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What is enough? Seperating True Need from Want


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I've got a super nice car now. Moded to the point of true fun, but NA. I WANT a 400HP Turbo, but I am really questioning why.


Is it really needed? Who besides myself am I trying to impress and at what cost?


I've got BIG dollars tied up into parts waiting for more money to come in for my TURBO swap now and I probably won't really get much more in. (New Budget). Then I have to some how convince the wife of the need to spend it if I do.


What is enough? Is there ever enough?



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Do you have kids? Im guessing a car can always be better, but at some point you have to look at what is REALLY needed. Im going to college in 2 years and Ill need any money I make next summer yet Id like to put it into my car. You might want to put money into your car but you got to think about your kids If you have any (college, etc.). But its easy for me to tell you to save money for your kids college so they can spend their own money on their car.

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Do you have kids? Im guessing a car can always be better, but at some point you have to look at what is REALLY needed. Im going to college in 2 years and Ill need any money I make next summer yet Id like to put it into my car. You might want to put money into your car but you got to think about your kids If you have any (college, etc.). But its easy for me to tell you to save money for your kids college so they can spend their own money on their car.


Yep two, boy and a girl, 10 and 13. My son is already trying to claim my Z!


What really sucks is I'm very house poor. I make great money and it all goes to the house. To me the novelty of the house has worn off. We were in a great area before, but the house was small and the neighbors sucked. Now the house is great but the neighbors still suck!

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Yep two, boy and a girl, 10 and 13. My son is already trying to claim my Z!


What really sucks is I'm very house poor. I make great money and it all goes to the house. To me the novelty of the house has worn off. We were in a great area before, but the house was small and the neighbors sucked. Now the house is great but the neighbors still suck!


So willl he be getting one anytime soon? I was 11 when I got my car, hes probably plenty mature.

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XP well, when i was like, 9 or 10 i wanted a vw bug. when i turned 13 i got a 62 vw ragtop for my birthday. my dad never did any work to fix it and it sat in our backyard. we moved to NC, it sat for a long time before anything got done to it (and rusted the floors and such really badly) i was really happy when i started driving it. crashed it twice, got really sad and depressed about it knowing that the cost of all the repairs to the body (including the rust repair) was far to great. I've always liked the Z from as far back as i can remember, so it's no surpise that when i started seeing video's and such of them that i would buy one. I still want an old bug though XP

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So willl he be getting one anytime soon? I was 11 when I got my car, hes probably plenty mature.
i disagree. i have changed my mind more times than i can count since i was 11 on what car i wanted. i also had absolutely no idea what i was doing (in some cases, i still dont). IMO, it wouldnt be a good idea to get an 11 year old a car in most cases.
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Yes by themselves a 11 year old WILL screw things up, but with a dad or grandfathers help it can really help them learn to be mature. You learn to appreciate the car. I have learned alot from having my car, not just things about cars, and it has kept me out of serious trouble.


But yes dont buy a brand new car for a 11 year old. Buy him a piece of junk that he can tinker on and make mistakes on. Thats what my Z was supposed to be and as I got older and learned more about cars and what cars I like I took it more seriously and decided that my Z was what I wanted to drive.

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Yep. :)


I have to ask: What does "XP" mean? :hs: I keep seeing in in posts on this site and haven't seen it elsewhere.


lol that would be my fault. I think i'm the only member here that uses the emotiocon of XP it's the same as :P

I'm on a lot of anime/game/randomness forums. I used to use XD but eventually XP was easier.

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I run into this quandary all the time... This is why my 77 L31 build has taken so long. I have a hard time balancing my DD and my 77. The DD being the car that's always in my mind because I drive it everyday gets a lot of attention where as my 77 which I only see when I'm in the garage gets very little attention. It's hard to make the decision on what you need and what you want. In the end, unless the car won't move without it, it's a want and not a need.

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Definately need a turbo, bot dont worry about the exaust, and after a few months of revving the ass off it at 1:00am you'll find that the sucky neighbours will move away, generally the only people who would tolerate loud revving engines are car people, so its win win,

you get better neighbours, AND a kick ass turbo zed.

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Moded to the point of true fun


Adding a turbo will elevate the fun to a whole other level. It doesn't have to be very expensive either.


megasquirt & stuff = $400 (diy autotune?)

stock turbo manifold =$50 (ebay?)

new turbo = $700 (thagardspeedshop)

injectors = $240 (arizonazcar springs to mind)

intercooler $150 (ebay)

piping/reducers =$ 150

misc= $300


did I forget anything?


this puts you at $2000 and over 300 hp. with new parts. I did it a lot cheaper but my car is not as nice as yours so I didn't mind using an old turbo for example.


to sum it up: I think you do need a turbo but you don't need 400hp.

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Have a stock 280zxt complete motor with everything attached and ECU/Wiring harness


(have but TEC III) megasquirt & stuff = $400 (diy autotune?)

(have w/External wastegate port, 60mm and flanged for T4) stock turbo manifold =$50 (ebay?)

(have TO4B) new turbo = $700 (thagardspeedshop)

(Dont Have) injectors = $240 (arizonazcar springs to mind)

(Dont Have) intercooler $150 (ebay)

(Dont Have) piping/reducers =$ 150

misc= $300


My issue now is I want quality parts. Tial waste gates and BOV are not cheap. Neither is a decent IC.

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