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Modify license plate?


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Would it be legal to trim about a half an inch off the top and bottom of the front license plate?

I'm trying to get up in the air dam and off to the side for a cleaner look but its about an inch too tall. Once its in I doubt it'll be noticeable that its been trimmed. What do you guys think?

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Once its in I doubt it'll be noticeable that its been trimmed.


You're probably right, once you're done only about 1 % of the driving public would ever notice that you trimmed your plate. That one percent however drives around in cars or bikes with red and blue lights. They'll walk up to you with their hat and "notepad" in hand to tell you how cool it looks.

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give me a few minutes to post a picture of my car, I've been running a modified front plate on my daily driver for three years now with no problem. The Z on the other hand, has been on the road for less than 100 miles with the modified plate. It gets a bit more attention than my four door accord, so the plate mod might not work too well on it :lol: we shall see!


EDIT: here is the photo:



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give me a few minutes to post a picture of my car, I've been running a modified front plate on my daily driver for three years now with no problem. The Z on the other hand, has been on the road for less than 100 miles with the modified plate. It gets a bit more attention than my four door accord, so the plate mod might not work too well on it :lol: we shall see!


EDIT: here is the photo:




z? there's a z in that pic? it looks to me like it's just a picture of a really big intercooler. with part of a license plate stuck in its teeth... lol

just playing around, looks awesome!


my front plate got about destroyed when i did my swap, as the arm on the crane was just about 2 inches too short... is there a law against f*cking it up rather than modifying it? where's the line? find it, and exploit it's fuzziness.


i don't want to hear any jokes about exploiting fuzziness.

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A OR State Patrol friend says, "ANY modification is illegal, including cutting, bending, obscuring or covering - accidental or purposeful. You can and will get pulled over if they see it." You may only get a warning to repair or replace it, but only works the first time if they enter it into the comupter.

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Guest 280ZForce

front license plate?! what's that? :rolleyesg


I live in CA and don't use 1 at all, but yeah, good ol' CA it's state law to have front and rear plates visible at all times.


I say to hell with it, if you can't see the trimmed part anyways, go for it. Atleast the plate is there, I don't think you'll get hassled for it. They are not going to look to see if it's altered. Worst that can happen is that they make you get another 1... what $12, $18 for a new 1? whoopity doo


I can see it now, "Ummm excuse me Sir, can you please remove your front plate so I can inspect it to see if it has been modified."


HAHAHAHA... they will ask you to pop the hood before that happens, I guarantee it.


I say trim it, mount it and forget about it. You'll be fine.

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I drove my car for five years in CA. with no problem from the local or state police with the lic. plate in the pass. window. I'm doing the same thing in Texas and all they seem to be interested in here is that you have current stickers in the driver's window so far...:-)






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Guys, it's just another thing to get pulled over for. If they get you on anything else, you can bet this will be on their list. You can't mess with a license plate, period and you must have a front plate in CA as per the law. Yes, it's not well enforced, but if you get pulled over...


By the way, I've had my Suburban w/o front plate for nearly 5 years now, but I won't run my Z that way. No cop gives the Suburban a second glance.



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