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Video of rb25 280z on dyno

J Taylor

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btw JT..

my blue Z and your Z are like brothers.

both have shaved rear ends, same air dams, pretty much same car but mines blue and urs is orange.

only thing is, im not sure if i should paint my bumper (same as urs) body color or a grey/black.


ur car is amazing!



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Thanks for the compliments guys.


Joel: yeah, thats me in the drivers seat. The guys at the dyno are good friends of mine. I got the hookup that day.....spent 4 hours messing around tuning the car for $50. lol.


Stony: Just got the auto in the car tonight actually. Just gotta get a mount made, driveshaft cut, and then the other stuff like cooling lines, linkage, etc, etc. and it should be rolling hopefully.


Mike: I'm kinda partial to the single color look personally. :)



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Guest bastaad525

I totally hate you guys....


sorry... moment of insane jealousy there... wish I had more money and time and coulda done some crazy fast 240z like that.



seriously though, really nice car, wanna trade lives? oh and.. yeah... hate you and stuff...



*thumbsup... typed out because I don't know how to post a thumbsup smiley anymore*

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Guest bastaad525

:( I dont' have that icon box anymore... I haven't had it since the last revision/move of the forums. There used to be one I believe immediately to the right of the window that you type the replies in but it's not there anymore.


I have a selection of icons BELOW the window, but it's for a post icon, it wont actually put icons IN my post. It just puts a smiley at the top of my post. Is it an option I need to turn on or something?



oh and yeah... hate you guys... :D


EDIT: w00t sweet okay it WAS an option that you have to turn on in the user CP... kind of misleading description for it... but anyways yeah I found it and got my smiley box back now SWEET! thanks for the clue I needed to get me lookin Stony :D





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