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Pinks Host Owns Himself on a Sportbike


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He apparently thought he would be cool and show off, so he jumped on a sportbike... didnt work out too well LOL. Afterwards he takes off his shirt to show how much of a badass he is [/sarcasm]






Interview with him talking about it:



Video After He gets up:


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Guys... I fail to see what's so funny about someone trashing his bike and getting hurt.


Sorry but I just don't think it's appropriate to laugh at someone else's misfortune and pain.


How would you feel if people on another site ridiculed you after such an incident?

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Guys... I fail to see what's so funny about someone trashing his bike and getting hurt.


Sorry but I just don't think it's appropriate to laugh at someone else's misfortune and pain.


How would you feel if people on another site ridiculed you after such an incident?


Hey, I say if your dumb enough to try to show off by doing something stupid and end up looking like an ass, you deserve the ridicule...IMHO

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I intend no disrespect...


I don't know about you but I've made an ass of myself more than once in my lifetime. If you believe you have yet to make any "stoopid" mistakes you're either forgetful or dillusional. I'm far from being a wuss when it comes to pain or financial loss. I too have laughed and scoffed at others' childish or thoughtless behavior. But then I grew up a bit.

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anyone who gets on a gsx1000 without a helmet deserves whatever comes after that, sorry about being so blunt, but it's just stupidity to get on that machine without one. I've had two R1's, i can laugh at that because the power is crazy on these bikes, and 1 slip of the throttle and ur on ur back. He obviously was trying to show off for that huge crowd behind him and took a spill. Because there not so powerful ur gonna slide out going straight down a track, so i feel ok about laughin seeing as he wasn't hurt. But i hear what ur sayin Mike, if he was hurt or somthin i would feel bad for sure, but he was showin off and that was kinda funny...

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I intend no disrespect...


I don't know about you but I've made an ass of myself more than once in my lifetime. If you believe you have yet to make any "stoopid" mistakes you're either forgetful or dillusional. I'm far from being a wuss when it comes to pain or financial loss. I too have laughed and scoffed at others' childish or thoughtless behavior. But then I grew up a bit.


Oh, don't get me wrong, I've made an ass out of myself plenty of times!! Growing up or not, it's still funny to watch people try to be badasses, especially when they end up doing nothing more than makin an ass out of themselves. Hey, if they seriously injure themselves or worse, then the laughing will cease. But as long as they're just hurting their pride, a laughing I will go ...... :)

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Point well taken, 240zV8.


I agree that the guy did something stupid and that it's okay to discuss it and maybe poke a little light-hearted fun at him... but I I disagree that it's okay ridicule someone and make him feel like crap. That's just not good form and that type of behavior is one thing that bothers me about our society today. I'm sure he feels crappy and stupid enough without our help.


Again... I intend no offense guys. It's just one old fart's opinion. Take it or leave it.

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Okay 240zV8... call it preaching if you like. But when you make a mistake, maybe I'll just grind the salt in like you guys are doing. There... now don't we all feel like super-heros?

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