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Hey guys please read this is important to me.

Guest norm[T12SDSUD]

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Guest norm[T12SDSUD]

Hey all, has anyone ever known anyone personally who suddenly got double vision?


This all started with a stupid sore throat that then moved to severe eye

pain that oddly enough was relieved by me breathing in salt water. The pain

went way down but a few days later I started seeing double.I have had double vision now for 5 days.I have NO other problems or symptoms with my current health.



I have been to the Ophthalmologist and my eyes checked out fine, but they said I ought to see a Brain Specialist.

I went to the ER and they want me to have an MRI

and MRA done Thursday.What irritates me is that the DR at the ER didn't even bother doing blood or urine samples to see if it's something simple. They just jumped right to the most expensive procedure!


I hate to spend $4,000 on a procedure that may not reveal anything about my condition.I don't have insurance so I get to pay for everything!


I feel like I went to a garage with a misfire and instead of the mechanic

even checking the plug wires they just told me that I needed a new engine!!


The DR said he thought it could be the first sign of MS and he wanted to put

me on steroids, but the Neurologist suggested an MRI-MRA first.


I don't mind dishing out the money if it's really necessary, but it seems to me that the DR's are skipping a very basic part of research by not even checking my blood and urine for other possible causes.


Anyway, please let me know if you know anyone that this has ever happened to before and what they ended up doing to correct their vision.




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Guest norm[T12SDSUD]

Thanks for the responses guys.


I called a friend tonight who is an RN and she stated what Sean's wife just said that an MRI and MRA is the only way to know if there is a nerve problem and unfortuantely she said it is the only thing that would confirm if the DR is right in his MS diagnosis.


I am going to call my physician next week and make sure he concurs with the immediate need for the MRI and MRA before ruling out bloodwork entirely though.It still surprises me that bloodwork wouldn't be a standard procedure at an ER.


If anyone does know of a similar situation with a friend please let me know.



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Norm, sorry to hear about your health, unfortunately I lost somebody last week, started as the same thing in July '05. She went to get glasses, didn't help, blurred vision, double vision, turned out to be a Glioblastoma tumor in the brain stem, unoperable and the prognosis sucks. Better get it checked out, they though MS with her as well. $4K is cheap, might check about using the dye's, makes tumors show up better.

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Guest norm[T12SDSUD]

Wow Dr_Hunt you just scared the crap out of me!!!


Man, I certainly hope that isn't the problem!!


Thanks for letting me know though!!



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Guest norm[T12SDSUD]

Hey guys good news on my eye problem.

I talked to the ER DR today and he said since my eyes have been improving everyday this week that I can hold off on the MRI MRA.


He said that it isn't a tumor because I would be getting worse and not better.

There is still always a chance that is the beginnings of MS but he said that since I show no other symptoms that the probablity is greatly decreased.


I got some blood work done yesterday and my glucose checked good so I don't have diabetes so thats more good news.

They don't really know what caused it but they said it could just be a once in a lifetime occurence that never might not ever bother me again HOPEFULLY!!


I still get double vision late at night, but during the day I am at about 85% quality with only some problems when I move fast or look hard to the left side.


Thanks again for everyone's input and prayers,it is appreciated!!




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Good to hear as I was just reading this and thinking damn, this is to hard to swallow and not good for anyone at all.

Im glad to hear that the problem your having is getting better and that its not going to be anything serious.


Even though you might have had a good sugar this morning if it wasnt on a fast that they tested yoru sugar you may want to have that done again.


Being both my parents have diabetes, I know sometimes late at night or in the evening they will get like you somewhat with blurred vision.


Still might be a possibility


Glad just the same that your getting better and its nothing bad.

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For a few years I switched from Datsun to Harley. After I crashed my Harley and got a metal plate in my head, I had double vision from time to time. Especially when the plate would bow and push on my eye. If you get the contrast scan remember that 1 in 10,000 die from the dye. That doesn't sound like that many, but when I think about the fact that I bought a lottery ticket where I have a 1 in 100,000,000 chance, I think it is 10,000 times more likely that a contrast scan can kill you than it is that you win the lottery. Also, make sure that they do a complete scan. The first can scan I had did not reveal that I had completely blown out a bone in my head.


Long and short is that anything around the eye could cause the double vision.

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