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Does anyone else dream about big-phil?


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Just woke up and thought you guys would get a kick out of this. I don't think any disclaimers are necessary... well, they probably are but I'm not making any.


So I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming....



I'm driving in my blue '77 280Z and I'm getting onto Hwy 183 here in Austin and I'm looking to the traffic I'll be merging with - everyone is moving at the speed limit of 65mph but there's a couple cars blocking off two of the three lanes - looks like they had a break down and are working on their cars right there. I thought that strange but continued to accelerate through the onramp, where the road curves right and up. I take one more look to my left to ensure I'm clear and when I look back ahead, I see there are traffic cones guiding everyone into the center lane and an orange speed zone of 5mph!! I think this was all for those broke-down vehicles but it didn't start until after them. So I hammer the brakes thinking I'll just slow down while going into the speed zone until I notice a motorcycle cop shooting me with laser. I thought I was already going slow enough because 20mph on a large highway after going 65-70 FEELS like 5mph. I looked at my speedo and hammered the brakes again; but it was too late, the cop was after me and he pulled me over.


Cop walks up to my car, takes off his helmet and glasses and, wouldn't you know it, it's big-phil of HybridZ and YouTube fame! (In my dream, I decided it all made sense because in one of his videos, I thought I'd seen a black Dodge pickup which must have been his Texas Highway Patrol truck.) I think he somehow also knew I was from HybridZ, but he chose to give me a ticket in spite of my legit story that I was paying attention to traffic I'd merge with and couldn't see the speed zone ahead. I think I told big-phil I was being safer by going over the speed limit to merge with traffic than obeying the 5mph speed zone (which I also argued was absurdly slow) and he agreed but gave me the ticket anyway.


I think at some point we were at big-phil's house during this meeting... it's a dream. So at his house, we continued talking about it and he said it would be fine because I can just take defensive driving for it; I told him I was gonna fight it because I had just taken defensive driving for another ticket only a few months before. Plus, I was certain I would get out of it. I think he agreed but wouldn't let me out of it still!:cuss:


Somehow, I end up in a ski boat with Phil and we're on some lake in a small city near the Texas hill country. Some woman who is apparently his wife is standing on the water in those floating miniature kayaks - one on each foot and she's just kinda standing there and waving us off. She was in a night gown :confused2 Phil gasses it and we're off leaving his wife in our wake. A bumper sticker, one that says "SMILE" in yellow and red, flies off the boat over my head and lands in the water a little ways in front of his wife who picks it up... Phil's favorite bumper sticker (in the dream). She just smiles and shakes her head like a loving wife does.


Next thing I know, we're coming up to land and Phil JUMPS the boat into the air somehow over trees and jumps again over a little cabin and I commented, "that was pretty good, dude, especially considering how big and heavy this boat is." Of course, it wasn't a big deal otherwise.


Now we're off the boat and running around in the hill country (there are lots of trees there for those that don't know). We come up to a 8' tall property fence (kinda like a wildlife fence) and decide to climb it. As soon as we do, there's a park ranger of sorts that drives up and tries to stop us. Phil jumps back over the fence as the ranger runs after him; then the ranger comes after me. I climbed on his SUV and jumped over the fence from there. He radioed us in but Phil and I eluded them somehow.


And that's the last thing I remember.

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LOL! That has to be one of the funniest dreams I've heard of. I can't believe you can remember so much detail.


You should really consider logging off Hybridz before falling asleep! You know how TV can enter your dreams if you fall asleep on the couch...

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Man, where'd you come up with that??? Phil and I did exactly that this weekend!!!


you'd better quit dreaming about him, that's my wifes job, she'll be jealous!!! :shock:


I can see it now, a youtube ShaggyZ dream sequence video...


the truly weird thing is Phil does dress up like a cop and ride a police bike! he escorts funerals in the DFW area on the side for extra cash... weird.


I laughed at the thought of Phil's wife Karen with little kayaks on her feet.

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Wow now that is funny!! Chris (chris240zturbo) called me at work and told me about this post. I'm flaterd, and I dodn't know what to say. But I DO have a police motorcycle, and I DO dress "like" a cop, and I DO love to go to the lake, and I DO love yellow bumper stickers that say "smile" Man thats strang:mrgreen:

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  big-phil said:
Wow now that is funny!! Chris (chris240zturbo) called me at work and told me about this post. I'm flaterd, and I dodn't know what to say. But I DO have a police motorcycle, and I DO dress "like" a cop, and I DO love to go to the lake, and I DO love yellow bumper stickers that say "smile" Man thats strang:mrgreen:




I'm right with you guys. It was a pretty wacked out dream and I'm amazed I remembered so much detail. I must be some sort of seer because I have no reason to know the things (motorcycle cop stuff) that were in that dream.


Now I HAVE to head north sometime to meet Phil. Maybe I'll come up for one of the Z meets or other vehicular exploits. I can bring the bike or the Z.


Trust me... I'm quite normal-ish,


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  ShaggyZ said:


I'm right with you guys. It was a pretty wacked out dream and I'm amazed I remembered so much detail. I must be some sort of seer because I have no reason to know the things (motorcycle cop stuff) that were in that dream.


Now I HAVE to head north sometime to meet Phil. Maybe I'll come up for one of the Z meets or other vehicular exploits. I can bring the bike or the Z.


Trust me... I'm quite normal-ish,


Come up on the bike and I'll show you how to ride a wheelie:shock:

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uh oh, Phil... now you've done it.

There's a trace-route on your ip and people are acquiring your locale.


expect a fan site on "dream interpretation, staring big uncle phil" as well as a catalog of where you've been seen and who's "seen you" and how it's changed them.

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