess a red BMW is rice here... I've had a friend plead not guilty on all 4 of his tickets, officer didn't show on any except one.




You are right I am an idiot. I thought he ment the insurance cards the good companies give out that tell you what to do in an accident, your name, and all thsoe kind of trivial things. I keep the insurance with the registration, probably why I never noticed it.

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Guest bastaad525

yeah guys keep your finger crossed that either a) the cop doesn't show or B) the judge is a cool judge and sees the inconsistencies on the tickets and decides to just be nice and throw it out (yeah right!).


at the least they BETTER give me f'in traffic school so I can get this crap off my record.


Now... someone buy my damn car!

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Guest bastaad525

You think so? I have seen a few cars go for WAY more on ebay than I'd ever have guessed they would.


I just ... gawd it just seems such a hassle... people can be real tards on ebay. I don't want to deal with someone who is gonna be picky and get the car and have some kinda issue, leave me some negative feedback or try to get their money back... too many scheisters out there.

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