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Coming home tonight..getting pulled over TWICE in 10minutes! Profiling?


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Guys - Tough week at work, my best friend calls me at 9pm tonight and wants to get together at Barnes and Noble for a cup of joe, catch-up and flip through some car magazines - I guess you can call it our therapy. We stayed until 11pm (when they closed and kicked us out) and decided to head home.


My buddy drives a beautiful Red Evo VIII with an aftermarket exhaust and gauges on the A-pillar. I was driving my pretty quick lil sleeper - '88 Mazda 323 fitted with a Turbo Miata motor.


There are cops everywhere cracking down on the street racing scene here in Colorado Springs so we are doing 20mp/h - I kid you not!


My friend gets pulled over and charged for an illegal exhaust - $60 ticket. The cop was talking that the Evo's exhaust exceeded the 90db level, how does he know this without a db meter???? Then the cop even says that he used to own a Mustang with an illegal exhaust, and sold it as he thought it unethical to give tickets for illegal mods, when his 'Stang had them. Then the cops ALSO says that he is a "car guy" that loves 'Vettes and would never pull over 'Vette!!!


What a load of BS....


Then a few minutes later a block from my buddy house he gets pulled over AGAIN and charged $20 for no front licence plate! He tells the cop that he just got a ticket for the exhaust, he didn't care still wrote my friend a ticket! As the EVO came from Texas it had no bracket for a front plate and my friend had to plate in the car, which he showed the cop..


So is this profiling because of the racy image and look of the EVO?


I was driving my little sleeper 18year old Mazda right behind the EVO which is pretty loud, but was not hassled...I wish I was pulled over and charged...as I get pretty lippy with the cops and love going to court and fighting them and (9.9 out of 10 times) winning.

Here is my car:



I am trying to persuade my friend to take it to court and fight it, but he doesn't want to miss work and the hassle of going to court so he is going to mail-in the payment(s).


Your thoughts?



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I am trying to persuade my friend to take it to court and fight it' date=' but he doesn't want to miss work and the hassle of going to court so he is going to mail-in the payment(s).


Your thoughts?





That is what the courts are banking on. It's a business. Like a coupon, some folks just don't have time for it and pay full choke.

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Up here in WA, the front plate ticket is usually a fix-it ticket, if you find a place to 'mount' the plate they will usually drop the ticket(zip ties count as mounting aperently) As for the exhaust, I would browse through your vehicle code and see if 90db is the actuall limit that is listed. Again here in WA its against the law to even mod the exhaust, but I dont know anyone who has got a ticket for it.


And on a side note, I really like that 323..... is there a forum or a good aftermarket site for them?

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Guest 280ZForce

all the cops were out tonight cuz the movie...Fast & Furious: Tokyo Drift came out today! I saw cops all over the place here in So Cal today. They were out waiting for kids to be stupid and "profiling" after the movie was released. Be on the look out the next few weeks cuz of this movie and people wanting to go be stupid after watching it.

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it's really sad how most cops around here like to harass the guys with imports all the time, especially the newer ones, it seems they let their own opinion come into the decisions they make about the law. I've had an experience one time myself like this, except for I was in my z and the cop let me go while he gave some of my friends loitering tickets later on just because he said he used to have a z back in high school and never even mentioned that I was doing anything wrong. most of my friends drive newer imports and I see this all the time.

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My car club and I went to see the movie and made it into a meet as well. We had several tuned Hondas, a Porshe, WRXs, an Evo, etc. about 9 cars total. I drove my truck and stayed in front because we knew that was going to happen and we couldn't really blame them. After we left the movie we seen 3 single car accidents involveing younger individuals in "sports" cars in ditches or guardrails. 2 were totally facing the opposite direction and there was no rain. Geee... I wonder how that happened? As long as stupid individuals are out there doing stupid stuff, we are going to be continuely harrassed. The only thing we can do is fight for ourselves and to help "teach" these younger individuals that there is a time and place for everything and the street isn't the best choice for some of these actions. I don't agree with overzealous police officers profiling but I do see their point of view.

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You say the word "profiling" like it is somehow illegal or unethical.


As long as the driver's race is not involved I see nothing wrong with what the cops did. It sucks, but not wrong.


Go to court and see if you can beat it when the cop doesn't show up or on the outside chance the judge got laid the night before. Or better yet, have your buddy get rid of the fart can and tape the plate to the front bumper. Then bring in pictures to show the judge he got it fixed. Might get off with just court costs.

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Thanks for the replies guys.


I totally spaced that F&F Tokyo Drift crap move was out today! Makes sense.


PopN - I say profiling, because if my friend was driving a Harley with exhaust that would wake-up the dead 10miles away...well guess what? He would not be pulled over and hassled - that I guarantee.


Kenny- Thanks on the compliment on the 323, its one of the most fun daily drivers I have ever owned! The forum for it is http://www.mazda323performance.com and there is a Yahoo list as well.


I am a pretty vocal guy and if it were me I would take it to the Court, I would be respectful and articulate but still be able to embarrass that cop until his faced turned white and would not have a leg to stand on. I have done it numersous times.....the judge usually hears me out and I pay $15 in court fees and thats it (at worst). One cop a few years ago that I made look silly in court, waited for me outside and threatened that if he ever saw me driving around late at night he would target me....LOL...bring it on jackass!



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I agree with Pop, profiling in most cases is really just good police work. The ones I worry about are the cops who can't tell the difference between an EVO and a Ford Taurus. How dumb does a cop have to be to not recognize the difference, and do we really want people like that patrolling the streets? If your friend wasn't breaking the law and got pulled over, that's one thing, but you certainly made it sound like he was guilty of not having a front license plate and the exhaust is suspect at best from the cops point of view. If I were your friend I would fight the exhaust ticket too, especially if the cop didn't have a decibel meter. Then I'd tell the next cop who pulled me over how I fought the last ticket and won if that was the outcome. That's his prerogative though, and if he doesn't want to stand up for himself, too bad.


BTW, the guys that I know that ride Harleys all complain about getting harrassed for loud exhaust. They even have a rote argument: "My exhaust is loud so that when I'm on the freeway people can hear me in their blind spot even if they can't see me." The first time I heard that was when a co-worker of mine got pulled over riding to work. Sure, that's why whenever they see your window is rolled down they suddenly feel a need to gun it and blow out your eardrums as they pass. No sympathy for Harley riders or riced out EVOs with fart pipes from me.


I just hope that I don't get lumped into that ricer crowd on the few occasions when I do take my Z out on the street in the future. I won't have a fart pipe or a triple element wing on the back, so I imagine I'll be all right.

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There's definitely 'profiling' going on. When my 240 was still on the street, I was running an open 2.5" exhaust on a N/A engine (Loud!). I live a block from a police station. I was never hassled about it. Harley riders run around with open pipes and don't even get a second look from cops. Integras and Civics with exhaust half as loud are getting tickets for it.


Are the Integra and Civic guys adopting an image of someone who is likely to be breaking the law? Yup. I suppose me in my Z and the investment-banker/outlaw-biker types aren't as likely to be doing anything that's illegal besides running loud exhaust.


I don't know, it still seems questionable. Honda guys are getting tickets that may or may not be legit while I know I'm violating noise ordinance. I guess the cops are writing the tickets to justify pulling people over speculatively.

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I don't know, it still seems questionable. Honda guys are getting tickets that may or may not be legit while I know I'm violating noise ordinance. I guess the cops are writing the tickets to justify pulling people over speculatively.


Well, I ran a 2.5" straight out exhaust (no cat no muffler and headers!) and I did not get pulled over at all. I even had to ride next to a cop on the freeway for a few minutes and nothing. I atribute this to me not doing stupid things like flooring the car for anything longer than 5 seconds or so (to pass up other cars). In essence, I know how to keep it in my pants...


Ricer's with loud exhaust systems feel that they have to show off at every chance they get. After the movie I was cruising down the former street racing street, and in the oncoming lanes I saw an EVO VIII and a honda civic driving side by side. As they passed I heard the buzz of their exhaust, but nothing loud. Then about 10 seconds later I hear the wail of the civic with no muffler about 1/4 mile away. Think about that, any cop within a 1/4 mile radius could hear that guy and he's practically TRYING to get pulled over.


"its not about the ride, its about the rider" <-- yes i just quoted FNF3 lol...

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Well, I ran a 2.5" straight out exhaust (no cat no muffler and headers!) and I did not get pulled over at all. I even had to ride next to a cop on the freeway for a few minutes and nothing.


I remember you posting about that a few months back.


Getting pulled over sucks, esp. when you feel it's for no good reason. Did the cop look under the hood and try to find anything else "illegal?" In regards to your friend and what he should do; In my area you can hire a traffic attorney for only about $30-$60 and they will go to court for you and fight your ticket. If they lose, you don't pay. You tell them everything, and they go take care of it for you. If the exhaust is a moving violation, then DEFINATELY do it. Apparently they win about 80% of the time becuase they know how and what to look for. Hope that helps.

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As the EVO came from Texas it had no bracket for a front plate and my friend had to plate in the car' date=' which he showed the cop.


I am trying to persuade my friend to take it to court and fight it, but he doesn't want to miss work and the hassle of going to court so he is going to mail-in the payment(s).[/quote']


Texas still requires two plates. There was a bill that didn't make it out, that would have eliminated the front plate, but again, it did not pass.


Also, most states don't count have the license plate mounted on the dash next to the windshield, Texas doesn't.


Also, your friend should get a lawyer!

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3 years ago i was driving my friend's 240sx, with him in the passenger seat and his girlfriend and 2 of her friends in the back.


His car was bone stock with the exception of a fartpipe. As i was driving down a empty backroad, a cop pulled me over because "my muffler caught his attention". After 3 hours of sitting on a curb, i was arrested for use of controlled substances (after 3 court appearances, and my police report never being filed and drug test never coming back, the charges were dropped), and my friend was arrested for the same thing, and later charged for statutory rape.


However, as i was in the back of the cruiser on the way to the station, i asked the cop if i would've got pulled over if i had an straight pipe with no muffler. He said "no".


Profiling is rampant, and for lots of people, is nothing but a major inconvenience.

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My Brother got three "illegal" exhaust tickets in a month a few months ago. Of course he drives a dropped '91 Integra that is Sonic Blue. I built the exhaust for it when we did the LSVTEC conversion and yes it is probably the loudest 2.5" exhaust I have ever heard. Yes it has a muffler and a cat, but when it goes into VTEC it sounds like not one, but a whole pack of F1 cars. It does not have a fart can but it has a Dynomax Bullet with a 3" SS tip on it. The enitre exhaust only has one bend in it. He got so tired of getting tickets we finally pulled the stock exhaust off my Integra so he could at least drive back and forth to work without worry of getting ticketed. He figured out that he really missed the sound of his exahust so we swapped it back the one I built and knock on wood, he hasn't gotten another ticket since.


VA state law is kind of messed up. It says your exhaust can't be beyond 95db but then later states that it can not be anything other than stock. I don't see redneck trucks with no mufflers getting pulled over all the time, just the imports. I'm going to build a quiet exhaust for my 'teg, but it will be far from stock equipment.

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Profiling goes on in western Michigan, also. I've had uncountable times where the police charge up to my ZX with intent, but when they see the old "geezer" driving it they loose interest imediately. Whereas, when my son had his red Mustang notchback with the 17" Cobra R rims and Saleen wing, he couldn't go anywhere without being harrased by the police. Now, he has a built, mini-tubbed 70 Dart Swinger, that is louder, faster, and wilder than his Mustang. The police now just wave or give him thumbs up. :2thumbs:

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