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Ever had a bad day?


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For a while now I everythime we drained the tub after bathing our son, I would smell septic coming up from the toilet area. I figured a vent was plugged somewhere or the toilet seal wax ring was bad.


So I get up Sunday morning it's one of the best days, weather-wise, since Winter. I plan to drive the Z and do some RC flying. Being a responsible home owner and dad, I decide to change the wax ring under the toilet, first thing in the morning.


Lift out the toilet, scrape the nasty wax off the base and I notice the tiles under the bowl are collapsing. I push on them and break through. The subfloor is rotten. I chisel out tile and rotten wood for about an hour to make a 18" by 18" square hole in the floor. Then I go get my shop vac to clean up.


The shop vac turns on but there is no suction. The filter is caked with wet dirt. OK now I have to roll out the garden hose for the first time this season to hose off the shop vac filter. Crap, a pipe in the wall broke over the Winter, and when I fixed it, I never connected the garden hose feed line back up. OK time for some plumbing. I bust out the plumbing kit and have all the fittings I was saving for this repair. I finally get the garden hose running to clean out the vacuum filter so I can clean up the mess in the bathroom. But wait...


What's that smell? Oh crap! The septic tank is leaking back into my basement. There are puddles of septic water on the floor and water is running down the wall where the wastepipe exits the house. OK time to dig up the septic tank to find the access cover and call up a pump truck.


After about an hour of shoveling I found the tank cover. The tank was full, and I suspect that I need to re-grade part of my yard. It looks like rain water running off the mountain may have washed into my tank because of the sink holes I found in the lawn.


Good news is that the hole in the bathroom floor is now fixed with fiber cement board, the tank has been pumped out, my garden hose, and my shop vac are working again!



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Man I hate septic systems, and my current house is on septic too... :( The tell-tale sign that they are full in my experience is when you hear the toilet bubbling. The sucker just drains itself and then makes a pretty distinct "bloop, bloop, bloop" noise. One house I lived in had that noise as about a 10 second warning system, after which poo and whatever else was down there would spray out of the shower drain since it was the lowest drain in the house. Essentially the system was burping itself. That was freakin nasty. In that particular case the house had too many people living in it and hadn't been pumped in 10 years.


Anyway at least you were persistent and got all your tools working and problems fixed.

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Jmort....pump it once a year and no problems?

Yeah, that's definitely the plan on this house. The other was a rental and was the first time I'd ever had a septic. I didn't know any better, and apparently neither did the tenants who were there before I showed up.

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In a previous house, a tree root grew into the line to the septic tank. Got the tank pumped, was due, but still didn't drain. Hmmm, out came the service guy with his snake. And an extension.


Hope there isn't too much rot in your house, I've heard some horror stories about dry rot.

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Yeah, that's definitely the plan on this house. The other was a rental and was the first time I'd ever had a septic. I didn't know any better, and apparently neither did the tenants who were there before I showed up.


How much does it cost to pump a decent size tank out?

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Mine is a gravity system and the tank is probably around 800 gallons. It cost me $260 to pump it today.


Then my luck continued. I went to my office and my PC wont POST. You know what that means right? No BIOS. Frustrated, I pulled all the parts out of the Dell XPS700 one by one to see if I could get it to POST. Nothing. It wont POST right down to the motherboard. This indicates that the MoBo is dead.


So I find a link to Dell Free MoBo upgrades for dissapointed XPS700 customers. Offer expires October 2007. My warranty expired 4 months ago.


I am just LIVID after two days of this BS.

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I bought 2 dell's. At about 1 1/2 years old, both units suffered power supply failures about 3 weeks apart. Calling the boys in INDIa/Pakistan/Kazistan(borat) was of little help. Your credit card number please.........right.

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Dave atleast your Z runs. Go take it for a drive later this week.


Call up Dell and b*tch at them. Sure they will do something for you. Anyway let me know if you need any help this weekend on anything. since you just helped fix my pc 2 days ago! I swear pc's are made to break no matter how much they cost.

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Did you try checking the BIOS on startup? Make sure it is starting in order and everything is being recognized.


No, it's not POSTing. It's definitely got no BIOS in it. The Mobo is wiped. I disconnected and removed all hardware and it still wont POST. No beeps is a bad thing.


Looks like I am going to have to fight the corporation to get this fixed. I knew I should have built my own PC like usual. This is the first time I've bought one complete. I regret it now. Non-Standard Dell motherboard. :mad:

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