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And of course got reemed because somehow this is my fault, but what do you think? Now something I didn't mention over there was yes I passed this guy half a mile before he started riding me. He was tailgating someone else in the left lane at that time and I easily went around in the right lane. Somehow passing this guy while he's tailgating others is his trigger because that's where it all started.


Last night heading home from evening services at church a black Dodge Dakota comes flying up behind me on the highway. This guy had to be about 2 feet from my bumper. This is one of my biggest pet peeves. I hate tailgaters. Trying to warn the guy I tap the brakes. He stays on top of me so hit them a little harder. The guy slams on his brakes then stops on the gas gets even closer. There's no one around so he could have passed me. Of course now I'm pissed. This guy is close enough I can't see his headlights in my review. I start down shifting, he slams on the brakes and STAYS behind me. Finally after slowing down to almost 35 he pulls into the other lane to pass me. I hit it in 3rd and pulled well ahead and caught up with the rest of the traffic in front. Hoping I finally got rid of this guy I pull in the right lane and just cruise with everyone else. Out of nowhere he comes flying up behind me again, pulls onto the shoulder in the grass pulls up beside me and pulls into the lane forcing his way between me and the car in front of me then slams on his brakes in the middle of the highway. This guys insane. I pulled back and stayed about 8 car lengths off as the guy pulls out in front of everyone after almost running two other cars off the road. He's still playing games at this point. He's lane dancing with no cars around him, splitting lanes then slams on the brakes and heads off on a side road.

Of course during all this I have the wife call the cops and report it. They said they would dispatch a State Trooper. Never saw him. So out of curiosity I pull off at the next exit. I figured I knew where the guy was going so I back tracked to the two trailer parks off the exit he took. Sure enough I found his crappy little trailer with the truck parked and him and his buddies on the front porch. We call the cops back and they say there's nothing they can do because it's my word against his. This guy could have seriously killed someone and they don't care. We had plates numbers and an address and it didn't matter. Just for grins I slowly pulled by the guys place making sure he could see me. As soon as he spotted the ZX he said something to the guy beside him who ran back in the house while he backed up on the porch and watched us leave the trailer park. Some people need to be shot.



Now something I didn't mention was yes I passed this guy half a mile before he started riding me. He was tailgating someone else in the left lane at that time and I easily went around in the right lane. Somehow passing this guy while he's tailgating others is his trigger because that's where it all started.

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You cant reason w/unreasonable people. This is the problem w/our "Crime Prevention" system - it is only willing to help AFTER SOMEONE IS HURT.


Attempting to correct this idiot will only frustrate you and probably end up injuring you or your wife as the other driver reacts to you.


I'm in Texas and used to carry a gun - had to use it once as a warning due to road rage from another driver. The two warning shots worked and scared the other driver away. This was about 8 years ago. I live in the boonies - way out in the boonies and police are not always easy to find until you get into town.


However - since 911 I dont carry my gun any longer due to the extra tension the police force are under post 911.


I dont have any answers for you as tailgaiting is one of my pet peeves also - I only posted to let you know "I feel Your Pain".


Now days I just shake my head at idots that driver like that and let them go w/out provoking them in any way. These drivers can be pumped up on drugs, life's pressures, or just plain stupidity.



Yea,Still an Inliner,

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Now days I just shake my head at idots that driver like that and let them go w/out provoking them in any way. These drivers can be pumped up on drugs, life's pressures, or just plain stupidity.


Exactly. When I get myself into positions where I'm "trying to teach the other person a lesson" I just back off and think, this person would not piss me off as much if I wasn't playing along.


The correct thing to have done was let him pass...


Finally after slowing down to almost 35 he pulls into the other lane to pass me. I hit it in 3rd and pulled well ahead and caught up with the rest of the traffic in front.


that's where YOU wen't wrong. I'm not saying its your fault or anything, but if you had kept cool and not "hit it in 3rd" I guarrantee you would not be as P.O.'d as you are now.



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I punched it in 3rd because I knew the guy would get in front of me and slam on the brakes. I figured if I got away from him he would go away. Obviously I was right and wrong in that thinking. Yes he planned on getting in front of me and slamming on the brakes, but no he wouldn't go away if I got way out ahead of him. Instead he would try even harder to run me over and get in front of me, which he did. Would you have expected someone to pull onto a grass shoulder and force their way in front of you just to slam on the brakes? That was beyond me, I didn't see that one coming.

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The sooner you realize not interact the better. Getting hurt or killed, or hurting or killing someone because you don't like the way they drive isn't worth it. Yeah, following too closely can get dangerous, but when you can just get over and let him pick another. Playing games with the brakes just adds fuel. I hate it too, but learned if you bite your lip a few seconds or minutes longer, you get over it without incident. I used to commute and let the testosterone and anger get the better of me. Even a few where I got the better of the situation, but no longer proud of my actions. Your "out of curiosity" exit says you didn't want to let it go. Amazing how many deaths just along our stretch of I25 highway are due to someone putting on the brakes because of tailgating, or thinking they can enforce an attitude adjustment. You did the right thing by calling cops. Around here its *csp.

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I'm curious, what did I do wrong? Apparently this is my fault somehow that a crazy ***** tried to run me over on the road.

First off, let me say that I have been through this like you did. I did as you did, so dont think I am being an ass.

You certainly seem like a decent person so I can assume that you arent an ass either.

Yes, when you passed the "gater" on the right, harmlessly, it was the "trigger". He was so intent on making the person in the left lane, which is the fast lane so it must have belonged to him, move over,teach a lesson about riding in "his" lane. He was pissed that you had snuck pass him in his intent to teach the other guy.

Then it was your turn. Simply that. It is natural to be pissed. Hitting your brakes, downshifting so as not to trigger your brake lights. Yea, that will calm him down!!

The second you started the brake check is where you stepped into the wrong zone.

Put it this way, every one knows that pedestrians have the right of way right? Basic traffic law. Step out infront of a speeding maniac as a pedestrian...your dead right of way or not. Yes? You would be in the right, but you would be dead.

You may have had the right to be pissed, but not the right to elevate the situation.

If you dont want to play that way, bring a gun, soon you will need it. Promise.

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In over 40 years of driving I've had to deal with the obnoxious tailgater just a few times and I've learned that the safest & cleanest way to solve the problem is to just coast slower and slower until he passes me. I'm much safer with him in front than behind because then I have more control of the situation. If he cuts back in front of me and slams on his brakes I'm already going slower and am prepared for it so it's not an earth shattering event. Let the other guy be the fool and don't get sucked into his game.

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Guest l28et

Put it this way' date=' every one knows that pedestrians have the right of way right? Basic traffic law. Step out infront of a speeding maniac as a pedestrian...your dead right of way or not. Yes? You would be in the right, but you would be dead.[/quote']


Firstly - people that drive like this are idiots. They are usually inbreed trash or "machismo" or whatever other lable you'd like to give them. They get their jollies on gaining "respect" from other losers, participating in things that get them in trouble/hurt/killed. I was riding with a co-worker who followed someone to a gas station and beat the living ♥♥♥♥ out of a guy.... for failing to yield. It was scary, it was stupid, and when the cops came, he went to jail.


You have to learn to brush ♥♥♥♥ off. Esp if you're with loved ones. You can't argue/teach an someone like this. Hell - prison doesn't straighten half of them out.


When I was learning how to drive, my pops told me "you can be dead right, and it wont matter - you'll be dead" - its the truth. Just cool out, practice patience, and don't worry - it'll catch up with them eventually.

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Naviathan I said it on zcar.com and i will say it here!!


You know in europe you get fined for driving in the fast lane where there is no reason too do that ? Why are you there ? overtaking on the slow lane is not allowed ...


Even so in germany that behavior you described would get you killed!!(not by a gun but a merc that pillers in at 250 KMH ++)


however his response is kind off out there i agree, but i would go pissed to when some dude is on the right lane minding his own business like he owns the road ...


The road is not a playfield .. some people might not see that you are holding up traffic to 35 miles in the RIGHT lane .. and pillar into the dodge !!

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You were wrong for trying to inforce some code of behavior on the road. Were you in the left lane and didn't move over?


Move out of the way, let the idiots by and live a long and happy life.

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Ok, guys, this isn't going anywhere real fast.


A wave is five of the middle fingers, kind of a 5 day supply. Disarm by waving, get out of the way, don't make eye contact, it isn't worth it. Nobody made you the keeper of the streets and you don't know what kind of life he has right now.


If this keeps going like it has I'll send it to the tool shed.

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Unfortanetly someone playing on the highway almost got me killed. I was riding with my mom back home and this guy was weaving in between lanes. Eventually he casued and accident with another motorist and we ended up hitting one of the accident cars becuase we couldnt avoid it. To top it off i had no seatbelt on and i payed the price with a broken nose considering how bad it was i feel that i was very luck becuase our car flipped 3 times in the air before landing.


Moral of the story: An ******* caused it by im still at fault for not wearing a seatbelt

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Ok the general consensus is:

Yes, you're right I should have pulled over in the right lane to see if the guy would pass me. I took offense instead because the guy changed lanes to tailgate me. I took the wrong route and tried to shake the guy off and still stay ahead. Had the guy been in the left lane and came up behind me I would have pulled over to let him by. It just irritated me that someone would actually change lanes and tailgate me when they could have passed and then changed lanes if that's what they wanted to do.


And Frank, I'm not in Europe. If I'm cruising well over the speed limit I don't stay in the right lane simply because of all the on ramps. People around here seem to think on ramps are launching points to try and break 100mph before hitting the highway.


Just my $.02, but I think hind sight is clouding some peoples judgement who would have reacted similarly.

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Just my $.02' date=' but I think hind sight is clouding some peoples judgement who would have reacted similarly.[/quote']


Seriously, from me it's not hindsight clouding my judgment.

It's past experience from which I judge for I have at one time acted similarly.

Ones first reaction is to think "who the hell does he think he is"?

Thing is, you DONT know who the hell he is!

Dont jack with a mad stranger when he has his auto armor on!

Besides we wouldn't want to wrinkle the beloved Z car. Would we? :wink:

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