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Went Skydiving this weekend. *pics*


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Thought I would share this with you guys.


I went skydiving with Dive Carolina this weekend. Did a tandem jump from 13,500 feet, 120 mph 60 sec freefall :). There isnt much I can say to describe it other then that it is ABSOLUTLY AWESOME. Jumping out of the back of that plane topped jsut about everything I've done so far. You can just feel your whole body tingle from adreniline.



Anyway I knwo alot of you proly have done this, for those that havent done it if you get hte chance DO IT!!! I give it two HUGE thumbs up. I plan on doing a single jump this spring and maybe even working towards my certification.



Heres the goofy pictures of me hehe.


My holy $hit face:


The little chord you see going up is a tiny chute to slow tandem jumpers down, without it you go ~185mph, with it you drop about the same as a single jumper, ~120mph.




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Thought I would share this with you guys.


Very cool. I've considred such mayham but not sure if I could bring myself to actually doing it. I think I'll stick to flying planes rather than jumping from them.



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Well, I went to one of those places and they had some people doing that tandem jumping. The wifey bought this guy some jumps, several tandem and then on his own. It was his first on his own, we watched.


He jumped out the chute came out never caught air and he died on impact. That pretty much did it for me. I'll stick to flying in them and generally being on the ground.

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Well, I went to one of those places and they had some people doing that tandem jumping. The wifey bought this guy some jumps, several tandem and then on his own. It was his first on his own, we watched.


He jumped out the chute came out never caught air and he died on impact. That pretty much did it for me. I'll stick to flying in them and generally being on the ground.


LOL, anyone ever seen that skit on SNL, Debbie Downer? Haha.

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Did you go skydiving before you broke your trans or afterwards???


If you broke the trans first, wouldn't you think, "Today may not be my day" and thus avoid risky situations. Or were you so distraught over the broken trans that you wanted to end it all?:eek:


Glad to hear you enjoyed the dive.


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I have heard that it is the ultimate rush. I suppose it is, but I have no desire to do it actually. I find that fighting is a great adrenalin rush too, but it doesn't hold a candle to actual mortal combat like Miyamoto Musashi describes in Book of Five Rings.


Glad you enjoyed it and hope you get to do it again. You could just join the military and become a paratrooper. I think that might be the ultimate rush because not only are you jumping, you have the possibility of being shot at as well. Fun stuff!



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I showed this thread to a couple of my friends on the Travis AFB Precision Jump Team. There's only a couple of comments I can post here.


Pic One... Is that a Fed Ex supply drop to Tom Hanks on that island he was on???


Pic Two... Is that a practice drop of a mach-up of the new Lunar Lander???


Hey... You had fun :2thumbs:




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DrHunt that is crazy, I can see where your coming from If i had seen somethign that tragic I dont think I would have gotten on the plane. But I think those occurances are few and far between, prolly had more of a chance getting killed driving down there. But it did make me stop and think when I was signing the dozen or so liability release forms!!


Davyz -- It is definitly the ultimate rush I have ever had, i think I would get beat up in fighting so Ill stick to jumping otu of planes lol.


COZY Z COLE - Yea the first pic is kinda funny but its actually the first part of a back flip, most of the tandem jumpers flipped out oh the plane haha. Definitly took my breath away.


Turbomeister -- HAhaahaa i busted hte Tranny after I went skydiving. I guess I was either trying to to get that adreniline rush again, or perhaps I sed up all my good luck for the weekend!!!


Anyway It might not be for everybody but I definitely reccomend it. I will jump solo next I believe.

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b_sosick - The tandem jump itself was 140 bucks. There wasnt really any training. You get a 15 minute breifing, sign a bunch of papers and jump out of the plane!! There is alot of class time for a solo jump though...


Once you are licensened jumps only cost 20 bucks.. basically pay for the plane ride. But getting gear is expensive, new gear I believe runs around 5g's but Im not positive about all the details.

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Well, I went to one of those places and they had some people doing that tandem jumping. The wifey bought this guy some jumps, several tandem and then on his own. It was his first on his own, we watched.


He jumped out the chute came out never caught air and he died on impact. That pretty much did it for me. I'll stick to flying in them and generally being on the ground.


Damn Doc....what a buzz kill! :mrgreen:

There is no DZ here in the panhandle so I dont jump anymore. But I have over 530 freefalls and have seen alot over the years. I absolutely loved it! Lost more friends to bikes by the way.

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When I was jumping every weekend hot and heavy, I owned three bikes. One was even a drag bike! Gotta get yer knees to the breez I used to say.

In Ft. Collins, one summer, I logged 167 jumps. Used to get paid for it!!

I say live it up! But follow the ruels of safety. The sport of skydiving has an awesome safety record. Safer that jet ski or snow skiing for that matter.

Keep me posted. We can share some jump stories. They all start off with...."there I was", by the way!!



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I've logged well over 800 jumps, mostly freefly type jumps with alot of sit flying, head down, and other crazy stuff. I haven't jumped for a couple of years now...the Z has taken over my free time. I probably won't go back though, the thrill of it all has gone for me.


Good luck to you and be prepared to spend alot of money if you're going to stick with it.

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Way to go Bartman!

Head down...thats some crazy $h1t!!

I had always meen a "missionary" type jumper. The traditional freefall stuff.

The last year that I was jumping, I was being gleened to get a tandem cert because of my light weight. Thats why they would allow me unlimited jumps. Did the class room thing, and tossed alot of dopes on a roap. On the weekends I would hire out for students that had just been signed off so they could get some free fall instruction and have something to dive bomb.

I had to go back to the real world that final winter, did alot of traveling, and except for the occasional hop n pop didnt get to jump much. I loved jumping more than eating at one time. I keep myself OK by stating that one day I shall return.

Ditto on the money thing. Once one has all of his gear, jumping is not all that expensive. Problem is...all of the training and gear IS expensive!

I allways went for quality gear for obvious reasons.

In Texas they would alway shout in unison....Eat....Phuk....Skydive!!

Blue Skys!

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