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Sucks... The Patriots have gone 18-0 and will be in the superbowl. And regardless, their season is tainted.


Don't get caught cheating and you won't have a cloud handing over the most important season of your franchise history! :lmao:





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Don't get caught cheating and you won't have a cloud handing over the most important season of your franchise history! :lmao:



Fact of the matter is those guys have absolutely hammered down this year- B.S. is rampant in the NFL so its real easy to pick on them...however you know damn well there isnt a speck of actuall honesty anywhere in the game-unfortunately.


Anyways...they are going all they way-no doubt about it.

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Say what you want, but I'm not aware of another team getting caught in this manor...


They were caught, fined and now they've gone undefeated... And they'll go down in the books as being cheaters! :2thumbs:


20 years from now when they're talking about the "perfect season" they will absolutely footnote it with the "They were caught cheating and fined at the beginning of the year"... :lmao:




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Well...start a team coach your face off and cheat till the cows come home-18-0 agaisnt the opposition faced would not happen without inherant awesomeness in the first place,and i think most people realize this.


Besides,they got "caught" cheating-so i guess they pioneered the act and are they only ones to do so? Probably quicker to count those who havnt somehow.



EDIT:Ok sorry sorry...dont let my posts get the thread off line politically.Hope others can make posotive contributions....yeaah :-)

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Guest TeamNissan
They cheated ( as every other professional sports team does ) and they got caught.


Thats a BS statement. Can you even begin to prove that?


18-0 is one hell of a season but don't go dragging every team in every league down just because the pats DID cheat.


18-0********** if the team or the fans don't like it then there is only one place to look and complain.

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Guest 280ZForce
Now that NY is going to the bowl I want the Pats to win.....

Talk about a BS game, GB cornerbacks were gettin flagged all 1st half for being in their face, then when NYG got in their face or pushed off, knocked them down... no f'n calls.


I have to ? a lot of the plays that are deemed "unreviewable." And then they add all these craptastic rules each year to supposedly protect certain players from taking a lick, so that draws more penalties. It's getting absurd. These guys get paid millions each year for the shortest season of any sport, let them tackle each other like football used to be played, fight till the end, big hits, etc..

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Pat's have been pulling wins out of their you know what for 6 weeks, I would love to see the Giants spank them in the Super Bowl.


As for the NYG vs GB game, I'm still pissed(big GB fan here!). GB has played great for the last few weeks and I really thought this game would be a walk in the park. Then it would be off to the Super Bowl and we could really give the Pats a run for their money. Fact of the matter is GB played horrible tonight, couldn't move the ball to save their a$$! Grrrrr!


As for the Pats being cheaters, well yeah they are but the only difference between them and every other team is they got caught. Not saying every team is doing the same thing they did but I bet every team bends rules/cheats in some way, shape, or form. Every sport cheats, its just a matter if you get caught. It's only cheating if you get caught and thats just human nature! Christ look at Racing of any nature...



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You guys in SoCal arent even focusing on whats at hand here. I cant believe you guys are supporting teams across the country, thats just lame. You all should be praying NY knocks the Pats out of a Super Bowl win after they knocked our SD team out of the championship. Why people root for teams in places theyve never been or ever will go, really irks the ♥♥♥♥ out of me.

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This weekend was one of the very few times I routed for the pats. Loved LT crying under his helmet :flamedevi.


Go G-men. They won't have to worry about any asterik when they lose the one that counts. The patriots penalties should have been stiffer (suspensions, post season ban, etc.) Look at what the NCAA does. They're just the NFL's "choosen" franchise.

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