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ADMINS!!!!!!!!!! Can we remove the 15 seconds-between-searchs thing?

aziza z

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this has been bothering me for a while. why the hell do we have a stupid 15 second between searches thing? its extremely stupid and annoying. If u put in something that yields no results it makes u wait to search again. Very annoying especially if u spell something wrong. For all the people that get yelled at to search for something and have to run into this stupid feature, it really doesn't encourage them to search at all.

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It is probably there to stop bot's from scavenging the site


they have a image feature for that.

I have been annoyed more than once as well.

Perhaps even if we just put it down to about 5 seconds.

or better yet, put it down to 5 seconds and instead of loading the page saying you have 3 seconds to wait, just delay the results by the remaining time.



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How? Type the query and "hybridz"? I always thought the feature was to prevent the servers from becoming swamped. I would imagine it must be hard to process all these search requests.


I also agree you could have been a bit more tactful. Heh.


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  • Administrators
this has been bothering me for a while. why the hell do we have a stupid 15 second between searches thing? its extremely stupid and annoying. If u put in something that yields no results it makes u wait to search again. Very annoying especially if u spell something wrong. For all the people that get yelled at to search for something and have to run into this stupid feature, it really doesn't encourage them to search at all.

Easy there hot-rod.

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  • Administrators
this has been bothering me for a while. why the hell do we have a stupid 15 second between searches thing? its extremely stupid and annoying. If u put in something that yields no results it makes u wait to search again. Very annoying especially if u spell something wrong. For all the people that get yelled at to search for something and have to run into this stupid feature, it really doesn't encourage them to search at all.



I’ll make you a deal. If you will start to capitalize your sentences and please use proper grammar, not IM format, (using “u” instead of “you”), I’ll look into this for you, no guarantees that I can fix it or alter it, but I will at least make an effort if you will.




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I’ll make you a deal. If you will start to capitalize your sentences and please use proper grammar, not IM format, (using “u†instead of “youâ€), I’ll look into this for you, no guarantees that I can fix it or alter it, but I will at least make an effort if you will.






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Guest 280ZForce
Has Aziza's account been hijacked. Ive read other messages from him, usually polite and courteous. This doesn't sound the same.

I think it's the fact he is in a mad rush and a bit impatient to get his car repaired in time for dyno tuning and for a movie filming, since he was honored a spot for his car to appear in the new F&F 4, but unfortunately a freeway trip and a faulty wheel spacer caused some issues and sent his wheel flying off when he was doing 75 mph and it caused him some damage this he has basically a week or less to fix.


Matt - patience grasshopper. Good things will come. trust me I have learned the hard way.

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Its not that this time he is rude or uncourteous, he is just a member of what I call "the techno kid generation".

When I started using computers we had 12'' floppys. When I booted the computer I had time to go make coffee and a sandwich. Today, computers are so fast and efficient that, we as human beings, are developing very low patience and tolerance levels, its crazy. My nephew who is 12 years old and claims to be a "multi tasker expert" he cannot even sit down and enjoy breakfast let alone read a book.

The faster computers are getting the quicker we expect to get a response. Did anybody notice (from the 50's 60's generation) when you walk in a store you rarely get a " Hi, how are you. Can I help you with anything? Let me know if you need something". You pratically have to pick your item walk up to the cash and pay with plastic and you get a faint "Thank You" from a human being who sometime behaves like a robot. We are living in a antipersonal society and it is going to get worst, that it is.

I understand Aziza and I do not blame him he is a member of the tecno kid generation. He is cultured to it.

I am of the old school and when a computer make me wait I do not expect anything from it. I just say "what a stupid machine". Therfore I do as much as possible manualy and that is the way I like it.

Anyways, just my 2 cents on this 15 sec anguish.


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I agree that there are some societal aspects to this, but I also dislike the 15 second wait deal, and even more annoying when the page loads saying that you need to wait 3 seconds, or 2, I haven't personally seen a 1 second before searching page yet, but I'm sure it will happen, and will be even more annoying. At least it's not 20 seconds like another forum I'm on.


Microwaves are just not quick enough. :lol:

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We are getting new hardware, through donations to hybridz. So if you haven't donated to hybridz then don't complain!! It's really that simple, until you all help fund this site then I don't really like hearing what you want, like and dislike about it. That may seem alittle rough but look where you are when your complaining and look at the bold blue names and/or the yellow bar underneath those names. Bold blue names are those that help keep this place running, the rest of you enjoy our donations and SuperDans time and money as well. Hardly seems fair to me to have to listen to your complaints when you haven't donated.


So, if you post a complaint about hardware or software issues and you haven't donated, then do so!

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