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Paint scheme type zero


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I'd like to see it low on the front quarter, small enough to sit in the space below the lowest body line. I like the 280 on top, just the whole thing smaller...


OK, i know, move those double stripes back a bit, BRE style and stick the 280Z logo you have below in place of the DATSUN.


I'm not trying to tell you how to paint your car :) Just making suggestions. Totally take them or leave them, as I am really big on you making your car what YOU want.


But i would like to see my suggestions in one of your fine drawrings...

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HOW DARE YOU TELL ME HOW TO PAINT MY CAR. Lol just joking. Yeah the sizes and positions are going to get moved around. I mainly wanted to see how the texture would come out with the stencils and a non complete spray of them so the green still comes through in bits. v .03 will probably be worked on later tonight when im less sober.

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I've like the look of this a lot. Putting on a more balanced hat though makes me wonder what some of the older folks will think. For example, what would come to mind if you saw a BMW with a swastika on the side of it. Even though it looks good, the idea may be a lightning rod for criticism not found on this site.

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I've like the look of this a lot. Putting on a more balanced hat though makes me wonder what some of the older folks will think. For example, what would come to mind if you saw a BMW with a swastika on the side of it. Even though it looks good, the idea may be a lightning rod for criticism not found on this site.



Good point, there has been ALOT of WWII stuff on lately and I can only imagine how some of that era feel. Something to consider.

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If someone had a Messerscmit car and painted it like a fighter plane that would be cool. Some of the guys that worked on the Zero plane went to work for prince and later datsun/nissan. The way i see it its paying respect to my cars roots. Some guys got mad on another Z forum about it. I find it absurd, especially if you drive a Z. Last time i checked most countries (this one included lets not forget all the japanese that were sent to camps just because they were japanese living in the usa during WWII.) have killed people and done bad things. Many people still fly the confederate flag. Does that mean i love it (america) any less, no.

My grandfather fought in WWII for italy (he was italian).

He didnt want to but had to. I would proudly wear his medals and uniform, does that mean i like fascism or nazis, no. It just means im not ashamed of my heritage.

Same with my car.

Its like saying one shouldnt restore vintage fighters from germany or japan.

Its a machine. Machines dont hate, machines dont love. I respect all machines for what they are, regardless of the affiliation they were made under. My car is the same thing.

I hope this clears up that discussion once and for all.

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