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77 Orange 280z pics


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Let me know how you guys think this turned out.

Finally done with the paint. Here is the thread of what it looked like before: http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=124659


There was a little debry from painting inside the garage, but its not that bad. Have to sand out a few runs in the clear later, but overall its pretty good.





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Ya I plan to replace all the stuff on there.


Still trying to get it running right, having a little issues with the fuel pressure, something is wrong in the gas tank. Once I get it all worked out, thinking about some sort of performance exhaust, not sure yet.

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Its just PPG "Pumpkin Orange" had it mixed up at the paint shop.


Sanded to metal, primered, wet sanded, sealed, paint, clear coat.

We put the garage doors down half way, covered most of the stuff ont he sides of the garage, but failed to put plastic or paper on the ground.


Actually painted with the wheels on also, just covered with plastic. Most of the overspray was dust by the time it landed, so nothing was hurt except for under the car, which easily came off with some liquid paint remover. Garage looks spotless, no paint stains at all, was actually amazed. We did use 1 fan to try and draw the paint/air out. If you do this, defiantly get a good mask with good filters on it, we needed them.


The GN was just painted, and cost a LOT more then to paint the 280z :P

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Looks nice, but wait..you painted that car in a garage with no mask??? Brave...or dumb...however you want to look at it I hope you don't get any ill effects from it. Not being a ___ (insert expletive), but really, you shouldn't paint without a mask, that's like welding without a mask, you can damage things and not know it for years.

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Wow! :shock:

This looks about a thousand times better than I was expecting it to!

Congratz on making a cheap paint job turn out looking so nice.

What do you have as far as painting experience?


I'm curious to see how it holds up. Would you mind posting follow up pictures as time passes? Like 2 weeks, a month, 3 months, 6 months, a year, etc.?

I'd really love to be able to do the same thing to my Z

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  naviathan said:
Looks nice, but wait..you painted that car in a garage with no mask??? Brave...or dumb...however you want to look at it I hope you don't get any ill effects from it. Not being a ___ (insert expletive), but really, you shouldn't paint without a mask, that's like welding without a mask, you can damage things and not know it for years.


I commented on getting a good mask. If you try paint without a mask, you would not make it 20 minutes.

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  TeeJayHoward said:
I'm down for that! Maybe I could get tech9 to fix the body on my '71 for me!


Don't jump on that too quick. Still a lot of work to do. Once you paint it you find a ton more dents, flaws, etc.


Drove it into town today, no headlights yet, but runs good.

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