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Hot girl at work is an idiot


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for reference, she's german. Their department got a bunch of cupcakes with frosting. I am walking by, I see the stack, and I ask if I can have one.


She says "Ok, but you have to wear the ring [little smiley face ring on every cupcake, sold that way]. If you don't wear it, you'll never get any food from this department again. Consider me the food Nazi, and consider yourself Jewish"


me: "Hey genius. I AM jewish"


her: "oh... uhm... well, yeah"


couple of coworkers, including her boss, heard that and their eyes bugged out.


me: "you're about as sharp as a bowling ball. you should be happy HR wasn't near by within earshot, you'd be canned in a heartbeat"


no, i didn't narc on her. I don't need more drama or get people fired. She's just now on my shitlist. She's young, dumb, and full of cum (sorority girl, and proud of it)

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While I admit it was a completely idiotic and unthinking comment she made, let me offer some insight into why she may have thought it was no big deal. I was born in Germany and lived there until my senior year (Army brat). I actually grew up "on the economy" as they call it, because my parents believed in living off base so I could actually experience the culture. I had some very close German friends.


The German public in the post war years was very ashamed of the atrocities commited by its leaders, military, and people. The subject became an "unmentionable". It was a black hole in history books, not taught in school, just not talked about. There are several generations of Germans that knew very little about it unless they did research on their own, and very few books remained in libraries that addressed it.


The unfortunate result was a crop of young Germans that began to doubt the holocaust ever occured. "If that happened, how come we never heard about it?", being the general sentiment. More evidence of this mentality showed itself, i.e. people glorifying the old Nazi ideals, skinheads, etc looking to bring it all back. German leaders realized this, and in the early 90's put in place a massive plan to re-educate it's population the horror of WWII. It was brought into the forefront as part of a concerted plan and focussed on, much like targetted education we see in our schools on drugs. Unfortunately the damage had been done, and not all of them bought it.


I remember in my teens my god-mother, a German woman married to an American, breaking into tears after reading a book about the holocaust. She could not believe her people had done such a thing, and began apologizing to my mother and I. This was a 30 year old woman, finding out for the first time what had happened.


Aux, I hope you understand I definitely think what this chick did was stupid. I just thought I could offer a sort of explanation.


Now- she's hot, you should start discussing reparations! A little Myspace blackmail wouldn't be out of the question...

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