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End of LS1 Project.......

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for now atleast. I am going to work on the car for a few days here at David's house finishing up some little things and take it home (5 hrs away) and put it in the garage. Thanks to all for all the info/advice and David for the help up until this point but I think it is time for me to just put this to the side and forget about it for some time. Of course I will still be around HBZ reading/posting and checking up on updates on your cars! So make sure you keep me lookin everyday....which I know I will anyway because there is nothing else to do on the internet but HBZ.....LOL

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why are you calling it quits for now???


Just finished college two weeks ago.....need to find a job for one. Can't keep putting money into the Z. I need figure where to work.....what state to work in.....grad school no work? work no school? or grad school and work? Like it has been said to me a million times....always double the budget and time. I pretty much thought I would of had the Z done by now and did not see myself "running" out of Z funds. I have only thought about selling the project once in the past two weeks just due to fustration with it. So I figure I would just take a step away from it all before I do end up selling it. I normally do not quite doing something because it is not going my way but right now the Z will not get done. I would say the project is somewhere in the 55%-65% done range...lots of parts on hand to go into the car but one thing holding up another. Maybe I should have driven the Z stock for a while or something but just the feeling of having this thing for 2 yrs and NEVER drove it gets to me at times.....and yes I know many of you have been working on your cars for YEARS...lol

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your doing the right thing by putting the project aside for a while..I will tell you one thing, Finish it, drive it and then sell it, if you can that is.I bet when you start driving that beast you wont want to drive anything else for a while...

Good luck on finding a Job!

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2 years? Is that all that's eating you? I bought Chris Cloud's car in 2001. It's still a "roller" chassis.


Put it aside, get distracted with other things (like I did) and come back to it as money, time and enthusiasm allow. The standing joke for a long time with me was "Mike's selling his project...Again"...


Glad I didn't.




Just finished college two weeks ago.....need to find a job for one. Can't keep putting money into the Z. I need figure where to work.....what state to work in.....grad school no work? work no school? or grad school and work? Like it has been said to me a million times....always double the budget and time. I pretty much thought I would of had the Z done by now and did not see myself "running" out of Z funds. I have only thought about selling the project once in the past two weeks just due to fustration with it. So I figure I would just take a step away from it all before I do end up selling it. I normally do not quite doing something because it is not going my way but right now the Z will not get done. I would say the project is somewhere in the 55%-65% done range...lots of parts on hand to go into the car but one thing holding up another. Maybe I should have driven the Z stock for a while or something but just the feeling of having this thing for 2 yrs and NEVER drove it gets to me at times.....and yes I know many of you have been working on your cars for YEARS...lol
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Put your project under wraps for awhile !!! But, don't sell it if you do not need to. It is a good thing you are getting your education and career goals in order. I am probably twice your age (43 to be exact) and I could pay a shop to work on the car. But even with family, work, and softball every Saturday morning I head over to my Dad's house to work on the Z with my father, and he is 73 years old. I get a kick out of his joy, and we are already thinking about the next project !!!!!So, put it away for awhile and come back to it when you have more money and time, it will be the best stress relief for work !!!! Good Luck

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Since I grew up working on my daily drivers, I learned to break projects up into bite size chunks. Even though my Z is no longer a daily driver, I still miss driving it when it's down so I keep the projects small. Most of my projects are weekend sized and $1000-$2000 at a clip. Sometimes they get as long as a couple of months but I try to time manage them. I can't bear having my Z down for more than three to four months at a clip. It's much easier keeping up the enthusiasm when you can get behind the wheel once and a while.


Good luck with the job hunt!

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I agree with the guys here. Keep it and if you are totally fed up with frustration finish it with the option to drive it or sell it. I am guessing if you do this you will keep it.


You guys are right and thanks for the words of advice........I will post a month from now and give an update on what is going on.

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Sorry to hear that you can't continue it for now - I know how that feels. However, if you can store it for cheap or free until you can afford the time/money to work on it again, definitely do that. Don't feel too bad about it, life always gets in the way of the things that we REALLY want to do. I know the feeling, but it only makes it feel so much better when you finally do get it finished and drive it down to the local car lot to show it off. Take care of your responsibilities, and the community will be behind you when you return to pick up the project once again. Cheers and good luck in all your endeavors!

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Heck I have 5+ year in my "project" and now it's on jackstand because I sold my tire and wheels.


Realization that I have a family just hit me between the eyes like a medium sized ball peen hammer this weekend. No I'm not going to sell my project but I'll get back to it eventually and keep buying parts and planning for the mean time.


I'll get there. Thank goodness for the Scarab!!! I can drive it.

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Man I know exactly how you feel. There were several times when I said to myself "Why am I doing this again?", but in the end it's worth the effort. It's a common feeling when working on a long term project, there are setbacks or delays and you can't see the end.


Like many have said, you're making the correct decision to moth ball it for a while but don't sell it. Give it a while, decide what to do about your future (job, more school or both) and move forward with the important stuff, the car will be waiting. When you come back to it, finish it and can finally drive it you'll be able to say "I finished it and it's a great car". The level of satisfaction you'll get from it is hard to describe. The first drive will put a smile on your face that'll last a week and return everytime you're complemented on your work.



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Clive, I know how you feel and only you know what is right for you.

That said, you know about me and my project and love for Z cars and how I always wanted to build a V8 Z car, I am 53 now and have owned a Z car since 1982, When my first child was born in 88 I knew I would have to set aside my Z car for awhile and stick with family things for years which I did in 91. But I always knew I would go back to it someday and never thought of selling it. So over the years I gathered parts here and there and went out in the garage occasionally and fiddled around with it. My son is headed to college this fall and my daughter is a sophomore in HS next year so I started working on the Z car again last year and dove into again this fall when I bought the second Z and when we were looking for donor cars together.

SO what I am trying to say is go with your gut feeling and do the work/ school thing but don't give up the Z car passion, it will always be there for when you do have the time and the money later. Look how long it has taken me and I am not as far along as you are. Believe me you will regret giving up your passion car as I did in my 20's when I sold my 67 Stingray coupe.

Set it aside and work on it once in a while just to talk to her from time to time. You'll have free moments to tinker or plan.

Good luck and if I can help let me know.


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