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hmm, must've missed it.

"Site was down for a while. I was actually staring at the wall at work.... having nothing to do lol."


hahaha! I'm at school with nothing else to do, which is why i'm on here. Maybe school is more like the real world than it's let on to be. ;)

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  dscott@shouri said:
Its official. I am addicted to this site. I was going through withdraw and wifey was quiet pleased that I went to bed early.


LOL, I get the shakes. Man, I got to find something else to do incase it shuts down forever, god forbide.

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  SuperDan said:
Major power failure, one of the down feeds from the city power lines fried and I lost 2/3 of the power to my house.

That is all.



Dan you gotta tell us next time your power is going down. That ♥♥♥♥ ant' funny. My wife was wiggin out that i was sittin on the couch with her and not in here with you cats. I mean was acting all cool at first but, after about an hour and a half i had to start drinkin. (Jonny Walker)

the wife was gittin all cudely and i got scared and had to run for the bottle. wheeew!!! That was close!:cheers:

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i too suffer from the hybridz addiction. i was checking every 45 mins when it went down. i accually went outside today and made my coilovers for crying out loud, i spend more time on the forum than working on the z. i think i need professional help...... that was a reality check though.

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