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broke my jaw into at least 5 pieces...ouch


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well I was riding my bike to panera bread to hop on hybridz for a little bit but something bad happened...

I was accelerating going downhill and when I stood on the right pedal the chain came off of the front sprocket and when my foot went own very fast I pulled right on the handlebar which directed my front wheel into the curb.

I went straight down the bike lane and landed on my jaw at about 20mph. It is broken at each rear side and just to the right of my left incisor tooth. I am going in for surgery on Monday.

I really need a vehicle now and will probably look at getting a new ranger or B3000 to drive.

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Broke mine in similar places in a car accident. A word of advice ... Percoset.


You're probably not doing any riding for a little while, at first every tiny bump in a vehicle will translate directly to the jaw. I seriously thought I could feel the paint on the road stripes. Take care.

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Damn... I'm sorry that happened to you. That's gotta' hurt. It's a good thing you don't have to move your jaws to type.


I have a couple of suggestions. Sell the bike and never buy another one. But if you do continue to ride... buy the best FULL-COVERAGE helmet $$$ can buy.

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Oh... a mountain bike. Why do I always assume:confused:


No spouse? At least that's one pain in te neck you don't have to endure while you recuperate:wink:

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OTM, here's what you do: bring in a copy of Moonraker on DVD and show it to the doctor...As soon as Richard Kiel comes on, pause it and point, and tell the Doctor: "I mhphhph thajpjphph" which he will interperet to mean" I want that!" And then you will get a set of Titanium teeth installed, and not only will you never have to worry about that again, it will make things like rust repair and bank robbery SOOOOO much easier! That's what I would do, anyway...


Sorry to hear about you having to take one for the team, though. Broken bones are no good, especially that one I imagine...I have a metal plate in my ankle from a skateboarding injure some years ago, and it still bothers me if I use it too much...At least Panera bread has good broccoli and cheese soup, so you still have an excuse to head out there with your jaw wired, right?


OTM's new grill:


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OUCH!!!!! Dude makes me cringe when I read that. I remeber my dad telling me about breaking his jaw. He said he put hamburgers in the blender so he could eat them through a straw!!! Also I think he said he lost 50 lbs.


Ick hope things go decently well for ya!


Now think about this..... you were on a mountain bike doing 20..... think about the Chopper guys that think they are badass wearing their skull helmets. I chuckle everytime i see them. I dont mind donning on my fullface helmet everyday when I hop on my cbr.

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Damn! Sorry to hear about the jaw. Count me in as +1 for titanium teeth. You could even have grooves machined into them for use as wire strippers.... Hopefully the surgery goes well and you don't end up with a jaw that goes "Click, Click, Click" every time you chew or yawn. Mine does that, and it was really annoying to hear inside my head until I got used to it after a few years. The wife still gets grossed out by it :) Get well soon man,



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